
Not to be confused with Riplash (raptor).

Riplash Ruins

Main leader IconSmall Naga Male Raj Naz'jan
Race(s) NagaNaga Naga
Character classes Myrmidon, Siren, Sorcerer, Priestess of the scale
Base of operations Riplash Ruins, Riplash Strand
Theater of operations Borean Tundra
Affiliation Nazjatar Empire

The Riplash are a group of naga found at Riplash Ruins and Riplash Strand in the Borean Tundra. At some point after the Great Sundering, the Riplash naga took the Riplash Ruins over and replaced the statue of Elune inside its temple with one of Queen Azshara.[1]

500 years ago, Raj Naz'jan was the emperor of the Riplash naga, when the kraken Leviroth was imprisoned in the waters below the ruins by Azshara herself. She then blessed his trident so it would slay the beast should it ever escape.[2] They were using massive generators to melt the surrounding glaciers and ice caps, threatening to flood the entire region.[3]

While the Lich King woke the vrykul, it was the simple greed of the Northsea Freebooters' pirates that brought the kvaldir to Northrend's shores, as they stole artifacts from a vrykul burial ground and disturbed the spirits of the dead. One of those kvaldir clans, the Skadir, brought their longships to shore at the ruins, wiped out the naga (leaving only Veehja), and took the ruins for themselves.[1] They also began sacrificing the naga to awaken Leviroth, condemning their spirits not to know peace. When they ran out of naga, they began to take tuskarr.[4]

During the war against the Lich King, Veehja sent adventurers to kill Ragnar Drakkarlund, one of the Skadir's leaders, who tried to awaken Leviroth with the Inv spear 04 [Trident of Naz'jan]. She then ordered them to kill the kraken itself.[4][2]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the Skadir are still summoning their blasted mists onto the place,[1] which means that the Riplash have yet to regain control of their ruins.



Name Role Status Location
NeutralIconSmall Naga Male Raj Naz'jan Emperor Unknown Unknown
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female Veehja Priestess of the scale Alive Shrine of Scales, Borean Tundra


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

