- ️Thu Mar 12 2020
- For the Lunarfall NPCs, see Adventurer (NPC). For Covenant Sanctum followers used for adventures, see adventure companion.
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Main leader |
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Formerly |
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Secondary leaders |
Horde leaders Alliance leaders |
Race(s) | Playable races |
Character classes | Playable classes |
Capital |
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Other major settlements | Capital cities, order halls |
Theater of operations |
Azeroth Outland Alternate Draenor Argus Shadowlands Other planets |
Affiliation | Horde, Alliance, Various others organizations |
Status | Active |
Adventurer is the lore name for player characters.[2][3][4][5] They are also referred to as champions, heroes, commanders, and later as generals, order leaders, and Maw Walkers. Although unnamed and numerous, it is thanks to these brave individuals that Azeroth and worlds beyond have been saved on numerous occasions in recent times. During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, one of each class was named leader of their order.
“It is my honor to provide for adventurers, for they are heroes in the making.”
- — Mydrannul, Darnassian vendor

Adventurers facing Magtheridon.
In the aftermath of the Third War, Azeroth's troubles began multiplying at a rapid pace as the malevolent Old Gods subtly incited chaos and local conflicts to weaken the world's nations. It was not the heroes of past wars who rose up to face the emerging threats; it was the ordinary citizens of Azeroth. Some fought for adventure or glory, while others fought for profit or the opportunity to seek vengeance against a hated faction. Some traveled alone, while others formed mighty guilds to work together against the darkness. As the years passed, these extraordinary champions were called upon to do the impossible. Without them, Azeroth would surely have succumbed to evil.[6]
The adventurers mostly come from the two largest factions on Azeroth, the Horde and Alliance. Death knights are part of the Knights of the Ebon Blade and demon hunters the Illidari, though some of them also retain their allegiance to their former faction. As such, most adventurers are from the races composing these factions. Adventurers are mostly loyal to their faction, Horde, Alliance, or the Ebon Blade and the Illidari, and will quickly respond when they hear the call to war. However, some of them have also worked for other neutral organizations as well, such as the Argent Dawn or the Steamwheedle Cartel, usually for gold or other rewards.
As the skirmishes between the Horde and the Alliance continue to push the two factions to all-out war, the adventurers of the world are always on the forefront of many battlefields. While the old hatreds burn bright in the hearts of many of them, they have been willing to fight alongside one another against greater foes, as seen at the Dark Portal, on many occasions.
Where a regiment of orc grunts or human footmen fail, the adventurers succeed. Many are one-person armies, being able to defeat a large number of enemies and become even stronger in the process. Their strength comes from slaying foes and performing tasks as well as from the magic coming from their armor, weapons, and magical items. When adventurers work together, they combine their incredible power and defeat powerful enemies.
Nearly all adventurers have a [Hearthstone], a magic stone which, through some sort of strange, arcane ritual performed by an innkeeper, allows the wielder to return to a specific location where the stone is bound to.
Known actions[]

Exploring the Deadmines.

Adventurers facing Ragnaros in the Molten Core.

Adventurers standing before the gates of Ahn'Qiraj.
Recent events[]
This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.
Five years after the Third War, the adventurers saved the day numerous times in recent years. They:
- stopped Orgrimmar's corruption from Ragefire Chasm
- prevented the prisoners from escaping Stormwind's Stockades
- ended the Defias Brotherhood's threat by killing its leader in the Deadmines
- freed the druids of Naralex in the Wailing Caverns
- destroyed the Scarlet Crusade's presence in the Scarlet Monastery
- ended the Scourge experiments in Scholomance
- slayed the Scourge and Scarlet Crusaders in Stratholme, including Baron Rivendare and Balnazzar
- aided in the chaotic Blackrock Mountain, defeating Nefarian in his lair and halting his plans
- gained favor with the Brood of Nozdormu in Silithus, and were responsible for the re-opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, one of them becoming known as the Scarab Lord in the process,[7] and were the ones to defeat C'Thun
- joined the Argent Dawn in fighting off the Scourge Invasion from the Plaguelands and sparked the invasion of Naxxramas
- helped the Argent Dawn during the Battle at the Dark Portal
The war on Outland[]
This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.
