Sarah Ladimore

AllianceSarah Ladimore
Image of Sarah Ladimore
Title <The Night Watch>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Night Watch, Kingdom of Stormwind, Alliance
Occupation Commander of the Night Watch
Former occupation(s) Watcher of the Night Watch
Location Darkshire, Duskwood
Status Alive
Relative(s) Morgan & Lys (parents),
Unnamed brother and sister
Watcher Ladimore

Watcher Ladimore in World of Warcraft.

Sarah Ladimore[1] (known in-game simply as Watcher Ladimore) is a human located in Darkshire in Duskwood. She was a Watcher of the Night Watch who, after the events with the Veiled Hand during the third invasion of the Burning Legion, succeeded Althea Ebonlocke as the new Commander of the Watch. Sarah is the daughter of Morgan Ladimore and the only survivor of her family.


In her youth, Sarah lived with her family in a house in Brightwood. She is the daughter of Lys and Morgan Ladimore, a great and noble knight who fought in defense of the innocent, the poor, and the afflicted. However, when her father returned to his homeland after the Third War, it was only to find the dark forests of Duskwood, and his ruined home with no trace of his family. During his search, a priest from Darkshire claimed that all his family was dead and buried at Raven Hill Cemetery, and when he discovered the graves, he ended his life after killing innocent people in his madness. However, he was unable to rest in peace for his crimes, and eventually returned as Mor'Ladim, a powerful undead who began killing many innocent people in Duskwood.[2]

While Morgan believed that his family was all dead, Sarah had actually survived and later joined the Night Watch, troubled for a long time by the circumstances surrounding her father's death.[1]

World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

When Mor'Ladim was killed by Alliance adventurers sent by Commander Althea Ebonlocke, she ended up confessing the truth about the relationship between Sarah and the undead, and sent them to tell her that he was finally destroyed after years of terror.[1] Upon hearing the news, Sarah regretted that she wasn't able to do anything to help, then asked the adventurers to bring her ring to her father's grave, so that he could know that she was fine and that no one held him responsible for what happened. This act of love allowed Morgan to finally find peace in death alongside his wife, now ready to find forgiveness for his sins in the Light after he learned that his daughter was still alive.[3]


At the time of the Cataclysm, after it was used to defeat Morbent Fel by the Alliance adventurers, Sarah placed the Torch of Holy Flame right in front of the lich's old house, in order to dispel the dark enchantments and to keep the undead docile in the Raven Hill Cemetery. It then became her responsibility to check the holy torch on regular basis and to report if there was any problem.[4]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Watcher Ladimore Legion

Sarah defending survivors from the Veiled Hand.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, some members of the Night Watch alongside the Council of Darkshire joined the Veiled Hand after being promised freedom and respect by The Herald. Ladimore was among those who did not, and mentioned that the defection of her comrades was certainly due to dark magic. When the Shadow of the Uncrowned infiltrated the town, Ladimore was seen protecting several inhabitants with the help of Avette Fellwood.[5]

Terror by Torchlight[]

At some point, Sarah succeeded Althea Ebonlocke as the new Commander of the Night Watch.

During their treasure hunt in Duskwood, Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind found Sarah mortally wounded and struck with a rotting disease after she confronted the Necromancer who stole the Torch of Holy Flame in Forlorn Rowe. She was saved by Flynn with a healing potion, before being brought back to Darkshire to be taken care of by her men.

After the Necromancer was defeated and the Torch of Holy Flame had been recovered and purified, she came to meet Shaw and Flynn at the Scarlet Raven Tavern and thank them for saving Duskwood from the undead, to which the Spymaster replied that it was mostly thanks to the Night Watch, and that he would send Stormwind guards as reinforcements after the necromancer hinted that the threat was not over. In return, she responded to Shaw's request, and sent watchers to retrieve the treasure for which they had come.[4]




Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

How could they believe the Herald's lies? There's dark magic at play here - mark my words.

Please, if you can do anything to stop this, do it now. So many innocent lives lost...


  • During the Legion beta version, she was supposed to join the other members of the Night Watch in the Veiled Hand. However, a certain public outcry happened due to the previous quests she was involved in, and now in the live version she refused the call of the Burning Legion instead.[6]


  • Watcher Sara Ladimore fanart.jpg

See also[]


External links[]



High King
Lord Commander





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Kingdom of Stormwind
Kingdom of Ironforge
Night elves of Darnassus
Exodar draenei
Kingdom of Gilneas
Admiralty of Kul Tiras
Other members
Former members
Alliance-aligned and allies
Former allies