
  • ️Tue Apr 26 2011

Spell deathknight frozenruneweapon

Class Death knight
School Physical
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 8

Runeforging is a skill specific to death knights, involving the affixing of runes to the death knight's weapon. It requires a runeforge, which can be found in five places: The upper chamber of Acherus: The Ebon Hold in the Eastern Plaguelands, the Shadow Vault in northern Icecrown, the fortress structure at Mord'rethar: The Death Gate in southeastern Icecrown, Darion Mograine's runeforge at Light's Hammer in Icecrown Citadel, and the Seat of the Primus in Maldraxxus for death knights aligned with the Necrolord Covenant. After a small quest chain, the Shadow Vault—inhabited by hostile Scourge—can be captured to serve as a questing hub for the Knights of the Ebon Blade, allowing ease of access to the Vault's runeforges.


To engrave a rune on a weapon, open your spellbook to your specialization's tab and click on the Runeforging icon. You'll see a list of Runes that you know. Choose a rune, then click the Engrave button. Your mouse pointer turns blue—use it to click on the weapon you want engraved. It helps to already have your character profile or bags open.


Runeforge enchantments count as permanent, and they overwrite any regular enchantments such as Enchant Weapon - Mongoose or Enchant Weapon - Executioner. Runeforge enchantments can also be placed on Bind-to-account weapons, such as Inv axe 09 [Bloodied Arcanite Reaper]. Runes are always better than weapon enchantments.

Runeforging requires that the weapon have an item level of 45 or higher (except for BoA items), since any weapon a death knight would encounter will be higher than this. Prior to patch 4.0.3, attempting to apply a rune to an heirloom weapon would result in an error about the item level being too low.


As of patch 9.0.1, there are eight different runes that can be engraved onto your weapons. A weapon can only have one rune on it at a time, but runes can be freely changed at a runeforge.

Name Level Weapon type Description
Spell frost frostarmor [Rune of Razorice] 8 Any Causes 2% extra weapon damage as Frost damage and has a chance to increase Frost vulnerability.
Spell holy retributionaura [Rune of the Fallen Crusader] 8 Any Has a chance to heal you for 3% and increase total Strength by 15% for 15 sec.
Inv sword 130 [Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle] 8 Two-handed Increases Armor by 5% and all stats by 5%.
Spell nzinsanity bloodthirst [Rune of Unending Thirst] 20 Any Increases Movement Speed by 5% and grants healing and extra Haste and Movement Speed on kill.
Ability argus deathfog [Rune of Sanguination] 32 Any Increases the damage of Spell deathknight butcher2 [Death Strike] based on the enemy's missing health and heals when falling bellow 35% health.
Spell deathknight thrash ghoul [Rune of the Apocalypse] 44 Any Has a chance to apply one of four debuffs on ghoul attacks.
Ability deathknight runicimpowerment [Rune of Hysteria] 46 Any Increases Runic Power by 20 and has a chance to increase Runic Power generation.
Spell fire twilightfireward [Rune of Spellwarding] 48 Any Deflects 3% of all spell damage and has a chance to create a shield that absorbs spell damage.

Removed runes[]

The following runes have been removed from the game.

Name Level Type Weapon type Description Removed in patch
Spell shadow chilltouch [Rune of Cinderglacier] 55 Frost Any Has a chance to increase the damage by 20% of your next 2 spells that deal Frost or Shadow damage. Lasts 30 sec. 6.0.2
Spell holy harmundeadaura [Rune of Lichbane] 60 Blood Any Adds 2% extra weapon damage as Fire damage or 4% versus Undead targets. 7.0.3
Inv sword 61 [Rune of the Nerubian Carapace] 72 Frost One-handed Increases Armor by 2% and total stamina by 1%. 6.0.2
Spell shadow antimagicshell [Rune of Spellbreaking] 57 Unholy One-handed Deflects 2% of all spell damage. 7.0.3
Spell shadow antimagicshell [Rune of Spellshattering] 57 Unholy Two-handed Deflects 4% of all spell damage. 7.0.3
Ability parry [Rune of Swordbreaking] 63 Blood One-handed Increases Parry chance by 2% and reduces duration of disarm effects by 50%. 6.0.2
Ability parry [Rune of Swordshattering] 63 Blood Two-handed Increases Parry chance by 4% and reduces duration of disarm effects by 50%. 6.0.2

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Spell Skill