In year 26, adventurers journeyed to Outland, holding off the Illidari and Burning Legion activities. They:
- solved the mystery of the Mag'har's troubled ancestral spirits, inspiring the rise of the Lok'osh[8]
- assisted the Keepers of Time in protecting the timeline from the infinite dragonflight in the Caverns of Time
- uncovered the mysteries of Karazhan
- stopped the naga led by Lady Vashj from draining the waters of Zangarmarsh
- killed Kael'thas Sunstrider and took the Tempest Keep back from his blood elves
- assaulted the Black Temple with the Scryers and the Sha'tar and saved the people of Outland from Illidan Stormrage's tyranny
- (some) were blessed by A'dal himself and granted the title of Hand of A'dal[7]
- prevented another large-scale invasion of Azeroth by the Burning Legion when they fought alongside the Shattered Sun Offensive to repel Kil'jaeden, and restore the Sunwell
The war against the Scourge[]

Adventurers fighting Yogg-Saron in Ulduar.
In year 27, adventurers:
- fought the Scourge in Northrend
- participated in the Nexus War
- drove back the Old God Yogg-Saron with the help of the Alliance, the Horde and the Kirin Tor
- braved the Argent Tournament
- participated in the assault on Icecrown Citadel, which culminated in the defeat of the Lich King alongside Tirion Fordring and the Ashen Verdict.
- The Lich King originally planned to lure the adventurers and kill them in order to raise them as his champions which he would send to conquer Azeroth.[9]
- made great strides ingratiating the mortal races to the dragonflights by:
- helping prevent the remains of the giant Galakrond from being unearthed by the Scourge
- destroyed a clutch of twisted progeny of Deathwing, twilight dragons, in the Obsidian Sanctum
- defeating the Black dragonflight and their commander Halion at the Ruby Sanctum and saving the red dragonflight's eggs
- participated in the liberation of the Echo Isles and Gnomeregan
The Hour of Twilight[]
This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
After the battle-hardened adventurers of Azeroth triumphed against the Scourge, another major threat arose in year 28, the return of Deathwing. Adventurers thus:
- fought off the elementals of Azeroth's invasion called the Elemental Unrest
- summoned back into Azeroth the Ancients to aid in defense of Hyjal against Ragnaros's forces
- pushed the Twilight's Hammer out of Mount Hyjal
- joined forces with Thrall and the Earthen Ring to repair the World Pillar, battling the Twilight's Hammer in Deepholm to recover the broken pieces, while renewing trust between Therazane and the mortal races.
- the naga, allied with Deathwing and the Twilight's Hammer, began waging a war against Neptulon, in an effort to take control of the seas themselves. The Naga invaded the Abyssal Maw and forced Neptulon into hiding with the help the kraken of Ozumat. Inside the Abyssal Maw, heroes helped Neptulon as he cleansed the waters, defeating the kraken who fled the battle.
- after having allied with those who refused the gift of Al'Akir against those who accepted it, adventurers managed to bring the fight into the elemental lord's lair and slew him
- besieged the dire Twilight Citadel, entrance to the Bastion of Twilight, and made it to Cho'gall, killing him and afterwards Sinestra who was hidden under the great spire
- in the midst of this crisis, the Zandalari, with their homeland destroyed by the cataclysm, united many of the trolls, seeking to create another Troll Empire. Thanks to the warning of Vol'jin and the Darkspear tribe, the adventurers managed to stop them and launched invasions of Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub
- Malfurion Stormrage, Hamuul Runetotem and Cenarius led a charge against Ragnaros in Sulfuron Spire, driving him back to the Firelands[10]
- adventurers then helped the Avengers of Hyjal at the Molten Front
- assaulted the Firelord himself on his throne, killing him once and for all
- helped Kalecgos of the Blue Dragonflight expose Arygos's betrayal, allowing Kalec to be chosen as the new Aspect of Magic
- went back to the past and retrieved the Demon Soul
- defeated the leader of the infinite dragonflight, Murozond
- helped Thrall reach the Aspects, since Deathwing, aware of the Dragon Aspects' intentions, had launched a massive assault on Wyrmrest Temple to prevent Thrall from handing them the Dragon Soul.
- using a powerful Alliance gunship, got on the back of the mighty aspect, dismantled his armor, and allowed Thrall to blast a hole through his chest with the Dragon Soul. With the assistance of Thrall and the Dragon Aspects, they defeated the fallen Aspect for good.
