- ️Wed Aug 02 2017
- Not to be confused with Void (cat) or Shadow (disambiguation).

Concept art of the Void magic in Dragonflight.
“Death crept nearer, and the Void called out to Alleria, begging her to give over her soul entirely and become a manifestation of power even greater than her sister. It was tempting. Oh, it was tempting. Abandon your flesh, came the whispers. Abandon your flesh.”
- — Alleria hearing the call of the Void[1]
The Void (also referred to as Shadow)[2][3][4] is one of the two most fundamental forces in the Warcraft universe along with the Light, and is situated outside the barriers of reality. Although contradictory by their very nature, the Void and the Light are bound together on a cosmic scale, and the two cannot exist without the other.[5] The Void is ruled over by the void lords, merciless and cruel beings that seek only to twist reality into a realm of eternal torment. They created the Old Gods as physical manifestations of the Void, in order to corrupt and transform the planets they infested into places of despair and death.[6] Nevertheless, the Void itself is not necessarily "evil"; it is a primal force with its morality characterized by how it is wielded.[7]
Pure Void cannot exist within the physical universe but shades of it manifest as shadow magic[8][9] (or void magic)[3][4] and can be a source of terrible power, the kind of power that comes at a price,[10] as the very nature of the Void is hostile to what the mortal know as life and sanity,[11] and will do whatever it takes to drive them to madness.
The Void cannot fully see destiny, though neither can the Light, for neither are singularly responsible for creation. The Void seeks every possible path and sees them all as truth.[12]
Origins and characteristics[]

Planets corrupted in the Great Dark Beyond.

Sargeras destroying the corrupted world-soul of an unborn titan.
In the very beginning of time, before even the cosmos existed, there was only the Light and the Void. Originally, only the Light existed as an unfettered, shifting ocean of living energy. However, as some of its energies faded and dimmed, pockets of cold nothingness were created. From the absence of Light in these spaces, a new power coalesced and came to be. This was the Void, a dark and vampiric force driven to devour all energy, to twist creation inward to feed upon itself. The Void quickly grew and began to move against the Light, and before long, the mounting tension between the two forces ignited a series of explosions that ruptured the very fabric of creation, giving birth to the physical universe. The most unstable energies coalesced into an astral dimension known as the Twisting Nether. Light and Void collided and bled together at the edges of this realm, throwing it into turmoil.[13]

The Black Empire on the young Azeroth.
The void lords and their servants have seemingly been locked in a perpetual power struggle with the other five cosmic powers of reality for eons. The Void and the Light, being opposite counterparts, have been locked in perpetual conflict since before time itself began, waging their massive battle across countless worlds and planets and affecting millions of lives, with the Void regarding the Light as voracious and stagnant, "a force that granted them fleeting moments of peace in exchange for absolute obedience".[12] The naaru T'uure notably sacrificed herself in a massive Holy Nova to save an entire world Karkora from Dimensius the All-Devouring, and some of the Void's servants apparently regard the naaru as "beloved brethren that lost the true path" which will return to their embrace eventually, despite their war being of a scope which would apparently destroy most mortal minds, well predating both the draenei and the entire history of Azeroth.[14] It has also attacked the Shadowlands in eons past with forces described as practically "infinite",[15] inflicting massive damage against Bastion in particular, and would have purportedly destroyed all of the Shadowlands had the kyrians not barely managed to stop them.[16]
The very creation of the Old Gods and their nearly successful corruption of multiple titan worlds, including Azeroth, at least at one point in its history, was ultimately to corrupt all existence and allow the void lords to manifest in the physical cosmos; the Pantheon and Sargeras have both attempted to oppose the Void in different ways, with the former being responsible for the destruction of the Black Empire and the latter unleashing his Burning Crusade against them. The Void-corrupted titan would have allegedly been unstoppable by any force in the universe, including the Pantheon themselves.[17]
In one instance, the Void was able to attack and permanently destroy every demon on a small Legion prison world, dragging them through the Twisting Nether before butchering them; Lothraxion described even the Legion's enslavement as far preferable to the horrors of what the Void-spawn endured. The naaru which Illidan encountered before his defeat on Outland, likely Xe'ra, stated that the Void was "a more potent foe by far than the Burning Legion",[18] Harbinger Skyriss insisted that no force in existence, including the Legion, being able to make the Void's servants, as "countless as the stars", bend their knee, and according to Xal'atath, the Legion's invasion is ultimately futile, as dreams and demons alike can be corrupted, and not even the extinction of all things would really save the Legion from the Void.
Although the nathrezim have attempted to manipulate the void lords,[19] the Void appears somewhat aware of their machinations, and regards Death as "the true enemy" which seeks the death of all possibilities and all futures.[20]
Void realm[]

