Stromgarde (kingdom)

This article is about the human kingdom. For the warfront, see Battle for Stromgarde. For other uses, see Stromgarde (disambiguation).
AllianceKingdom of Stromgarde
WC2 Manual Stromgarde
Main leader IconSmall Danath Danath Trollbane
  Formerly See below
Secondary leaders IconSmall Human Male Radulf Leder[1]
IconSmall Human Female Captain Nials
IconSmall Human Male Field Marshal Oslight
HumanHuman Nobles of Stromgarde
  Formerly IconSmall Human Male Lieutenant Valorcall[2] †
IconSmall Human Male Sir Maximus Adams
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
  Formerly UndeadUndead Undead
Capital Stromgarde Keep
Other major settlements Newstead, High Perch, Highlands Mill
  Formerly Rustberg Village
Base of operations Refuge Pointe, Faldir's Cove, Trollbane Hall
Theater of operations Arathi Highlands; Arathi Basin
  Formerly Tol Barad
Government Hereditary monarchy
(Trollbane family)
Sub-group(s) Stromgarde's military
Affiliation Alliance, Church of Light
  Formerly Independent, Forsaken, Alliance of Lordaeron
Status Active
Tabard Stromgarde Tabard

“Since the founding of our glorious empire, the path to valor has always been drenched with the blood of heroes.”

Thoras Trollbane[3]

Stromgarde (or the Kingdom of Stromgarde)[4] is a human nation located on the site of the original capital of Arathor, Strom, in the Arathi Highlands. Stromgarde is all that remains of the mighty human Arathorian Empire. The national color of Stromgarde is red, and its symbols are a closed fist, which is similar to the symbol of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and a bird with its wings spread. During the Second War, Thoras Trollbane, Lord of Stromgarde, joined his kingdom with the Alliance of Lordaeron. The kingdom declined rapidly following the Third War, losing control of much of its territory and capital city, and Thoras being murdered. In the aftermath, his son, Prince Galen Trollbane, was unable to hold the city together after an invasion of combined Syndicate, Boulderfist, and Witherbark forces. The city fell into ruins, with only a single district still held by the kingdom by the end of it; leading to the establishment of Refuge Pointe.

At some point after the Cataclysm, it became an independent kingdom of the undead, free from the Forsaken and the Alliance and ruled by King Galen Trollbane.[5] This new position was short-lived as the Ebon Blade killed Galen after his betrayal and raised Thoras as one of the Four Horsemen; who revealed that he had been slain by none other than his son. During the Fourth War, Stromgarde Keep was rebuilt, and Lord Danath Trollbane finally returned after many years far from home to reclaim his family's lands and bring his nation back into the Alliance. Unfortunately, its capital had become one of the warfronts between the two great powers of the Alliance and Horde, resulting in the Battle for Stromgarde. However, the Alliance eventually claimed victory, bringing peace to Stromgarde at last.[6][7]



The city of Stromgarde was founded by the Arathi tribe of humans in the Arathi Highlands during the Troll Wars. Originally named Strom, the city became the capital of the great empire of Arathor. Following the peak of that empire's power many of its citizens left to found other cities, including Dalaran, Lordaeron, Alterac and Stormwind. Many of these newer cities began to attract settlers at an astonishing rate, and it was only a matter of years before the once-powerful Arathi Empire was splintered into seven distinct human nations. Strom was no longer the center of the human lands, and it was during this time that the leaders of the remaining warriors changed its name to Stromgarde.[8] After the departure of Thoradin's ruling descendants one thousand years or so after Strom's founding, the Trollbane family, children of the legendary and feared general Ignaeus Trollbane, ascended to the throne by rebuilding Stromgarde's crumbling infrastructure.[9]

Before the Second War[]

Before the coming of the orcs, the human kingdoms of Lordaeron faced challenges and obstacles from each other as the games of politics played out.[10] Amidst those nations, there were no two rivals like Alterac and Stromgarde. The proximity of the two and the apparent ambiguity of their mountain borders had led to several wars and skirmishes. On more than one occasion, King Thoras Trollbane led the armies of Stromgarde into battle against the honorable General Hath of Alterac.[11] The tension of their repeated discord was noticeable at the Alliance summit as Perenolde glared at Trollbane.[12] It is conceivable that this discord had alienated Alterac and its leader from the other Alliance nations who had positive relations with Trollbane. This alienation, in turn, would contribute to Perenolde's willingness to turn on those allies midway through the Second War.

