Royal Apothecary Society

HordeRoyal Apothecary Society
Dark apothecary

A Forsaken Apothecary

Main leader Horde IconSmall Undead Male Master Apothecary Faranell
  Formerly Neutral IconSmall Putress Grand Apothecary Putress †
Race(s) ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
IconSmall UndeadElf MaleIconSmall UndeadElf Female Darkfallen
Leper gnomeLeper gnome Leper gnome
Character classes Apothecary, Alchemist, Plaguebringer
Capital Unknown
  Formerly Undercity †
Other major settlements Tranquillien, Thrallmar, Vengeance Landing, New Agamand, Venomspite
Affiliation Horde, Forsaken, Hand of Vengeance, Uncrowned
  Formerly Burning Legion (rebels)

The Royal Apothecary Society (or the Apothecary Society, and abbreviated R.A.S.)[1][2] is an alchemical society based in the Apothecarium in Undercity. It was created by Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in order to create a new undead plague to wipe out the Scourge.[3] Its members are all Forsaken or other types of undead beings who joined Sylvanas' cause. They are constantly brewing up new plagues and poisons to unleash upon Sylvanas' enemies. The other races of the Horde believe they are working on a remedy to cure their "illness".[4] Members of the Apothecary society are called Apothecaries or Dark Apothecaries.[5]

Not even the noble steeds that succumbed to the Plague are allowed any rest in the hands of the Forsaken. Through an arcane mix of alchemy and necromancy - the Royal Apothecary Society has raised numerous fallen steeds to serve as mounts for the vengeful dead.[6]



The Royal Apothecary Society was created after Putress impressed Sylvanas with his conviction and declaration to use the Plague of Undeath that had created the Forsaken and tame it as their own. She subsequently made him the Grand Apothecary and ordered for him to seek out Varimathras in order to receive whatever or whoever he required to craft this weapon.[7]

World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Most member NPCs in-game will have the title <Royal Apothecary Society>. The members of the society could be doing experimenting or requesting that adventurers gather supplies so that they could continue their work.

Members of the Society collected samples of oozes for study.[8]

The Burning Crusade[]

Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

A few Forsaken apothecaries are present in Quel'Thalas as part of the Tranquillien force, and others accompanied the Horde forces on the shattered realm of Outland to determine how the orcs of Hellfire Peninsula became fel orcs both in order to understand their betrayal, and to ensure the orcs of the Horde would be safe from that corruption.[9]

Arthas: Rise of the Lich King[]

Master Apothecary Faranell showed the New Plague's effect as two prisoners, a human female and a forsaken male drank it and decomposed. Sylvanas Windrunner was pleased with this result, but warned Faranell that the blight should never fall into the wrong hands.[10]

Wrath of the Lich King[]

During the Scourge Invasion, the Forsaken dealt with curing the Scourge's plague while the Church of the Holy Light pledged itself to destroy the Scourge's necropolises.[11]

During the war against the Scourge in Northrend the Forsaken's own plague was refined and became lethal to both the living and the undead, being called the Blight or New Plague. Although it could only kill and not yet raise the dead. In the Howling Fjord, the Forsaken apothecaries of New Agamand tested their New Plague and it turned the land around the town dead and brown in the otherwise verdant landscape. They also used the vrykul village named Halgrind as a testing ground.[12] The remaining vrykul inside, while not dropping dead from exposure, found themselves trapped and slowly killed.

Before it could fully be perfected a faction of the Royal Apothecary Society led by Grand Apothecary Putress used the Blight against the Horde, Alliance, and Scourge forces during the events at Angrathar the Wrathgate. In the confusion the rebel Forsaken were able to capture Undercity with the help of the Dreadlord Varimathras. Both Alliance and Hordes separately fought their way into Undercity, the Alliance finally killing Putress while Horde forces managed to kill Varimathras and reclaim Undercity.

After reclaiming Undercity Kor'kron Guard were posted in the Undercity by Warchief Thrall in order to keep an eye on the Forsaken and specifically the Royal Apothecary Society, and possibly limit the work done by the Royal Apothecary Society if they deem it to be dangerous. Alchemists are warned by the Kor'kron Overseer Kraggosh to beware and to not try anything suspicious. The use of the full strength Blight has also been outlawed by the Horde, although a weaker version of the Blight has still been utilized and research still seems to continue into perfecting the Blight. Master Apothecary Faranell holds that Putress and the rest of the rebels were an anomaly and hopes that the Royal Apothecary Society can regain the trust of the Horde in time.

Edge of Night[]

Master Apothecary Lydon oversaw the attack on Gilneas alongside Warchief Garrosh Hellscream during Sylvanas' absence. Lydon attempted to dissuade the warchief from using the Forsaken people to form a ramp of bodies for the Horde's main advance and proposed to use the new blight instead. This merely served to agitate Garrosh.

Later, as Sylvanas dreams of the Forsaken's defeat, she observes Lydon's futile attempt to arrange a last defense of the Forsaken at the Bulwark.[13]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

It is unknown if the Blight will ever be completed, since there is little need to use it as anything more than a weapon now that Sylvanas has enlisted the aid of the val'kyr in the wake of the Lich King's defeat in Northrend.