The Void realm in Shadowmoon Valley, on Draenor.
“It rips. It tears. It is boundless and eternal...the Void, it hungers!”
Wherever there is light, there is shadow, and it is this shadow that the Orc Necrolyte uses to see into places he cannot travel with a spell called Dark Vision. Wherever the slightest shadow is cast, the sight of the Necrolyte can enter and view. The effects of this spell are limited in size, for too much knowledge of the confines of shadow has been known to forever trap the caster within the realm of darkness.[21]
On alternate Draenor, using a Void Lantern allows seeing into the void realm.
The Shadow Realm is a plane of existence visited by the arakkoa that is related to the Void.
This section concerns content related to Legion.
On Argus, Zuraal the Ascended in the Seat of the Triumvirate sent the adventurers into the void realm.
Races of the Void[]
Creatures of the Void are naturally chaotic. They are a necessary part of the universe, but they must be kept in check by the Light.[22]
Old Gods[]

The Old Gods were created by the malignant entities known as the void lords, and they live only to transform the worlds they infest into places of despair and death. Physical manifestations of the Void, they are nightmares incarnate: mountains of blighted flesh and writhing tentacles that grow like cancers within the worlds of the Great Dark Beyond. Their goal is to find and corrupt a world-soul in order to create a dark titan that would annihilate the universe.[23]
Many of the Old Gods' minions make extensive use of shadow magic, and the terrifying dagger known as Xal'atath, which was used by dark priests during the height of the Black Empire, uses powerful Void energies and mind magics to warp everything around it for nefarious purpose.[24] In Ulduar, Faceless Horrors surround themselves with shadowy barriers and summon voidwalkers to aid them in combat.[25] Twilight magic is presumably Old God magic of the void branch.[26]
Void lords[]
The void lords are evil entities composed of pure shadow energy. These beings are cruel and merciless beyond mortal comprehension. Driven by an insatiable hunger, the void lords seek to devour all matter and energy in the physical universe. In their natural state, the void lords exist outside reality. Only the most powerful of these entities can manifest in the physical universe, and only for limited amounts of time. To maintain their presence in reality, the void lords must consume untold amounts of matter and energy.[27] They instead created the eldritch Old Gods to find and corrupt a titan world-soul and turn it into an unspeakably dark being that not even the Pantheon would be able to stand against.[28]
Dark naaru[]

It is exceedingly rare for a naaru to fall into a void state, and even rarer for a fallen naaru to be brought back into the Light. A naaru's fall into the void represents a catastrophic loss for the naaru and for the forces of the Light, and it is the saddest, most heart-wrenching event for the naaru to witness. Conversely, a naaru being reborn into the Light brings renewed hope and sense of purpose to every naaru.[29]
The few cases of dark naaru that Locus-Walker knows of all involved mortals in some way, which he thinks carries fascinating implications.[30]
Voidwalkers are seemingly the most common type of Void being. Enigmatic and emanating pure demonic fury, a voidwalker is sometimes the last thing someone encounters before crossing over into death.[31] They do not fear pain, so they are popular with warlocks who do.[32]
There are many different types of beings that originate from the Void. Although they aren't demons,[33] they are often classified as such for gameplay reasons.[34] In Warlords of Draenor, most void creatures are classified as either elementals or aberrations (although the void revenant Nhallish is classified as undead).
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“War is chaotic and savage. No matter what you witness--what you experience--you must never lose control. Do not let the shadows overtake your will.”