Second and Third Wars[]


Stromgarde and its defenders during the Second War.

By the time of the Second War, Stromgarde was a harbor city[13] that controlled the Arathi Highlands and the island-fortress of Tol Barad.[14] Though not the largest, it was one of humanity's most powerful kingdoms. Led by Thoras Trollbane, it was also a close and loyal ally of Lordaeron, and their mutual friendship would allow it to quickly join the Alliance of Lordaeron to stop the Horde.[15] Following the start of the Second War, Stromgarde sent half of its standing army to join the main Alliance forces.[16] The rest of its army was occupied defending the Northlands from an orcish invasion through the dwarven realm of Khaz Modan.[17] The kingdom also sent several taskforces behind enemy lines, to siege Dun Modr[18] and attempt to wrest control of the Badlands from the orcs,[19] until its garrison at Tol Barad and its capital both fell under heavy attacks by the Black Tooth Grin clan.[13]

Thoras was the first to become suspicious of Alterac's true allegiance, and quickly dispatched a force to investigate what was happening in that kingdom. Thoras was able to discover that Lord Perenolde had allowed the orcs to pass through some unguarded mountain passes, giving them free passage into Lordaeron. Thoras and his troops quickly dispatched the orcs stationed there and prevented further orc reinforcements from passing through.[20]

After the end of the Second War, Stromgarde built a military outpost along the borders of the Alterac Mountains. The outpost was raided by the Horde of Draenor in order to get the Book of Medivh back from the Alteraci.[21] Thoras Trollbane petitioned King Terenas of Lordaeron to annex the eastern portion of Alterac's territory to Stromgarde in recognition of the latter's sacrifices and valor during the Second War. This created a great deal of political tension between the two powers, which was all the more tragic considering the friendship between Trollbane and Terenas.[22] The Alterac debate was a contributing factor when Stromgarde left the Alliance. Additionally, Trollbane had grown displeased at King Terenas' decision to not execute the captured orcs as the expense at maintaining the internment camps grew. He finally pulled out of the Alliance around the same time as Gilneas and Quel'Thalas,[23] following the Alliance splintering in consequence of the liberation of the orcs from internment camps.

During the Third War, Stromgarde managed to prevent the undead Scourge from ravaging through its lands, and sent a detachment of troops, the Stromgarde Brigade to accompany Jaina Proudmoore and the Human Expedition across the sea to Kalimdor. Despite this, the darkest hour of Stromgarde was yet to come. Thoras was ultimately secretly murdered by his son, Galen, who sought the throne of Stromgarde for himself.[24] Stromgarde also came under siege by both the Syndicate and the Boulderfist ogres, the two forces winning several victories against the now weakened kingdom, and managing to occupy much of its terrain, including most of the capital city, Stromgarde Keep.

After the Third War[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.


The ruins of Stromgarde.

Though weaker than before, its population and territory greatly diminished, Stromgarde was still remembered as the starting point of humanity. Though much of the capital was lost, its armies maintained a base of strategic operations at the crevasse known as Refuge Pointe in the Highlands, as well as portions of the devastated capital city itself, then occupied by ogres and the criminals of the Syndicate.[25] The forces of Stromgarde formed the League of Arathor, which fought to free the rest of the Arathi Highlands, the Arathi Basin, and its many resources from the hands of the Forsaken Defilers as well as the Horde forces from Hammerfall. Prince Galen Trollbane ruled from his one remaining holdout in the city until his own demise at the hands of the Horde.[26] Galen was later raised into undeath by the Forsaken, seemingly pledging allegiance to Sylvanas Windrunner while her forces reclaimed Trol'kalar and raised his former citizens into undeath.[27]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