Mists of Pandaria[]
Immediately after the fall of Deathwing and his servants, the adventurers' respective leaders dedicated their factions completely to war. The agents of the Horde infiltrated Theramore, resulting in its utter destruction. They later accidentally rediscovered the mythical and long-forgotten lands of Pandaria, a continent far to the south that had until now been shrouded in magical mists and touched by the ancient malevolence known only as the sha.
With both factions landing on Pandaria, adventurers rediscovered the ancient Pandaren, whose wisdom helped guide them to new destinies: the Pandaren Empire's ancient enemy, the Mantid, and their legendary oppressors, the enigmatic mogu.
As conflicts heated up between the Alliance and Horde, the land changed over time, with subsequent events escalating the conflict between Alliance leader Varian Wrynn and the increasingly unbalanced Horde Warchief Garrosh Hellscream, eventually leading to a schism within the Horde itself.
As civil war wracked the Horde, the Alliance and those in the Horde opposed to Hellscream's violent uprising joined forces to take the battle directly to the enemy, leading to direct confrontation with Hellscream and his Sha-touched allies in a concluding showdown deep within the bowels of Orgrimmar itself.
Warlords of Draenor[]
Iron March Invasion[]
Months after Garrosh Hellscream's mysterious escape from his trial, the Dark Portal suddenly turned red and a seemingly endless and technologically advanced army of orcs calling itself the Iron Horde poured through it into the Blasted Lands. The combined forces of the Alliance and Horde were able to push the invasion back to the portal and break through to the other side, along with Thrall, Khadgar, and a number of other heroes of Azeroth. On the other side of the portal they recognized Draenor - not the broken world of Outland, but a living, breathing world free of fel corruption — and an even more massive army than they imagined. Securing the immediate area, it was discovered that Gul'dan, Teron'gor, and Cho'gall were imprisoned beneath and their fel magic was powering the portal to Azeroth. In a decision that would later have dire consequences, the champions chose to release the warlocks, disabling the portal.
As the Iron Horde fell upon them in insurmountable numbers, the champions fled through the Tanaan Jungle. The leaders of this Iron Horde brought their forces to bear against the intruders in pursuit. Chieftains Kilrogg Deadeye of the Bleeding Hollow, Kargath Bladefist of the Shattered Hand, Ner'zhul of the Shadowmoon, Blackhand of the Blackrock and the Warchief above them all Grommash Hellscream of the Warsong attacked the champions with their armies. In spite of the Iron Horde's defenses, the champions were able to destroy the Dark Portal on the Draenor side, buying time for leaders back in Azeroth to develop a plan to defeat the new enemies.
New allies[]
Surrounded by the Iron Horde, the champions fled to other parts of Draenor to find allies on the savage world, the Alliance champions to the draenei of Shadowmoon Valley, and the Horde champions to the orcs of Frostfire Ridge that they learned had not joined the Iron Horde. Adventurers established garrisons in the respective areas, and as they did so, it became clear that the Iron Horde may have invaded Azeroth prematurely, as they had not fully secured Draenor yet. Alliance champions broke through the siege of Karabor while Horde champions cut off the Iron Horde's advance in Thunder Pass. The defeat of the Shadowmoon clan in the Defense of Karabor provided the opportunity for adventurers of both factions to push further into the Anguish Fortress into the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, where they defeated the first of the mighty Warlords Ner'zhul.
With their new allies, both factions' champions pushed north to Gorgrond in the hopes of bringing the fight to the Iron Horde's facilities in the region. The champions discovered powerful Titan artifacts and used them to break the Iron Horde's defenses at the Iron Docks and eventually took the facility and the nearby Grimrail Depot. The champions also destroyed the Kirin Tor camp in the Everbloom, which had been infested by the native Primals hostile to both sides.
Talador and the arakkoa[]
The champions continued to augment their forces with heroes from Draenor and Azeroth and expanded their garrisons to formidable fortresses for the battle ahead. Both then pushed into the heart of the continent, Talador, where they liberated Shattrath City from the Iron Horde's forces under the command of Orgrim Doomhammer and Blackhand. During the battle, Blackhand killed Doomhammer for insubordination, but even as his fleet lay broken he escaped back to Gorgrond. The champions then pushed south to break the siege of Auchindoun by Gul'dan, Teron'gor and their allies who had intended to use the souls in repose there for their own ends.