Sylvanas had the plague released upon Gilneas and Southshore.

A member of the Royal Apothecary Society at Bloodvenom Post sought to employ tainted ooze against the Alliance.[14]

In Darkshore, Apothecary Furrows allied with the satyr Zenn Foulhoof and studied the demon's handiwork, seeking to weaponize his corruption.[15] Furrows noted that Foulhoof's corruption embeds itself deep within living tissue and is extremely contagious when spread via food chain.[16]

Warlords of Draenor[]

The Society is likely no longer controlled as the Kor'kron guards are no longer in Undercity. For reasons unknown, the body of Overseer Kraggosh is in a cage in Society's Apothecarium.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

When Overseer Kraggosh and his overseers moved into the Undercity, the Royal Apothecary Society was forced to do their real work in secret. Such an arrangement inevitably led to Faranell and his alchemists working in the Hall of Shadows in the sewers of Dalaran.[17] They seem to conduct experiments on an encaged Stonevault Rockchewer, a Seething Leper and an Elwynn Sheep.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Faranell's plague eater was a key component in the liberation of the Ruins of Lordaeron, with the master apothecary becoming a member of the Desolate Council. Several members of the Society then returned to Lordaeron.



Name Location Status
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Master Apothecary Faranell The Apothecarium Undercity Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Chief Apothecary Hildagard Shadowmoon Village Shadowmoon Valley Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Chief Plaguebringer Harris New Agamand Howling Fjord Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Doctor Sintar Malefious Agmar's Hammer Dragonblight Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Apothecary Zinge The Apothecarium Undercity Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Keever The Apothecarium Undercity Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Lycanus The Apothecarium Undercity Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Lydon Tarren Mill Hillsbrad Foothills Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Underhill Southpoint Gate Hillsbrad Foothills Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Jorell Go'Shek Farm Arathi Highlands Killable
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Faustin Beggar's Haunt Duskwood Unknown
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Helbrim Crossroads Barrens Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Apothecary Zamah Pools of Vision Thunder Bluff Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Lysander Vengeance Landing Howling Fjord Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Apothecary Vicky Levine Venomspite Dragonblight Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Junior Apothecary Schlemiel Venomspite Dragonblight Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Apothecary Jerrod Garren's Haunt Tirisfal Glades Active-Killable
Horde IconSmall LeperGnome Male Apprentice Crispin Garren's Haunt Tirisfal Glades Active-Killable
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Male Apothecary Albreck Spinebreaker Post Hellfire Peninsula Active
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Male Apothecary Renferrel Sepulcher Silverpine Forest Active
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Female Apothecary Curseheart Stormheim Killable
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Male Apothecary Dithers Bulwark Tirisfal Glades Active
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Male Apothecary Johaan Calston Estate Tirisfal Glades Active
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Female Apothecary Surlis Hiri'watha Research Station Hinterlands Active

Former members[]

Name Location Status
Mob IconSmall Putress Grand Apothecary Putress The Apothecarium Undercity Deceased
Neutral IconSmall Undead Male Argent Apothecary Judkins Plaguewood Tower Eastern Plaguelands Active

Presumed members[]

Name Location Status
Horde IconSmall LeperGnome Male Ganoosh The Apothecarium Undercity Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Chief Plaguebringer Middleton Venomspite Dragonblight Active
Horde IconSmall Undead Male Brendol Desolace Killable





This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The speech of Apothecary Hummel may indicate that the undead of Crown Chemical Company were formerly part of the Society.[18]

In the RPG[]


Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


Originally based in the Apothecarium in Undercity, the Royal Apothecary Society was active in Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest. They can also be found in Outland, and Northrend. Wherever there are Forsaken, there are Society members. Undead tinkers, rogues and wizards continued their studies of science to eradicate the humans and Scourge from the area. When Lady Sylvanas shrugged off the control of Arthas and the Scourge and began to free the Forsaken, they staked out an area of Lordaeron for their own and attempted to exist in the ruins of Lordaeron City. The Forsaken burned with a desire to eradicate the Scourge, seeing it as the reason behind their undeath and misery. Attacks from humans forced them to realize they truly had no friends in this harsh post-war world.

The Scarlet Crusade and the Scourge were their greatest enemies; both refused to let the Forsaken exist as they are. When the Scourge began attempting to control Lady Sylvanas' subjects after she had freed them, she knew drastic measures were needed to protect the Forsaken's way of existence. The Scourge had a limitless supply of warriors: any mortal they killed could be raised as an undead to be controlled. The Forsaken do not have that level of necromantic power at their disposal, and the Lady realized she needed another way of dealing with the threats. Then she discovered that mortals, particularly the zealots of the Scarlet Crusade, did not believe that the Forsaken were not like the Scourge, and destroyed any undead they found regardless of affiliation. When her scouts didn't return from their missions around human territory, Lady Sylvanas correctly assumed the worst and began making plans for defenses against humans as well.