By the time of the Burning Legion's third invasion, Galen had turned his back on the Forsaken and declared Stromgarde an independent undead kingdom. When the Deathlord of the Ebon Blade approached Galen to request access to his father's tomb, Galen agreed on the condition that they help secure the city against the Witherbark trolls encroaching upon it. Galen refused to hold up his end of the bargain, however, and ordered the death knights killed. Instead, the death knights slew Galen and raised Thoras Trollbane into undeath as a member of their new Four Horsemen. The newly-raised Thoras then gave up his kingdom for lost.[24]

Though Stromgarde's fate remains uncertain, Danath Trollbane — Thoras Trollbane's nephew — once vowed that he would one day return to Stromgarde and restore it to its greatness.[28]

Battle for Azeroth[]

Stromgarde Keep BfA

The rebuilt Stromgarde Keep during the Fourth War.

After the Battle for Lordaeron, the Arathi Highlands became a warfront between the Alliance and the Horde. Citizens seem to have moved back into the retaken capital and, led by Danath Trollbane, the Stromic defended their rebuilt city against the invading Horde during the Battle for Stromgarde.

While the Alliance planned to use Stromgarde to cut off the Horde forces from Silvermoon City in the north, the Horde aimed to use it as a staging ground to break north, prevent the Alliance from building up, and to attack Gilneas.[29] During the invasion, various heroes of the Alliance arrived to defend the city, such as Turalyon, with the Order of the Silver Hand and Muradin Bronzebeard, with the forces of the united dwarven kingdom; with Danath heading forces as well. They faced off against champions of the Horde, such as Lady Liadrin and her elves, Rokhan and his trolls, and Eitrigg and his veterans of the Horde.

The battle ultimately ended in the Alliance's favor, with Stromgarde victorious,[30][7] thanks to the leadership qualities of Muradin Bronzebeard, Danath Trollbane, Turalyon, and the tenacity of all the soldiers who fought. This victory restored Stromgarde Keep as the capital of its eponymous kingdom, leaving the Horde stronghold of Ar'gorok in ruins, and the various settlements of the kingdom in the hands of the Alliance once more.

Following the Alliance victory, the soldiers returned home, leaving only a few behind as a precaution.[31] When Mathias Shaw presented himself to Stromgarde during his mission for King Anduin Wrynn, Danath blessed him to inspect the Sanctum and the Crypt.[32]

After the Fourth War, Danath's outriders spotted an armed and cloaked woman traveling with a group of Horde refugees throughout the Arathi Highlands, and the new leader of Stromgarde subsequently informed his old friend Alleria Windrunner, as she and Turalyon were riding through the region searching for the whereabouts of her sister Sylvanas Windrunner.[33]

People and culture[]

The correct demonym for people coming from Stromgarde is "Stromic".[34]

Stromgarde shares its red signature color with the Alteraci, the human tribe Ignaeus Trollbane hailed from.[35]

As Stromgarde is a mountain kingdom, its people grew up learning to climb the rock faces and scale the peaks.[36]

Forearm handshake is a common gesture of friendship with the soldiers of Stromgarde.[37]

Founded centuries ago, the Church of the Holy Light spread its faith in Stromgarde,[38] the citizens of the kingdom thus becoming followers of the Holy Light, as indicated by the chapel in the Sanctum with its priests, and the graves with the symbol of the church in their cemeteries. High Priest Altarite Jesse Taylor is the highest-ranking member of the clergy present in the city.

Like the other realms, the Kingdom of Stromgarde can apply the death penalty for its criminals, the task being accomplished by an executioner.

Notable leaders[]

History Kingdom of Stromgarde Fall of Stromgarde Rebuilding of Stromgarde
Ruler Unknown Liam Trollbane Thoras Trollbane Galen Trollbane Danath Trollbane



Stromgarde elite shield.

Stromgarde Guardsman

A Stromgarde Guardsman.

