Rom'ogg Bonecrusher

  • ️Tue Jan 13 2015
BossRom'ogg Bonecrusher
Image of Rom'ogg Bonecrusher
Gender Male
Race Ogre lord (Humanoid)
Level 32-37 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Chamber of Incineration, Blackrock Caverns
Status Killable
Blackrock Caverns

Rom'ogg Bonecrusher
Corla, Herald of Twilight
Karsh Steelbender
Ascendant Lord Obsidius


Rom'ogg Bonecrusher is the first boss of the Blackrock Caverns in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.


This is the fat piece of good-for-nothing that kidnapped Raz.

Adventure Guide[]

One of the rare "missing link" ogres on Outland, Rom'ogg Bonecrusher piqued the Twilight's Hammer Cult interest with his merciless treatment of the ogres. He now lords over the Chamber of Incineration, sating his hunger for inflicting torment on others.



Clear the front of the room before pulling the boss or you get a nice surprise.

Does bursty damage and puts down a healing reduction effect on the tank.

Will draw everyone in and bind them to some summoned chains. Target the chains and kill/break them. While you are chained, he is casting/preparing a massive small radius attack, so when free everyone should run away to about 10-15 yards and wait for him to get the attack off before going back in.

When he casts quake, all party members need to shift locations slightly away from the current position.

Rinse & repeat.

Heroic: The main difference in heroic is that in addition to causing damage, Quake will summon adds. These adds are non-elite. They should be picked up by the tank and AOEd down by DPS before switching back to Rom'ogg.

Additionally, Skullcracker is an instant kill on anyone in range; so chains must be broken quickly and everyone needs to scatter.


Item Type
Inv chest robe dungeonrobe c 03 [Inquisition Robes] (H) Cloth chest
Inv bracer 07 [Manacles of Pain] (H) Mail wrist
Inv shield cataclysm c 01 [Shield of the Iron Maiden] (H) Tank shield
Inv jewelry ring 47 [Skullcracker Ring] (H) Agility ring
Inv mace 1h cataclysm c 05 [Torturer's Mercy] (H) Healing mace

Objective of[]



Boss Cho'gall not gonna be happy 'bout dis!
Rom'ogg Bonecrusher calls for help!
Stand still! Rom'ogg crack your skulls!
Rom'ogg Bonecrusher prepares to unleash The Skullcracker on nearby enemies!
Killing a player
Dat's what you get! Noting!
Rom'ogg sorry...




Patch changes[]

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