A Shadow priest cursing her foes with the Void.

A shadowcaster raising the dead in her service.

A Void portal.
Shadow abilities are able to impart feelings like despair, doubt, and panic, while the Light is often said to bring about feelings of a positive emotion such as hope, courage, comfort and the like. In a poetic sense, it can be said that the emotions which the Light brings about come from the "heart", whereas the emotions manipulated by shadow are often based on survival logic, and therefore affect the "mind".[36] Shadow priests preach balance between Light and Darkness, for it is often too hard to find one's way back to the Shadow from the deepest reaches of the Void.[37]
Shadow magic can be used to damage, drain, curse,[38] corrupt, silence, fear, and weaponize the enemies' minds, notably by harnessing the shadows into bolts of incendiary energy, or through the Shadow Words. It can be used to become invincible, protect oneself, empower weapons, remove diseases, teleport behind someone, and to weaken and see through a target's eyes. It can also deliver great amounts of immediate damage, or wracking pains that punish foes over longer periods of time.[39] Drawing on their dark powers causes Shadow priests to accumulate Insanity, which they use to fuel their potent spells of psychic agony. They can assume the Shadowform and the Voidform - distinctive auras that increase their powers. They can even call down beings from the Void itself, conjuring shadowfiends or mindbenders to assail their enemies.
Through the shadows, healing can be sacrificed to deal damage,[40] and damage can be convert into healing. The Void can also be used to resurrect the dead or in the case of necromancy.[41][42]
The void can be used to create portals of teleportation.[12][43] Void elves can use their powers to create a Spatial Rift and instantly teleport on a short distance.
Despite the risks, many have sought to harness this corruptive magic, and those who tried have fallen into madness. Determined to use this power for the good of Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner was the first mortal to succeed at defying the shadow's whispers, after being trained by the mysterious Locus-Walker. Coming to the aid of a group of her kin who nearly gave in to the darkness, Alleria trained these void elves to control the shadows within them,[44] to keep control and fight the voices from the Void in their mind. This assault is relentless and the discipline needed to resist them is extraordinary.[45]
Some priests also pride themselves on pragmatism. They understand that light casts a shadow, that darkness is defined by light, and that true discipline stems from one’s ability to balance these opposing powers in services of a greater cause. While these priests possess many holy virtues, they dabble in the dark arts to debilitate their enemies—always exercising immense discipline to keep themselves away from the brink of insanity.[46]
Effects on beings[]

According to Lothraxion, when the Void is invited into a heart, it ends in madness. Wielding its power creates a hunger for more power, which can be a trap. Once someone starts using the shadow, they will belong to the Shadow.[47] When Alleria reached out for the Void, dark power flowed into her and she could feel the maddening whispers flooding her thoughts,[48] giddy and raving.[49] Wielders of this power can also receive terrible visions from the Void,[50] including visions of the future which can seem true but are actually strong and intoxicating lies that lead to madness,[51] as the Void cannot fully see destiny, and will do everything it can to shatter the will and sanity of its wielders,[52] using their fears and loves to achieve its goals.[53] The voices say many things, from lies, to things that are true from a certain point of view, things that sound true, and things that one would wish were true.[54]
The Void can consume life or meld with it, but the latter often has unperceived consequences.[55] Rumor has it that some beasts that were touched by the Void exist in a space between this world and the next.[56] When a soul is consumed by the Void, an echo of the soul is all that is left behind. Neither in the physical or spiritual sense of the word would these echoes be considered alive. The echo is merely a twisted reverberation of the anguish left behind by the soul as it is consumed. These twisted echoes of the dead are merely the distorted reflections of once noble spirits.[57]
The undead are beings who have died and become trapped between life and death. One of the consequences of the involvement of Void in the undead's metaphysics is that they only feel faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli. This is also why the Light is so painful to their existence. The dark energy serves as a buffer that prevents the souls of the undead from properly joining their bodies. As a result, their souls are imperfectly attached to them.[58]
Please add any available information to this section.
The most common practitioners of shadow magic are called shadowcasters[59] and shadowmages.
Shadow priests[]

