Solstice Village

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
NeutralSolstice Village
Solstice Village
Type Village
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
  Formerly WorgenWorgen Worgen
Language(s) Common
Affiliation(s) Trappers
  Formerly Wolfcult
Location Grizzly Hills[65.8, 43]
Status Active

Solstice Village is a trapper village in the Grizzly Hills in Northrend. The village is located on a hill and consists of three towers and a number of small wooden houses. It is surrounded by wooden palisades. Tatjana could be found here atop her horse, and adventurers were sent to kidnap her.[1] A number of wolves are also allowed to roam free within the village.

At the time of the war against the Lich King, after he was resurrected by the Scourge, Arugal was sent here and tried to convert the population into the Wolfcult,[2] intended to create a new army of worgen for the Scourge.[3]

Following the war against the Jailer, the Bronzebeard brothers returned to Northrend. When journeying through the Grizzly Hills, they were given a "sharply unfriendly" greeting by the trappers that lived here, with Muradin Bronzebeard making note that they had been isolationist before and retained that personality now. He speculated that the nearby Camp Oneqwah may come to conflict with the village at some point, a conflict he'd place money on the taunka winning.[2]


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Grizzly Hills is a contested territory

Map of Grizzly Hills