The Hidden Need

  • ️Tue Jan 14 2020
HordeThe Hidden Need
The Hidden Need
Start Lilian Voss[58.4, 62.1]
End Lilian Voss[43.5, 53.1]
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Tirisfal Glades
Rewards 17,850

23g 40s

Previous H [50] Sense of Obligation
The Hidden Need - meeting

Calia, Derek, and Lilian Voss.


Meet Lilian Voss in Tirisfal Glades.


Because of Sylvanas, some members of the Horde are skeptical of the Forsaken. We must regain their trust.

We cannot do that without accepting ourselves. So many feel lost, alone... abandoned.

I have arranged a meeting. It could be a big step... or all go horribly wrong. Either way, you should bear witness.

Meet me in Tirisfal Glades, at the Calston Estate.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


Calia Menethil and Derek Proudmoore have come a long way to speak with us. Let's not keep them waiting any longer.


You do not need to be in the Battle for Azeroth version of Tirisfal Glades to complete this quest.

After completion
Lilian Voss says: My lady. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I am Lilian Voss.
Calia Menethil says: Miss Voss. I once listened to your father's sermons. That was... long ago. Forgive me, I haven't introduced my companion. This is Lord Derek Proudmoore.
Lilian Voss says: Lord Proudmoore. You should know that I played a part in the events that led to your undeath. I... regret much of what has happened.
Derek Proudmoore says: Did you see what they did to me in that pyramid? How they tortured my mind? Intended to wield me as a weapon against those I love?
Lilian Voss says: I did not know... at first. Once I did, I should have stopped it. Baine Bloodhoof showed the courage I lacked. If I could change the past, I would.
Calia Menethil says: You didn't reach out to offer apologies. Why did you ask us here?
Lilian Voss says: This champion witnessed your kindness toward Lord Proudmoore. How you helped him through his torment. Sadly, he is not the only one who suffered in the war.
Calia Menethil says: Night elf sentinels? Why are you... By the Light!
Lilian Voss says: Many fell at Teldrassil. Some were raised into rage and darkness, turned against their own people. They, too, have been abandoned.
Delaryn Summermoon says: Death is... cold. Even for those who burn.
Derek Proudmoore says: Calia, I know the pain they suffer. The hopelessness. You must do something for them.
Calia Menethil says: We will, Derek. Together.
Calia Menethil says: Greetings. I am Calia Menethil of Lordaeron. I will do my best to help you. Please, come with us.
Calia and Derek take their leave, being followed behind by Delaryn, Kitala Starshadow, and some night elven dark rangers. They head out taking the road to the west.
Lilian Voss says: That meeting went exactly as I'd hoped. I believe Calia Menethil can help many who are lost.
Lilian Voss says: We will speak again soon. There is more work to be done.

PTR version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.


Meet Lilian Voss near the Bulwark.


It is time for the Forsaken to regain the trust of the Horde.

We cannot do that without accepting ourselves. So many feel lost, alone... monstrous.

I have arranged a meeting. It could be a big step... or all go horribly wrong. Either way, you will want to see it.

Meet me in Tirisfal Glades, near the Bulwark. We will need your help in the coming days, and the more you know, the better off we will all be.


<Calia has behaved with honor at every step, in spite of the horrible betrayal she faced at the hands of Sylvanas.

Lilian's machinations are becoming clearer.>

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