Benedictus, Prophet of the Twilight's Hammer.
The shadow priests fully embrace the opposing polarity between the Light and the Void, their faith equally resolute as their holy counterparts—but focused on shadowy magics and mental manipulation. Like all priests, they dedicate much of their lives to worship—but they derive their power from the Void, straying dangerously close to the domain of the Old Gods. To truly understand such ancient, corruptive influence is to be driven mad. This is the state in which these dark priests thrive, embracing insanity and feeding off of the minds of their opponents to reach terrifying new limits.[46]
Shadow hunters[]
The Shadow hunters are masters of voodoo and shadow magic and were once the highest authority amongst trolls, walking the line of dark and light in hope of saving the future of trollkind, doing whatever it takes to secure a future for their kin.[60]
The Subtlety rogues are the masters of the shadows. They don't have the lethal poison-tipped daggers of the assassin or the brawling prowess of the outlaw, but their acumen on the battlefield and ability to hide in plain sight are unrivaled. Some claim the art of subtlety looks like malevolent shadow magic—but no matter from where their power is derived, they are capable of performing devastating assaults on their enemies, slipping away unharmed to strike again without detection. Most rogues train their entire lives to learn how to walk in the shadows—subtlety rogues were born there.[61]

Cho'Gall, founder of the Twilight's Hammer.
The necrolytes are a type of necromancer who use the dark energies of the Void, they are binders of souls and command the black powers that hold control over the earth.[37]
The warlocks are magical practitioners who seek to understand darker, fel-based magics, including destructive spells.[62] Warlocks peer into the Void without hesitation, leveraging the chaos they glimpse within to devastating ends in battle. Their greatest abilities are fueled by the souls they've harvested from their victims and they exploit powerful shadow magic to manipulate and degrade the minds and bodies of their enemies. They harvest the souls of their defeated enemies; those specialized in the ways of demonology use this life essence to tap into the Void, pulling all manner of abomination from the chaos of the Twisting Nether. Affliction warlocks are masters of shadow-touched powers, but unlike shadow priests—deadliest when pushed to the brink of insanity—these warlocks delight in using fel forces to cause intense pain and suffering in others.[63]
Dark shaman[]
While the shaman are spiritual guides and practitioners of the very elements, one way to become a dark shaman is to use the Void,[10] as shadow magic is capable of dominating and enslaving them.[64]
On Draenor, a group of dark shaman of the Warsong clan channeled Void energies near Oshu'gun in Nagrand, using the elements to channel the darkness of the void.[10] The dark shaman also used Nether Beacons, powered from within the Twisting Nether itself, to connect to the void,[65] and hidden behind the veil of the Twisting Nether, the abominations of the void began marching upon Oshu'gun.[66]

Shadow-Sage Iskar, lord of the Sethekk.
The Arakkoa Outcasts are a collection of broken and flightless arakkoa who revere Anzu, and use shadow magic similar to that of Azerothian shadow priests.[67] Among them, the Talonpriests are followers of Terokk that wield dark powers of the Void.[67] They use special elixirs to cross over into a realm of shadows, which is also where they sealed Terokk after he descended into madness.
Ages ago on Draenor, the ancient Apexis, guided by tales of their god Anzu and his noble sacrifice, investigated the Sethekk Hollow. By carefully studying the cursed pools, they unraveled the mysteries of shadow magic and developed the unique ability to combine the arcane with the Void. Embracing both Light and Void, the Apexis believed they were both natural parts of life. Two factions formed within the Apexis: the Anhar order studied holy magic, while the Skalax studied shadow and arcane magics. Both groups occupied the upper echelons of arakkoa society, sharing equal prestige and influence.[68]
The vampiric Darkfallen of the San'layn are known for their guile and dark magic, particularly the manipulation of blood and shadow magic.[69]

