The Broken Crown

  • ️Tue Feb 22 2022
NeutralThe Broken Crown
The Broken Crown

The gathering in the cavern

Start Highlord Bolvar Fordragon[34, 64.75]
End Highlord Bolvar Fordragon[33.18, 68.9]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Secrets of the First Ones
Experience 1,000
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] The Pilgrimage Ends
Next N [60] Our Last Option

The Broken Crown begins "Crown of Wills", the fifth chapter of the Zereth Mortis campaign. It chronologically takes place after the first eight boss encounters of the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid, but does not require any raid progress to access.


Speak to Anduin Wrynn in the Geometric Cavern.


Our friends have returned from the Sepulcher of the First Ones with a familiar face.

Anduin... What terrible things he has endured.

But as difficult and painful as it is, we must uncover what he knows. The Jailer has blocked our way within the Sepulcher, and we risk falling victim to Domination ourselves if we blindly follow.

He is our best hope.


You will receive:


We must defeat Zovaal, or all is lost.


The suffering he endured...

This will be difficult to overcome.


The Broken Crown - Ellemayne

Anduin with the broken Shalamayne

The Broken Crown - Fordragons and Helm

The Fordragons and the Helm of Domination

Primus in Zereth Mortis

The Primus

A gathering awaits in the Geometric Cavern: Jaina and Baine are standing with Anduin, who's carrying the broken half of Shalamayne. Bolvar and Taelia are standing in front of the intact half of the Helm of Domination, and Darion is off to the side. The Primus has kept his promise not to go physically to Zereth Mortis but is present in the form of a projection. On approach:

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Anduin, can you tell us anything about the Domination that the Jailer put in our way?
Anduin Wrynn says: No, I don't know how to counteract it... I... I'm sorry.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: It's all right. Rest. We will find a way.
Anduin Wrynn
There is a shadow upon my mind. Like a cold hand whose fingers curl ever so softly around your heart.
Gossip Tell me what happened.

This causes the Anduin defeat cinematic from the Sepulcher of the First Ones to play. See that page for a transcript.

Several others characters have unique gossip text during this part of the questline.

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
The Jailer has forced a heavy price upon us. But we will find a way forward.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
It is good to have Anduin back with us.
But I fear he will be haunted by the memory of the things the Jailer made him do.
I know how long it takes to forgive oneself.
Baine Bloodhoof
It seems we must once again go to the farthest reaches of existence to protect Azeroth.
The Primus
Domination was never meant to cause the devastation that Zovaal has wrought. We suffer the price of my hubris.
Taelia Fordragon
When I came to the Shadowlands to find my father, I knew it might be difficult.
But I do not regret being able to stand with him when he needs me the most.


  1. N [60] The Broken Crown
  2. N [60] Our Last Option
  3. N [60] Hello, Darkness
  4. N [60] Elder Eru and N [60] Testing One Two
  5. N [60] Cryptic Catalogue
  6. N [60] The Not-Scientific Method
  7. N [60] Two Paths to Tread
  8. N [60] One Half of the Equation
  9. N [60] Oppress and Destroy and N [60] Aggressive Excavation
  10. N [60] Where the Memory Resides
  11. N [60] What We Wish to Forget
  12. N [60] What Makes Us Strong
  13. N [60] What We Overcome
  14. N [60] Forge of Domination
  15. N [60] The Crown of Wills
  16. N [60] Reality's Doorstep (optional)

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