Spirit of Ha-Khalan

  • ️Tue Jan 20 2009
MobSpirit of Ha-Khalan
Image of Spirit of Ha-Khalan
Race Crocolisk (Beast)
Level 20-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location River's Heart, Sholazar Basin
Status Killable

Spirit of Ha-Khalan is the spirit of a crocolisk that can be summoned at the River's Heart in Sholazar Basin.


  • Ability gouge Jagged Tooth Snap — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
  • Ability druid primaltenacity Powerful Bite — Inflicts 100% of normal damage, and reduces the armor of an enemy by 20% for 5 sec.
  • Ability devour Thick Hide — Increases armor by for 2 min.

Objective of[]

He needs to be summoned and killed during N [20-30 Daily] A Cleansing Song.

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