Queen Azshara, Empress of the Nazjatar Empire.
Transformed into naga by the Old God N'Zoth at the end of the War of the Ancients, the naga were once Highborne night elves, members of Queen Azshara's court. During the Great Sundering, Azshara pledged her allegiance to the Old God in order to survive the torrents that would drown them all. Since this moment, the naga have served the interests of the Old Gods for over ten thousand years and are therefore capable of manipulating shadow magic.[70]
The nathrezim, otherwise known as dreadlords, are cunning, manipulative, and masters of the arts of shadow magic,[71] for which they dedicated their existence to mastering it.[72]
Void elves[]
The blood elves imbued with the Void's energies have been transformed into void elves. Under the tutelage of Alleria Windrunner and her teacher, Locus-Walker, the two known mortals who were able to successfully defy the Void's whispers and truly resist its corruption while wielding its powers. These ren'dorei, the "Children of the Void" have established a base at Telogrus Rift, and much like Alleria herself, have re-pledged themselves to their original faction, the Alliance.[73]
Void elves gain new powers such as Entropic Embrace to enhance their abilities with the power of the Void, while apparently retaining most of their previous abilities. They also have the ability to create Spatial Rifts, allowing them to teleport through space and distance instantly. Void elves have a Preternatural Calm, which gives them an unwavering focus when casting spells even when in pain. Although having the power of the Void at their command has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Void elves must constantly resist the whispers of the shadow that attempt to lure them into madness. The Void seeks to strip away the void elves of their flesh and their mortality so that they may become slaves to the shadow's all-consuming hunger.[74] Furthermore, so long as the void elves pulse with void energy, they also become a beacon for other creatures of the void. If they cannot corrupt the void elves, they will use them to corrupt other powerful sources, such as the Sunwell.[75]
Void ethereals[]
The Void ethereals are ethereals infused with the power of the Void. Their energies are dark purple or red. They also hear maddening whispers that sway them to do the will of the Void.[76] Nexus-stalkers are a partially Void-based form of ethereals created by the rogue Ethereum faction, and are considered by the Protectorate to be aberrations.[77] Though the Ethereum was initially dedicated to hunting down and taking revenge on Dimensius, their goal later changed to "becoming void." To that end, they constructed a proto-accelerator which was used to manipulate the abundance of Void energy at Manaforge Ultris, bonding it with their own energy to transform into nexus-stalkers.[78]
The physiology of a nexus-stalker is similar to that of a typical ethereal, albeit with hybrid bodies composed in part of Void energy. As such, they appear translucent and perpetually emanate a shadowy, purple miasma. Those that have been encountered have had the ability to drain their enemies' power.[79]
Black Empire[]

N'Zoth and his reborn Black Empire in Ny'alotha.
The prehistoric Black Empire formed and ruled by the Old Gods while they worked to corrupt Azeroth was, ultimately, formed in the name of the Void. It enslaved the elements and engaged in endless civil wars, seemingly for the amusement of its masters. Though toppled by the coming of the Titans, it continued to fester in the shadows of Azeroth as the Old Gods enacted their millennia-long plans to escape confinement. In the end, it re-emerged when N'Zoth successfully escaped its prison and all of its servants, now consisting of corrupted mortals, as well as the n'raqi and aqir that originally formed its rank, wield Void magic. In areas that the Black Empire assaults, the sky darkens and resembles the Void as well.
Cult of the Void[]
The Cult of the Void is a cult of worshipers who covet the gifts of the Void. From high atop her temple within Ny'alotha, they were led by a Void-twisted twilight dragon named Vexiona who transformed her most devout followers into unstoppable horrors. It is unknown what remained of the cult after the defeat of N'Zoth.[80]
Twilight's Hammer[]