The crimson-clad soldiers of Stromgarde are known for the martial discipline in battle and have proven themselves in the Second War which they were able to hold off the entire Horde for quite a while on their own, allowing the rest of the Alliance to mobilize.[39]

Before the Third War, and later being under the control of the Scarlet Crusade, the Monastery in Tirisfal Glades served as a major training ground for the Knights of the Silver Hand of Stromgarde.[40]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Stromgarde cavalrymen, defenders, troll hunters, and soldiers can be seen as part of the Stromic army. Many of them wear a badge.[41] The cavalry was led by Lieutenant Valorcall.[2]

The Stromgarde Militia was based in Refuge Pointe.[42] Their captain used to be Danath Trollbane,[43] but after he went missing it is now probably led by Captain Nials.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During N Death knight [10-45] The Ruined Kingdom the Stromic soldiers in Stromgarde Keep were undead, though that change was not reflected in the overworld.

Stromic soldiers line the city, wearing a red footman armor. Danath Trollbane is accompanied by the League of Arathor, who serve as his main lieutenants across the battlefield. Stromgarde footmen can be found throughout the city prior to it being besieged by the Horde. Other forces include arbalests, spellweavers, and priestesses. The elite forces consist in knights, wearing the League of Arathor tabard, and Veterans of Stromgarde. Their leadership appears to all be wearing the same armor, which is similar to the Deadly Gladiator's Battlegear's plate for the warrior class.


In Warcraft II[]

Leader: Thoras Trollbane

Nation Color: Red

Background: The kingdom of Stromgarde retains a strict martial philosophy which makes it a highly regarded addition to the Alliance. Situated amongst the foothills of the Alterac Mountains, Stromgarde serves as a sentinel against any invasion across the Orc-controlled borders of Khaz Modan. Possessing a long history of warfare against the Trolls, the warriors of Stromgarde are well prepared to engage in open combat with all enemies of humanity.[44]

In Warcraft III[]

A Warcraft III map is spelled "Stromguarde". This city is controlled by a group of bandits and wizards. Entering it as night could be very dangerous. The tileset is called "Cityscape".

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

During the Second War, Lordaeron's opposite was Stromgarde; its leader, Thoras Trollbane, led his kingdom with a strict, martial philosophy. While Lordaeron brought the priests into the Alliance of Lordaeron, Stromgarde brought the warriors. This kingdom borders Khaz Modan, and served as the first area of defense from land-based attacks for the humans. Stromgarde left the Alliance after the Second War, upset with certain political decisions.[45]


The Stromgarde Defenders and the Stromgarde Snipers Company are the forces protecting Stromgarde.

Their determination and courage are known throughout Azeroth as some of humanity's greatest fighters. In battle, the footmen would march to face the enemy in tight ranks with broadswords and shields. The famed knights of Stromgarde are used as shock troops to support these warriors especially against ogre and Syndicate forces. The Stromgarde Snipers Company, made up of dwarven rifleman, provide them with covering fire. Captain Dathanor Cromwell commands the infantry unit, while Captain Ariana Thesslocke leads the cavalry unit.[46]

Film universe[]

Stromgarde participated in the council that would eventually lead to the creation of the Alliance.

Notes and trivia[]


The banner raised by Stromgarde soldiers during the Warfront.

