Twilight Grove
- For the Cathedral of Eternal Night subzone, see Twilight Grove (Cathedral of Eternal Night).

The Twilight Grove.

The moonwell of Twilight Grove.
The Twilight Grove sits in the middle of Duskwood and contains an unnamed great tree. It is home to one of the four portals to the Emerald Dream and was once guarded by the lieutenants of Ysera's green dragonflight. The great tree was planted by Fandral Staghelm and his followers from one of Nordrassil's branches, in order to stem the tide of saronite seeping up from the land.[1]
The Twilight Grove also contains a moonwell and a night elf gazebo. The other three dream portals can be found in Feralas, the Hinterlands, and Ashenvale.
Felling of Andrassil[]
4,500 years before the Dark Portal, Fandral Staghelm and his closest followers secretly cut six enchanted branches from the boughs of Nordrassil. With the branches in hand, they traveled the world to locations where saronite blooms had sprung to life, including a remote region of the Eastern Kingdoms that would later be known as Duskwood. The branch quickly took root, and became a new tree all its own, acting as a conduit and channeling the powers of the Emerald Dream into the waking world, strengthening the nearby wildlife and scouring the saronite deposits.
However, the imprisoned Old God Yogg-Saron used the trees planted by the druids as a doorway into the Emerald Dream, spreading his corruption with the other Old Gods in the ethereal domain. This marked the beginning of what would become known as the Emerald Nightmare.[1]
World of Warcraft[]
This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.
Millennia later, while the Emerald Dream suffered under the corruptions of the Emerald Nightmare, Twilight Grove was guarded by the Dragons of Nightmare. These four great guardians of the green dragonflight, once-proud protectors and lieutenants of the Aspect of Dreams Ysera, were corrupted by the nightmare and sought only destruction and death. As a result, Alliance and Horde adventurers took arms to confront them, in order to defend Azeroth from the corruption they brought.[2]
This section concerns content related to Legion.

The Twilight Grove in Legion.
At the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the Dream portal became active for the druids of the Cenarion Circle, providing access to the Emerald Dreamway. The Twilight Grove was also patrolled by a group of Grovewarden Sentinels.
Meaning to pass the Scythe of Elune to the Archdruid of the Dreamgrove, Valorn Stillbough and Belysra Starbreeze were sent by Tyrande Whisperwind to transport it from Darnassus. However, its presence was felt not only by the Nightbane pack worgen, but the Dark Riders as well, their leader Ariden ambushed the meeting, killed Valorn and fled off with the Scythe.[3]
When the Dreamway fell to the Nightmare, Lumbering Mindgorgers began pouring out of the portal, threatening the surrounding area. The heroes then came here to face the Dragons of Nightmare, once more corrupted by Xavius and the Nightmare.
At some point, the Timewalkers summoned the adventurers and explained that they felt disturbances in the timeways, and one of them was coincidentally located where the Dragons of Nightmare once roamed. Consequently, they sent the adventurers to investigate the disturbance for them, and to put an end to the strange anomalies that take place at this time of the year.[4]
Battle for Azeroth[]

Goldrinn, Vassandra, and Tess in front of the dream portal in Twilight Grove.
At the time of the Fourth War, Vassandra Stormclaw performed a ritual to summon Goldrinn through the dream portal, using the direct connection between Duskwood and the Emerald Dream to call forth the Ancient. During the ritual, multiple lupine spirits attacked from the dream, until finally Goldrinn appeared. Tess Greymane asked him then to know what it means to bear the worgen curse, to experience its rage and wield its strength. In response, the wolf god then provided the princess a vision, in which she relived the fall of Gilneas as a worgen.[5]
Terror by Torchlight[]
In the aftermath of the Fourth War, Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind visited the grove before going to Raven Hill Cemetery, in order to glimpse something soothing before heading into the fray. They later returned here after stealing the Torch of Holy Flame from the necromancer to purify it in the moonwell, and then used it against her to save Darkshire from her undead army.[6]
Twilight Grove digsite[]
The Twilight Grove is a night elf archaeology dig site.
Note that the digsite map seems to show that the digsite covers only about 2/3 of the Twilight Grove, the remaining area is largely impassable.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore. |
The Twilight Grove and the great tree within may be the reason that Duskwood, while under the same curse that befell Deadwind Pass, still teems with life despite the lack of sunlight. The tree itself was planted to purify saronite deposits in the area and continues to thrive despite the shadow curse, presenting a resilience to shadow overall. In addition, the great tree serves as a conduit between the waking world and the lifegiving energies of the dream, likely contributing to the appearance of the Twilight Grove.
External links[]
Duskwood | Emerald Nightmare |
Primary dragon types | |||||||||||||||
Other dragon types | |||||||||||||||
Green Dragonflight |
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Dragonflights | |||||||||||||||
Other draconic groups | |||||||||||||||
Subzones of the Emerald Nightmare | ||