The Twilight Citadel in the Twilight Highlands.
The Twilight's Hammer is a nihilist quasi-religious sect,[81] active across Azeroth, that fanatically serves and worships the Old Gods and seeks to bring about the end of the world. Originally founded by Cho'gall as a clan of pale orcs, the cult has been active since before the First War but became a major worldwide after Deathwing's return and the great Cataclysm that shattered Azeroth. A book of the sect named The Twilight Apocrypha states that in the beginning there was shadow eternal and implies the elements were born from it and that the shadow is the "world we know".
Cult of Forgotten Shadows[]
The Cult of Forgotten Shadows is a cult that believes that dark energy practitioners are just as vital to the survival of life and reality as wielders of the Light. The cult preaches balance, mandating that shadow priests must never forget the dangers of falling too deep into the dark energies they manipulate, for it is often too hard to find one's way back to the Shadow from the deep reaches of the darkness. The cult was created through the (re)discovery of the teachings of bishop Natalie Seline by Forsaken priests in Lordaeron after the capture and refurbishing of the Undercity.[37]
Alternate Shadowmoon clan[]
The Alternate Shadowmoon clan is orc clan on Draenor. When the Iron Horde strong-armed the Shadowmoon clan into joining them, Ner'zhul broke one of their ancient laws forbidding the use of the power drawn from the 'Dark Star', and they became powerful wielders of the Void. The clan later tried to summon the Dark Star, the darkened form of the naaru K'ara, to the surface of Draenor and wield it as a weapon. Their effort failed when Prophet Velen used his life-force to purify K'ara. This didn't, however, stop the Shadowmoon from practicing Void magic. They retreated into their ancient burial grounds and continued to experiment on the souls and bones of the dead. Ner'zhul was eventually slain by adventurers, and the rest of the Void practitioners seemed to join Gul'dan in the Fel Horde.
In Warcraft I[]
Wherever there is light, there is shadow, and it is this shadow that the orc necrolyte uses to see into places he cannot travel with a spell called Dark Vision. Wherever the slightest shadow is cast, the sight of the Necrolyte can enter and view. The effects of this spell are limited in size, for too much knowledge of the confines of shadow has been known to forever trap the caster within the realm of darkness.[82]
In the RPG[]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
A Shadow ascendant in the Warcraft RPG.
The Shadows are the dark, malevolent forces seeking the world's (or even the universe's) dissolution; the "light" includes the virtuous, heroic forces preserving order and goodness. Their deeds and the powers they wield make up the stuff of legends... if not myths.[83] The Shadow Plane is an integral part of the universe, woven into every other plane of existence. It is from here that spells conjure shadow magic.[84] The arcane and shadow magic appear to be tied together.[85]
The shadow energy (aka Shadow Plane) is not limited to a single plane; it is instead an integral part of every aspect of the universe, woven into every plane. Thus, spells that call upon this energy, such as shadow conjuration, draw upon local sources rather than reaching to another plane. Positive energy remains associated with the energies possessed by living beings, and negative energy with the motive forces of death and the undead. Magical weapons that have effects wielding this energy draw upon energy bound into their own material, freed by enchantment.[86] "Shadow" is a spell type common to many items and spells created by the Shadow Council and other such nefarious organizations.[87] The arcane and shadow magic appear to be tied together.[88] Shadow appears to be split into subcategories or is synonymous with "Darkness", "Negative", "Death", "Destruction", "Chaotic", "Evil", and "Fel". It is a damage type often found as a bonus type damage (enchantment or enhancement). In one example it's also a sub-school of the magic school of Illusion (illusions composed of a quasi-real, tangible shadow material with shadow bonuses, ex. Storm, Earth and Fire).[89] Spells of shadow may derive their power from actual shadows & darkness.[90]
Shadow ascendants, followers of the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, become one with this power as their physical form fades away. Some trolls revere these creatures as dark Loa.[91]
