
  • ️Tue Aug 29 2017
Image of Warosh
Title <The Cursed>
Gender Male
Race(s) Trogg, former ogre mage (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Spirestone clan
Location Hordemar City, Lower Blackrock Spire
Status Alive
Lower Blackrock Spire

Burning Felguard (rare)
Spirestone Butcher (rare)
Spirestone Battle Lord (rare)
Spirestone Lord Magus (rare)
Highlord Omokk
Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin
War Master Voone
Mor Grayhoof (summoned)
Bannok Grimaxe (rare)
Mother Smolderweb
Crystal Fang (rare)
Urok Doomhowl (summoned)
Quartermaster Zigris
Gizrul the Slavener
Ghok Bashguud (rare)
Overlord Wyrmthalak




Warosh is a trogg former quest giver who wanders around within Lower Blackrock Spire.

Warosh was an ogre mage of the Spirestone clan until he challenged Urok Doomhowl. Urok stole Warosh's Mojo, and then cursed him into the form of a trogg.


WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

He started the quest N [60] Urok Doomhowl, but as of Cataclysm, it seems he has given up his quest for redemption and will forever be stuck in his cursed form. At least he does get his revenge upon seeing Urok Doomhowl's death.


When Urok Doomhowl is slain
Revenge is mine!

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