Stonemaul clan

"Stonemaul" redirects here. For the same-named area in future Gorgrond, see Stonemaul Arena.
HordeStonemaul clan
Stonemaul Clan Banner

The standard of the Stonemaul clan

Main leader Unknown[1] (some support IconSmall Ogre Male Tharg)
  Formerly IconSmall Ogre Male Mok'Morokk
IconSmall Rexxar Rexxar
IconSmall Ogre Male Kor'gall †
Secondary leaders IconSmall Mok'Nathal Female Orhan Ogreblade[2]
Race(s) OgreOgre Ogre
IconSmall OgreMageOgre mage Ogre mage
Capital Brackenwall Village
  Formerly Stonemaul Village
Other major settlements Stonemaul Hold
Theater of operations Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas
Language(s) Ogre
Affiliation Horde
  Formerly Old Horde
Status Active

The Stonemaul clan[3] (or the Stonemaul Ogres) is an ogre clan which was allied with the orcs and, after the Second War, separated in two — one part sailing west to Kalimdor and establishing a village in Dustwallow Marsh[4] while the other remained in Lordaeron.[5]


Third War[]

Old Hatreds - Stonemaul - Reforged

Rexxar challenges Warlord Kor'gall to battle for leadership over the Stonemaul clan.

After the defeat of the Old Horde in the Second War, the ogre clans dispersed in all directions. While some escaped back through the Dark Portal into Draenor, other clans either remained in the Eastern Kingdoms or made the difficult journey across the ocean to Kalimdor.[6] For unknown reasons, the Stonemaul clan separated in two with one remaining in Lordaeron and the other journeying to Kalimdor and establishing themselves in the Dustwallow Marsh.

Members of the Eastern Kingdom's branch of the clan were roaming around the Ruins of Dalaran during the battle between night elves, blood elves and Illidan Stormrage's naga.[7] The Stonemaul in Lordaeron later found themselves involved in the between the self-styled Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and the dreadlord Varimathras. Seeking to bolster her forces Sylvanas successfully had their leader Mug'thol possessed by a banshee and thus the clan declared their allegiance to Sylvanas.[8]

While the Stonemaul in Lordaeron fought against the enemies of the Dark Lady, the branch of the clan in Kalimdor fell under the control of Kor'gall, who had come into possession of the ancient orcish axe, Serathil. Kor'gall's rule was brutal and merciless, and one ogre, whose brothers were killed by Kor'gall, knew that he was leading the clan to ruin. He barely escaped with his life and sought any help he could. His quest would lead to him asking the Horde for help.

Old Hatreds - Stonemaul Arena - Reforged

Rexxar, now leader of the Stonemaul clan, orders the ogres to prepare for the assault on Theramore Isle.

Kor'gall was soon approached by Rexxar, a Mok'Nathal of the Horde. Rexxar demanded to join the clan, and Kor'gall agreed, but only if he were to pass through the Gauntlet, a valley full of many beasts and thus completing the Trial of Strength. Rexxar and his friends survived the Gauntlet, and Kor'gall was impressed and allowed Rexxar to join. Rexxar's first request was to aid the Horde, but Kor'gall had no intention of ever honoring their former allies again. Frustrated, Rexxar exercised his right to challenge Kor'gall for the leadership of the clan. Kor'gall decided to entertain the request but warned that he was not as slow-witted as Rexxar first guessed.

Though it took several tries, Rexxar finally beat Kor'gall and slew him in the Trial of Blood. As Kor'gall died, the last words on his ears were his men cheering for Rexxar. With his death, Rexxar assumed the position of chieftain. He then led the Stonemaul ogres back to Tidefury Cove, where Thrall was assembling the Horde. Thrall sent his soldiers and the Stonemaul ogres to Theramore to keep Proudmoore's forces at bay while Rexxar and his few companions wove through the battle to face off against Proudmoore and his most loyal retainers. In the end, Rexxar and Proudmoore squared off in mortal combat, and Rexxar emerged victorious.[9]

World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Stonemaul Ruins

The Stonemaul Village in ruins after being attacked and taken over by Onyxia's flight.

After the battle, Rexxar disappeared into the Barren wilderness and made the ogre Mok'Morokk the leader of the clan. Although Mok'Morokk had displayed strength when Rexxar was their leader, he soon fell prey to temptations of power after Rexxar's departure. Rather than lead, he demanded. He did not serve his people, as he expected them to serve him.

While the Kalimdor branch of the clan endured Mok'Morokk's leadership, Sylvanas Windrunner would send Mug'thol and his ogres to retrieve the Inv crown 02 [Crown of Will]. However, instead of bringing the crown to Sylvanas, he decided to try it on. The Crown of Will subsequently enabled him to free himself from the banshee's possession and he defected, establishing himself and his band of ogres in the Ruins of Alterac as the Crushridge ogres.[10]

Brackenwall Village

Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh.