Notes and trivia[]
- Aku'mai, herald of the Old Gods, was trying to emerge from the Void.[92]
- Magister Umbric gave Alliance champions a Void Shard to cast Bilgewater Frackers into the Void.[93]
- The Twilight Canticle is a book written by Cho'gall during the First War to codify teachings about the Void, and became a source of power and motivation for the followers of the Old Gods for decades.[94]
- Using a Void Totem weakens the barrier between the mortal world and the Twisting Nether.[95]
- The Church of the Light preaches against the Shadow, which the orcs were once strongly perceived to be creatures of.[96]
- In the Magocracy of Dalaran, researching into banned fields of magic such as shadow magic is expressly forbidden by laws almost as old as the Kirin Tor itself.[98]
- Some shadow hunters, including Vol'jin, have used shadow spells in addition to their Warcraft III abilities.
- The undead and draenei characters have the passive racial ability named
[Shadow Resistance], which grant them a 1% reduction to all Shadow damage taken.
- The quest
[10-35 Daily] Flames of the Void involves putting out "Void Flames" created by the sha running rampant throughout the Temple of the Jade Serpent.
- The Twisting Nether used to be sometimes called the Void. There is now a clear distinction between the two.[100] This originally led to some believing that the Void was also a faction of voidwalkers led by Dimensius the All-Devouring, rather than the universal force.
- The term used to describe the combination of fel and Void energies seems to be Shadowfel.[101] The void revenant known as Xhul'horac was infused with fel energy and became known as a "Shadowfel Amalgamation", and deals Shadowfel damage during the encounter with it.
- A Void similarly exists in the Diablo and StarCraft universes.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore. |
- There are a number of Old God related realms: Twilight Realm, Dread Expanse, Realm of Y'Shaarj, Za'qul's Fear realm and Delirium realm, and Ny'alotha, and the locations inside of the minds of Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth all of which could have some relation to the Void realm in some way.
- Consumers of souls in Brawler's Guilds are seen in an alternate dimension by wearing special goggles[102] that dimension could be the Void realm.
"Cosmic Void" Art[]
Trading Card Game[]
See also[]
- ^ Shadows Rising, chapter 9
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
- ^ a b Matt Burns on Twitter (2017-08-02). “Mainly because we felt like it was the most commonly used term when referring to that kind of magic.”
- ^ a b Matt Burns on Twitter (2017-08-02). “The two are pretty much interchangeable as far as the chart goes. We were just trying to use "shadow" in that specific case.”
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 10
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 21 - 24
- ^ Blizzblizz - Entrevista com Interview, 27:43
- ^ a b
[Ur's Treatise on Shadow Magic]
- ^
[45] Safekeeping
- ^ a b c
[35-40] Disrupt the Rituals
- ^ A Thousand Years of War, Part Three – Shadow & Light, pg. 36
- ^ a b c A Thousand Years of War
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 30-31 on e-book
- ^
[Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire]
- ^
[51-60] Wicked Gateways
- ^
[51-60] Warriors of the Void
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. ??
- ^ World of Warcraft: Illidan, pg. 274
- ^
[Enemy Infiltration - Preface]
- ^ Windrunner: Three Sisters
- ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual
- ^
[25-30D] Unbound Darkness
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 26 on e-book
- ^ Legion: Priest Artifact Reveal
- ^ Wowhead - Faceless Horror
- ^ Jeremy Feasel on Twitter: "Old god magic, void I think?"
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, 24-25 on e-book
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 21
- ^ Ask CDev#Ask CDev Answers - Round 1
- ^ Locus-Walker#Quotes
- ^ Major Payne's Pet Menagerie: Lesser Voidcaller
- ^ Sarmoth
- ^ Ask CDev Answers - Round 4
- ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter (2014-03-07) - "Real answer: Void is different from nether. We consider voidwalkers "demons" for gameplay but different origins!"
- ^ Alleria's gossip on the Wind's Redemption
- ^ Ask CDev#Ask CDev Answers - Round 3
- ^ a b c World of Warcraft: The Magazine Issue 4
- ^ World of Warcraft: Classic class description