The Forsaken queen initially chose two brilliant minds to lead her new Apothecary Society. Faranell, a human wizard who excelled in magical potion creation, and Oni'jus, a half-elf infiltrator who was a master of mundane poison concoction (and whose idea it was to add "Royal" in front of their fledgling group's name). A dwarf tinker, Brightflame Masjenal, later rounded out her three leaders, with Faranell leading the three. They were set to build a society dedicated to researching ways to protect the Forsaken from both mortal and Scourge attacks using toxins and poisons. Lady Sylvanas has ordered her Master Apothecary to construct a plague to match the one Ner'zhul brought to Azeroth, only killing undead as well as mortals.

This impressive feat was initially inhibited in large part because of the lack of necromancers in the Royal Apothecary Society. Yet Faranell has the best minds under him working on the problem and they were slowly making progress. At first, their plague killed only mortals without giving them undeath, but Faranell promised results in the future.

The Royal Apothecary Society has grown to 3,500 members now. Its top minds are making deadlier and more destructive toxins as Lady Sylvanas works to free more beings from the Scourge's control. The Forsaken, and the Society, are alone in the world, liked by neither mortals nor their fellow undead, but they will fight to maintain their freedom from both.

The base of the Royal Apothecary Society is in Lady Sylvanas' Throne Room in the Undercity, where the three leaders can meet with their queen and discuss plans of attack and reported Scarlet Crusade and Scourge movements. The laboratories and testing rooms of the Society are also located in the Undercity.[19]

Due to repeated failures by the society to make a new plague of undeath, Sylvanas has recruited necromancers to find other means of raising slain enemies to her cause. If the society cannot finish their master plague soon, they may find their society disbanded by Sylvanas.[20]


The Royal Apothecary Society is broken into three groups: Research and Development; Testing; and Implantation. R&D is staffed by wizards and rogues with a talent for mixing poisons. They make a variety of toxins from run-of-the-mill nerve gas, delayed poison and flesh dissolving sprays, to more magical potions such as fire potion (which burns the drinker from the inside), and even one that makes the drinker insane, assuming the mannerisms of another race. They are also in charge of roaming the countryside to look for ingredients for their foul concoctions. This group resides solely in the Undercity and reports directly to Master Apothecary Faranell.

Testing is comprised of the more daring undead, many who were fighters and rangers in their lives. Their job is to scout the area of Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest for subjects on which to test what comes out of R&D. Mortals or Scourge, it doesn't matter as long as they're not Forsaken. They must take these beings alive, and preferably as unharmed as possible, and return them to the Undercity. Here the Testing department applies the various potions the R&D department has concocted, seeing if they have the desired effects. The desired effects are commonly horrific — the best mortals can hope for is that a potion merely kills them instead of having its intended effect. Quick death is rarely the goal of these vile brews. The Scourge have it a little easier, as potions may commonly have little to no effect, as there is no life to be taken away. However, if they survive a round of tests, they will be present for the next round. It is very unlikely these unwilling test subjects will return alive — or undead. Master Apothecary Oni-jus heads this area in addition to aiding the R&D department.

The third group, Implantation, is dedicated to getting the finished toxins to their target, which is primarily the job of tinkers, rogues and other crafty types. Some devise mechanisms to deliver toxins or design and forge weapons for the job; others have the more dangerous job of administering the toxins personally, wielding the weapons or sneaking into the dwellings of the targets. This group reports to Master Apothecary Brightflame Masjenal.[21]


The Royal Apothecary Society originally was created from those Forsaken with poison-concocting skills: wizards and rogues. The Forsaken had no claim to necromancers — they were all closely guarded by the Scourge — so Sylvanas freed as many mages and rogues as she could, although they were few and far between. She was best at freeing fighters and barbarians to follow her. Later, the Society became large enough to find places for anyone who felt qualified to join, as the brawnier undead were needed to catch test subjects and the more intellectual were needed to develop the toxins and the delivery mechanisms. As Sylvanas must free every undead she can (being picky isn't an option), the Society is not particular as to who joins. A willingness to work hard, a talent that can be utilized and a deep-seated hatred for the Scourge is all that is needed.

Lady Sylvanas does not prefer one race over another, despite her high elf roots. The Forsaken, and therefore the Society, are mostly human because the undead who existed around Lordaeron City were human. As it grows, dwarves, high elves, half-elves, and even some orcs and trolls have joined the Society. An undead who wishes to join the Royal Apothecary Society only has to inform an existing member, usually identified by an armband with a flask and crown embroidered on it, of their interest. The Society member will inform the leader, one of the Master Apothecaries, who sets up an interview with the interested party. If Sylvanas manages to free a wizard or sorcerer from the Lich King's control, she will invite him or her to the Society herself.[22]

Structure of the Royal Apothecary Society[]

The society is led by Master Apothecary Faranell, and is divided into three departments:




Horde Council
Other leaders





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Nation of Durotar
The Forsaken
Thunder Bluff tauren
Darkspear tribe
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Bilgewater Cartel
Kingdom of Suramar
Highmountain Tribe
Mag'har Clans
Zandalari Empire
Other members
Former members
Horde-aligned and allies
Former allies