Legion Soundtrack

World of Warcraft: Legion Soundtrack

Cover art

Released August 30, 2016
Venue Bernie Grundman Mastering
Length 01:15:33
Label Azeroth Music

The World of Warcraft: Legion Soundtrack was composed by Russell Brower, Neal Acree, David Arkenstone, Clint Bajakian, Sam Cardon, Craig Stuart Garfinkle, Edo Guidotti, Jason Hayes, Eimear Noone and Glenn Stafford. It was released together with the collector's edition of the game. It can also be purchased via iTunes.


The Burning Legion has returned, and this time, the fight to keep the demons away from Azeroth has already been lost. The fel army has seized control of the Broken Isles and is now launching attacks upon all nations. Unless Azeroth’s champions unite, the world shall fall.

As corruption spreads, the melodies of combat will twist and turn. Search for Azeroth’s hidden power, and experience the sounds of untold titan might. From the war-torn Broken Isles, to the depths of Neltharion’s ancient lair, to the majestic Halls of Valor, unimaginable forces will clash. This soundtrack will ennoble all of your battles, all of your trials… and all of your victories.

Track list[]

# Title Time
1 Kingdoms Will Burn 10:42
2 Relentless 02:31
3 Azeroth's Last Hope 03:44
4 The Tomb of Sargeras 01:33
5 New Dalaran 03:32
6 Dark Titan 04:25
7 Val'sharah 03:27
8 Passages 02:41
9 Highmountain 07:18
10 Mire 04:29
11 Stormheim 03:13
12 Artifacts 03:32
13 Suramar 02:42
14 Demon Hunter 06:09
15 Azsuna 02:40
16 A World Divided 05:22
17 Ley Lines 03:11
18 Canticle of Sacrifice 04:12



  • Composers: Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Sam Cardon, Edo Guidotti, Glenn Stafford
    • Featured Musicians:
    • Flute soloist: SEA Flute
    • Canticle of Sacrifice lyrics by Derek Duke
  • Legacy themes composed by David Arkenstone and Jason Hayes
  • Live sessions and orchestrations produced by Edo Guidotti
  • Arranging and Orchestration by Bill Liston, Penka Kouneva, and the Composers
  • Copying by Robert Puff and Jill Streater
  • Some selections recorded by the Northwest Sinfonia Orchestra and Chorus, contracted by Simon James and David Sabee
  • Conducted byEímear Noone
  • Orchestra recorded byJohn Kurlander
  • Some selections recorded by London Voices, contracted and conducted by Terry Edwards and Ben Parry
  • London Voices recorded at Abbey Road and AIR Studios London by Jonathan Allen and Toby Wood
  • Principal orchestral sub-mixes by John Rodd and John Kurlander
  • Principal music mixing by the Composers
  • Sound Design: Michael Johnson, Shawn Bernardo, Geoffrey Garnett, Jon Graves, Lawrence Peacock and David Rovin
  • Album production coordination byCaroline Hernandez
  • Album mastering at Bernie Grundman Mastering, Hollywood, CA
  • Album Produced by Russell Brower
  • With special thanks to: Margaret Brower, Julie Fogg, Sara Andon, Erin Valovich, Judy Ridenour, Tina and Karen Brower, Erika Sayre-Smith, Tommy Tallarico, Patricia Sullivan, Margarita Kravets, Tammy Cardon, Lisle Moore, Scott Johnson, Billy Hearst, Nate Tronerud, the devoted team at Pacific Coast Presentations: Shelly Guidotti, Ciera Figge, Thalia Partida, Dennis Booher, Rhubarb, Hazel Kurlander, Jay Maguire, David Seeholzer, Dennis Crabtree, Rhonda Cox, Andrea Toyias, Michael Roache, Christi Kugler, Kevin Crook, Lynda Do, Danielle Vanderlip, Randy Jordan, Chris Metzen, Mike Ryder, Frank Pearce, Mike Morhaime, Paul Sams and the entire Blizzard Entertainment Sound Department.


  • Cover back

    Cover back

  • CD


External links[]





Notable songs


Sheet music



Other games: StarCraft  •  Diablo  •  Hearthstone  •  Heroes of the Storm  •  Overwatch