- ^ World of Warcraft > Game Guide > Classes > Priest
- ^ Character creation screen – Priest
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 199
- ^ Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - Ner'zhul - Adventure Guide
- ^ Shadows Rising, chapter 9
- ^ Battle for Azeroth features - Allied races
- ^ Steve Danuser on Twitter: "This video picks up a point a lot of readers missed. While we only show the Void whispers in a few specific panels, that is what Alleria hears in her head. All. The. Time. The void elves face a similar relentless assault. The discipline needed to resist them is extraordinary."
- ^ a b Legion Class Preview Series: Priest
- ^ A Thousand Years of War, Part One – Two Bright Lights, pg. 19
- ^ A Thousand Years of War, Part Two – The Emerald Star, pg. 28
- ^ A Thousand Years of War, Part Three – Shadow & Light, pg. 33
- ^
[10-45] Whispers in the Void
- ^ A Thousand Years of War, Part Three – Shadow & Light, pg. 36-37
- ^ A Thousand Years of War, Part Three – Shadow & Light, pg. 34
- ^ A Thousand Years of War, Part Three – Shadow & Light, pg. 38
- ^ Steve Danuser on Twitter: "With Void stuff, I picture it like a chorus of voices all saying 1000 things at once, many of which either are true (from a certain PoV) or sound true or that you secretly wish were true. Playing on every doubt and desire. It's not the lies that test you, but the near truths."
- ^ Voidstalker Runt
- ^
[Lost Netherpup]
- ^
[35-40] Echoes of the Past
- ^ Blizzard lore posts
- ^
[23G] Shadow Magic
- ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, pg. 226, 254 - 258
- ^ Legion Class Preview Series: Rogue
- ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 21
- ^ Legion Class Preview Series: Warlock
- ^
[35-40] Dark Binding
- ^
[35-40] Through the Nether
- ^
[35-40] The Void March
- ^ a b Don Adams on Twitter: "Correct!"
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 24 - 25
- ^
[60] Magus Installation
- ^ Warbringers: Azshara
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 38-39 on e-book
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 21
- ^
[40-70] Telogrus Rift
- ^
[40-70] Telogrus Rift
- ^
[40-70] Remember the Sunwell
- ^ General Zah'd
- ^
[25-30] S-A-B-O-T-A-G-E
- ^
[25-30] Potential for Brain Damage = High
- ^ Ethereum Nexus-Stalker abilities
- ^ Vexiona (tactics)#Adventure Journal
- ^ Threat!, pg. 8
- ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 9
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 132
- ^ More Magic and Mayhem, pg. 73
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 132
- ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 158
- ^ More Magic and Mayhem, pg. 73
- ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 100-101, 157, 158
- ^ Dark Factions, pg. 32, 93
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 63 - 64
- ^
Tearing the Void — Aku'mai widens the portal, allowing more pieces of himself to emerge from the void.
- ^
[60] The Void Solution
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 128
- ^
[Void Totem]
- ^ Of Blood and Honor
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, quotes from the Priest and Uther the Lightbringer.
- ^ The Schools of Arcane Magic - Necromancy
- ^
[45] The Folly of Levia Laurence
- ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter (2014-03-07)
- ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter (2014-08-19). Archived from the original on 2021-03-03. “Likely it's fel magic infused with shadow, hence the name. Ugly stuff. Don't stand in it!”
- ^
[120] The Precious 13-Tooth Gogglegear
Warcraft cosmos | ||
Forces | ||
Magic | ||
Manifestations |
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Planes |
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Elements |
Worlds of the Warcraft universe | ||||||||||
Planets, moons, and other locations |
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Cosmic planes | ||||||||||
Alternate timelines | ||||||||||
Religions and beliefs | |
Light | |
Shadow | |
Disorder | |
Life | |
Death | |
Elements | |
Loa | |
Other | |
![]() |
Argus natives |
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Draenor natives |
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K'aresh natives |
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Shadowlands natives | ||||||||||||
Inhabitants of the Twisting Nether | ||||||||||||
Void |
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Interstellar travelers | ||||||||||||
Extinct | ||||||||||||