The champions then traveled even further south to the Spires of Arak to assist the Arakkoa Outcasts in their insurgency against the Adherents of Rukhmar. The Adherents' leader, High Sage Viryx, was defeated in Skyreach, and the Outcasts summoned the spirit of Terokk to help the champions repel the advance of the Shattered Hand into the region. Kargath Bladefist, however, was able to defeat Terokk even as his forces were forced to retreat.
Nagrand and the Blackrock Foundry[]
The champions then advanced west to the rolling plains of Nagrand, where they found the Warsong clan led by the fugitive Garrosh from their own world, who had forged an alliance with the Gorian Empire capital of Highmaul. The champions pushed into the Warsong capital of Grommashar but were subdued by Garrosh. Thrall rescued the defeated champions and killed Garrosh in mak'gora. The champions then turned their attention to Oshu'gun and the Pale under the leadership of Cho'gall. The champions defeated the Pale, but Cho'gall managed to escape. The defeat of the Warsong left the Iron Horde in disarray in the area, opening an opportunity for the champions to invade Highmaul. Kargath Bladefist made a last-ditch attempt to defeat the champions, an attempt which cost him his life and became the second Warlord to fall. The defeat of Highmaul's leader Imperator Mar'gok brought an end to Highmaul's support for the Iron Horde, as well as an end to the ogre threat. In fury, Cho'gall also attacked the champions, but was brought down by the same champions who defeated Mar'gok.
With Nagrand secured, the champions returned to Gorgrond to lay siege to the Blackrock Foundry. Deep in the bowels of the Foundry, the champions defeated Blackhand, the third Warlord to fall.
Tanaan Jungle[]
With the Iron Horde defeated in most outlying areas, Gul'dan was able to seize control of its remaining army, now calling itself the Fel Horde. The champions then invaded the Tanaan Jungle to attack Hellfire Citadel. Here they slew the last member of the original Warlords, Kilrogg Deadeye, and destroyed the mutated abomination Teron'gor had become in the aftermath of the events in Auchindoun. Further on, they defeated the newly "cured" Shadow-Sage Iskar, rescued Grommash from the grip of the Burning Legion, struck down the revived Mannoroth, and ultimately stopped Archimonde's attempt to destroy the world.
This section concerns content related to Legion.
The Tomb of Sargeras[]
As alternate Gul'dan was thinking about betraying the Burning Legion in the Tomb of Sargeras like his counterpart did, the horrific realization that all the adventurers of Azeroth would then try to kill him made him choose to stand with the demon army instead.[11]
Broken Isles[]
- Main article: Class Order
With the advent of the Third invasion of the Burning Legion, adventurers from all around Azeroth stepped forward. Those strong enough to brave the demonic army resurrected long-forgotten class orders or became champions of the old. Wielding powerful legendary weapons, these adventurers were chosen to marshal a resistance against the Legion. Of these few, twelve champions from both the Alliance and the Horde stepped forward to protect Azeroth, and brought together many notable heroes to serve alongside them.
The player-character adventurer is known among the Burning Legion itself, and their power is impressive according to Illidan Stormrage.[12]
They confronted the evils of the eredar homeworld of Argus, taking down the Legion's commanders, and defeated the titan Argus with the aid of the Pantheon. After Sargeras's imprisonment and the wounding of the world, the Speaker of Azeroth, Magni Bronzebeard, showed the champions how to use their artifact weapons and absorb the corrupting energy of the Sword of Sargeras.
Battle for Azeroth[]
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As Azeroth was endangered by its wounds, she and Magni Bronzebeard declared some of the planet's worthiest heroes to be Champions of Azeroth, entrusting them each with an Heart of Azeroth. Those mighty protectors sought to absorb Azerite with their medallions.[13]
Kul Tiras[]
An Alliance emissary went with Jaina Proudmoore to attempt to bring Kul Tiras back into the Alliance. However, both the emissary and Jaina were incarcerated upon their arrival in Boralus, the emissary being sent to Tol Dagor. They were then broken from the prison by the efforts of Taelia, Flynn Fairwind, and Cyrus Crestfall, taking them back to Boralus.
