Special Chicken Feed

Inv misc food wheat 01

  • Special Chicken Feed
  • Use: Restores 28 health over 15 sec. Must remain seated while eating.
  • Sell Price: 6c

Special Chicken Feed is a food item, and can be used to recover health, but it is more important as a quest item for N [1-70] CLUCK!. You give Special Chicken Feed to the chicken quest giver and it lays a Farm Chicken Egg for you, which can be looted for a [Chicken Egg], which teaches you how to summon a Westfall Chicken small pet.


Alliance Farmer Saldean in Westfall and Horde William Saldean in Brill were the only vendors for the feed but since World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Col. Tenders is also selling this item. The feed is not soulbound and can be mailed to alts or sold in the auction house.


To complete the quest, interact with the chicken and select the Feed the chicken option. Do not select the chicken and use the feed, this will cause you to eat the feed, consuming it, and will not complete the quest; you will have to obtain another [Special Chicken Feed].

The Special Chicken Feed is a food item that you can eat, and it counts towards Inv misc food 115 condorsoup [Tastes Like Chicken].

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