  • Some buildings on the remastered Arathi Basin bear the Stromgarde iconography, and some buildings' roofs are a faded red.
  • Fallen footmen wearing Stromic uniforms can be summoned using Inv jewelry necklace 37 [Baradin Footman's Tags].
  • The banners that Stromgarde soldiers raise when Danath is the Warfront commander reuse the Scarlet Onslaught banner model, likely because of the red Lordaeron "L", which was used on Stromgarde's official banner.[47][48]
  • Genn Greymane visited Stromgarde at one point, when Gilneas was a powerful nation and Stromgarde's star was waning.[49]
  • Makasa Flintwill's ancestors come from Stromgarde.[50]
  • Orman was a citizen of Stromgarde.
  • Spell holy sealofwrath [Overlord's Shield] looks like the banner of Stromgarde.
  • Tides of Darkness states that Stromgarde is a mountain kingdom with a strong mountaineering culture, to the point that native Stromic people sometimes prefer to simply climb up mountains by themselves rather than use the available roads and passes to travel. The book also emphasized Stromgarde's geographical closeness with Alterac.[51] World of Warcraft depicts the Arathi Highlands as more hilly than really mountainous, and Stromgarde Keep as being away from the northern reaches of the realm, though the Highlands themselves are surrounded by mountains. World of Warcraft also has the Alterac Mountains two zones away from the Arathi Highlands, though that is only a modern perception, as before the First War Alterac owned land east of the Darrowmere River, thus sharing a mountainous border with Stromgarde at that time.[52]
  • Stromgarde is also the setting for the popular fan machinima Return which won an award at BlizzCon.
  • The area outside the walls of Stromgarde is also used in South Park's "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode.
  • Stromgarde is referenced by several skins in Heroes of the Storm.
    • One of the tints for Arthas' Crown Prince skin is the red-tinted "Stromgarde Prince Arthas".
    • One of the tints for Varian's Footman skin (no longer available) is "Stromgarde Footman Varian", which gives him red and white armor and causes his shield to bear the red gauntlet of Stromgarde.
    • One of the tints for Varian's Grand Marshal skin was formerly named "Stromgarde Marshal Varian". A later patch renamed it to "Stormpike Marshal Varian".

See also[]


  1. ^ Archived page
  2. ^ a b H [10-30] Sigil of Arathor
  3. ^ Danath Trollbane#Valley of Heroes monument
  4. ^ Of Blood and Honor, pg. 74
  5. ^ N Death knight [10-45] Our Oldest Enemies
  6. ^ BlizzCon 2019: WoW Q&A Panel
  7. ^ a b Turalyon#Stormwind Keep
  8. ^ The Seven Kingdoms
  9. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 142
  10. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 27 & 31
  11. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 16
  12. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 3
  13. ^ a b The Fall of Stromgarde (WC2 Orc)
  14. ^ File:Chronicle2 Eastern Kingdoms Before the First War.jpg
  15. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 142
  16. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 260
  17. ^ Tol Barad (WC2 Human)
  18. ^ Tol Barad (WC2 Orc)
  19. ^ The Badlands (WC2 Orc)
  20. ^ Tides of Darkness
  21. ^ Alterac (WC2 Orc)
  22. ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 6
  23. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual, pg. 67
  24. ^ a b N Death knight [10-45] The King Rises
  25. ^ Arathi Basin#Official overview
  26. ^ H [42] Sigil of Trollbane
  27. ^ H [10-30] The Forsaken Trollbane
  28. ^ Danath Trollbane#Quotes
  29. ^ BlizzCon 2017 World of Warcraft Gameplay and Systems Deep Dive
  30. ^ BlizzCon 2019: Q&A panel
  31. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms
  32. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 66, 68
  33. ^ Shadows Rising
  34. ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter: "Lore from Chris Metzen and Micky Neilson! Alteraci (“alterackee”), Lordaeronian, Stromic, Dalaranian, Stormwindian. BOOM." March 10, 2014
  35. ^ Saga of the Valarjar: Strom'kar, the Warbreaker
  36. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 16
  37. ^ We Ride Forth
  38. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 126
  39. ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 5
  40. ^ A [30D] The Scarlet Monastery
  41. ^ A [10-30] Stromgarde Badges
  42. ^ A [10-30] Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest
  43. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 75
  44. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Nations of the Alliance, Stromgarde
  45. ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 158
  46. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 90
  47. ^ Warcraft II artwork
  48. ^ Chronicle Volume 2 artwork
  49. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 28
  50. ^ World of Warcraft: Traveler, chapter 12
  51. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 16
  52. ^ File:Chronicle2 Eastern Kingdoms Before the First War.jpg


High King
Lord Commander





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Kingdom of Stormwind
Kingdom of Ironforge
Night elves of Darnassus
Exodar draenei
Kingdom of Gilneas
Admiralty of Kul Tiras
Other members
Former members
Alliance-aligned and allies
Former allies