Vendetta Point

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
HordeVendetta Point
Vendetta Point (Cataclysm)
Type Camp
Leader(s) IconSmall Tauren Female Winnoa Pineforest
IconSmall Orc Male Warlord Bloodhilt
Race(s) TaurenTauren Tauren
OrcOrc Orc
Affiliation(s) Tauren tribes
Location Western-central Southern Barrens[42, 47]
Status Active

Undone Inn          Undone Mailbox

Undone Stables

Undone Anvil & Forge

Undone Bank       Undone Auctions
Trainers Undone Class
Done Profession
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Undone Mass-transit
Undone Portal(s)

Vendetta Point is a small Horde camp in the Southern Barrens, not far from the Great Gate to Mulgore. It includes survivors from the Alliance attack on the nearby Camp Taurajo. They have sworn to drive the Alliance military from the Barrens. It was the tauren of Vendetta Point that stopped the Northwatch Expeditionary Unit from breaking through the Great Gate.

Warlord Bloodhilt is in command of the Horde soldiers and adventurers that come through here.

The tauren who chose to strike back at the Alliance from Vendetta Point, were expelled from Thunder Bluff by Baine Bloodhoof for disagreeing with him but otherwise suffered no repercussions.[1]



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Southern Barrens Warfront