Stygian Abductor

  • ️Tue Nov 17 2020
MobStygian Abductor
Image of Stygian Abductor
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 55-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mawsworn
Location Maw

Stygian Abductors are Mawsworn kyrian located in the Maw. Players who have reached rank four of Eye of the Jailer will have these units spawn randomly, without warning. Without the Inv jewelcrafting necklace3 blue [Soul-Stabilizing Talisman] from Ve'nari, they will prove rather difficult to fight off.


  • Quickly fly the player 50 feet up into the air
  • Ability priest shadowyapparition Soul Brand — The Jailer's abductors brand your soul, inflicting Shadow damage every 2 sec for 20 sec. The brand also draws the Jailer's attention, increasing your Eye of the Jailer. Instant. 20 sec debuff
  • Ability gouge Quietus Strike — Maims a player for heavy Physical damage before hurling them to their doom. 10 sec cast


  • It is useless... to resist...
  • Struggle all you like, mortals. You cannot escape your fate!
  • You shall regret entering our domain.

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