Tirisfal Glades storyline


Zone map

Tirisfal Glades is a level 1-10 Horde-only zone in Lordaeron, and begins the Undead starting experience.

After H [1-30] Take to the Skies, or as soon as players hit level 9, H [5-30] Warchief's Command: Silverpine Forest! opens up, starting the Silverpine Forest storyline.

Reaping the Reapers[]

After Vital Intelligence:

  1. Complete all of
    • Scarlets
    1. H [1-30] Reaping the Reapers
    2. H [1-30] The Scarlet Palisade & H [1-30] A Scarlet Letter
    • New Plague
    1. H [1-30] Fields of Grief
    2. H [1-30] Variety is the Spice of Death
    3. H [1-30] Johaan's Experiment
  2. H [1-30] Gordo's Task
  3. Flight Path side chain:
    1. H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-30] Supplying Brill
    2. H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-30] Ride to the Undercity
    3. H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-30] Michael Garrett
    4. H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-30] Return to Morris
  4. H [1-30] The New Forsaken
    1. Side quest: H [1-30] A Putrid Task
  5. H [1-30] Forsaken Duties
  6. H [1-30] The Chill of Death
  7. H [1-30] Return to the Magistrate
  8. H [1-30] Darkhound Pounding
  9. H [1-30] Holland's Experiment

Garren's Haunt[]

  1. H [1-30] Garren's Haunt
  2. H [1-30] Doom Weed
  3. H [1-30] Off the Scales & H [1-30] Planting the Seed of Fear
  4. H [1-30] Head for the Mills (optional)
  5. H [1-30] The Family Crypt
  6. H [1-30] The Mills Overrun & H [1-30] Deaths in the Family
  7. H [1-30] Speak with Sevren
  8. H [1-30] The Grasp Weakens
  9. H [1-30] East... Always to the East
  10. H [1-30] At War With The Scarlet Crusade
  11. H [1-30] A Deadly New Ally
  12. H [1-30] A Daughter's Embrace
  13. H [1-30] To Bigger and Better Things
  14. H [1-30] Take to the Skies