In time Stonemaul Village was raided by Onyxia's brood. The daughter of the black dragonlord, Deathwing, was there for a greater reason — one which they didn't know.

When the black dragonflight attacked them in Stonemaul Village, Mok'Morokk led the clan to Brackenwall Village. While some expected that the ogres would take an action against the dragons, no counterattack happened.[11] He ruled until an adventurer of the Horde drove him out and he fled. The clan now seeks a new leader. Draz'Zilb who orchestrated the attack hinted that Tharg could be a leader but is hindered by his injuries and age.[12]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Stonemaul Hold

Stonemaul Hold in Feralas.

During the Cataclysm, the Stonemaul clan has expanded into Feralas and set up a base of operations in western Feralas, near Dire Maul, called Stonemaul Hold. The Stonemaul are helping the Horde in dealing with the local population of hostile ogres, the Gordunni and their Gordok class, in the region under the command of Orhan Ogreblade.

Mists of Pandaria[]

The Stonemaul clan from Brackenwall joined Warchief Garrosh Hellscream's forces in the Attack on Theramore Isle.[13]

During the Pandaria's Campaign, the Stonemaul within Brackenwall Village sent Or'Dac as an emissary to support the Horde's influence in Pandaria.

Exploring Azeroth[]

After the Fourth War, Zekhan reported that the Stonemauls are doing well, even growing their holdings into Feralas at Stonemaul Hold.[14]



Name Role Status Location
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Ajaye Alive Stonemaul Hold, Feralas
Neutral IconSmall Ogre Mage Brogg Alive Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Chonk Alive Stonemaul Hold, Feralas
Horde IconSmall OgreMage Crol'ka Unknown
Horde IconSmall Ogre Mage Draz'Zilb Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Do'gol Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Krak Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall OgreMage Gim'hila Alive Booty Bay, Cape of Stranglethorn
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Kerthunk Alive Stonemaul Hold, Feralas
Neutral IconSmall Ogre Male Kor'gall Leader (Penultimate) Deceased Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male "Little" Logok Innkeeper Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Overlord Mok'Morokk Leader (Provisional) Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Mudcrush Durtfeet Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Ogron Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Ogg'marr Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall OgreMage Or'Dac Emisary Killable Domination Point, Krasarang Wilds
Horde IconSmall Rexxar Rexxar Leader (Last) Alive Thunderlord Stronghold, Blade's Edge Mountains
Horde IconSmall Ogre Mage Swar'jan Alive Stonemaul Hold, Feralas
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Tharg Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Wuu Alive Stonemaul Hold, Feralas
Horde IconSmall Ogre Male Zulrg Alive Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh



  • Chieftains rule small bands of ogres with an iron fist and are never short on challengers. The Stonemaul clan have a notoriously high turnover rate in their leadership; judging from the layers of bloodstains this stone appears to have been instrumental in deposing multiple Stonemaul chieftains.[15]

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Most ogres are savage and evil, as unruly as any forest troll. However, the Stonemaul clan defies this mold, and exists in a lawful and semi-democratic society. They perform trials to decide anything from a new leader to going to war, and have willingly joined the Horde. Unlike the wild and uncontrollable clans elsewhere on Azeroth, the Stonemaul ogres are tightly organized, following a specific hierarchy of power.

When Rexxar departed and appointed Mok'Morokk as chieftain, Onyxia laid waste to their home. In the meantime, Draz'Zilb uses the clan's few remaining resources to investigate why Onyxia attacked them in the first place. The bottom line here is that the Stonemaul clan is no longer in any condition to support the Horde on the battlefield. A number of ogres survived Onyxia's attacks, but they are disorganized and fight among themselves.

Stonemaul ogres have no chieftain at the moment, and a consensus of the eldest ogres of the clan makes most of the Stonemauls' decisions, along with words of advice from Horde emissaries and counselors.[16]

Notes and trivia[]



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

  • It is unknown how and when exactly they arrived to Kalimdor, but they may have done it at the end of the Second War with Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer (although they must have been with them on the Broken Isles and would later split off). Alternatively, as the ogres are said to be shipbuilders[18] they could have arrived on their own at any other point after the Second, or Third War when the existence of Kalimdor was revealed.


  • Stonemaul Anchorman in Hearthstone.




Horde Council
Other leaders





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Nation of Durotar
The Forsaken
Thunder Bluff tauren
Darkspear tribe
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Bilgewater Cartel
Kingdom of Suramar
Highmountain Tribe
Mag'har Clans
Zandalari Empire
Other members
Former members
Horde-aligned and allies
Former allies