Halford Wyrmbane specifically requested the adventurer by name.[14] So did Master Mathias Shaw and Falstad Wildhammer.[15]
Adventurers were needed to kill wolves in Stormsong.[16] In Drustvar, a group of children formed the Adventurer's Society to find treasures.

A Horde adventurer accompanied an elite team in infiltrating the Stormwind Stockades in Stormwind City to rescue Princess Talanji and Zul the Prophet, under orders from Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, to add the strength of the Zandalari fleet into the Horde's strength. Upon escaping the human city, Talanji brought them to the Zandalari capital of Dazar'alor to meet with her father, King Rastakhan. Rastakhan proceeded to name the adventurer Speaker of the Horde for the Zandalari.
The Speaker of the Horde accompanied Talanji on an expedition to Nazmir, in order to combat the blood troll threat. They also personally slew the corrupted loa Hir'eek.
Some adventurers could choose to serve N'Zoth by accepting and keeping its gift.
Blood War[]
As a result of inner turmoil within the Horde, some adventurers chose to side with Varok Saurfang and joined his rebellion, while others sided with Sylvanas Windrunner and joined the Banshee loyalists.
This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.
In the Shadowlands, the adventurer is known as a Maw Walker, based on their ability to leave the normally inescapable Maw at will. Ironically, Sylvanas Windrunner was the first to ever escape the Maw after striking a deal with the Jailer.
This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.
On the Dragon Isles, some refer to the adventurer as the Dragonrider.[17]
Known canon adventurers[]
- Pip Quickwit, an inventor, explorer, and SI:7 informant.[18]
- Kingslayer Orkus, a warrior with powerful, enchanted armor and a frost wyrm.
- Zinnin Smythe, a warlock who was present when Deathwing was unmade.
- Shinfel Blightsworn, a warlock who fought Cho'gall in the Twilight's Highlands, had her blood corrupted by him, and her mind nearly shattered.
- Ritssyn Flamescowl, a warlock who participated in the defeat of Ragnaros the Firelord.
- Kanrethad Ebonlocke, a warlock who was present when Illidan was killed at the Black Temple.
- Zelifrax Wobblepox, a warlock who was partnered with Zinnin Smythe to retrieve the powers left behind by Ragnaros after his defeat.
- Jubeka Shadowbreaker, a warlock who was partnered with Kanrethad Ebonlocke to uncover the secrets of the demons of the Legion and Illidan's demonic transformation.
- Leeroy Jenkins, a valiant paladin who perished during an assault on Blackrock Spire. He was resurrected years later and joined the Azerothian forces during the war against the Iron Horde on alternate Draenor.
- Morgus Grimhatchet, a death knight and a high-priority target for the Horde.
- Harkor, a dwarf who appears at the end of the Zul'Aman timed event.
- Death Hunter Moorgoth, the self-proclaimed leader of the "death hunters".
- The powerful adventurers that rushed into Ahn'Qiraj and defeated C'Thun before his swarm of Aqir invaded the entirety of Kalimdor.
- Either Kalahad or Shiromar became the Scarab Lord.
- The powerful adventurers that helped Maiev and Akama defeat Illidan.
- The powerful adventurers that raided original Naxxramas.
- The dwarf adventurer who wielded
[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker], and died in a cavern in Faronaar. The sword would eventually be retrieved by the Farseer of the Earthen Ring, who was then an adventurer themselves.
- Hunter adventurers and class order members stable their pets in the Magical Menagerie of Dalaran. The Overlord of Dreadscar Rift, a warlock member of the Council of the Black Harvest, killed a stag there with their dark magic in order to take a sample of the animal's blood.
- An unwary adventurer, dead in the Hall of Shadows.
- Benjari Edune, a night elf resident of Ashenvale.
- Lessah Moonwater, an archaeologist.
- Turp and Roo, two retired adventurers.
- Johnny Awesome, who "participated" in the battle against Illidan Stormrage, defeated the Lich King Arthas Menethil at least twice, and had a stint with the Brawler's Guild.
- Desii, who visited the alternate version of her homeworld.
- Unethical Adventurers, a band of adventurers in Highmountain who ambush the player adventurer for loot. They are the following:
- X'oni, one of the most powerful druids to ever exist.
- Phyrix, a legendary priest who led adventurers through Molten Core and Blackwing Lair.
- Budd Nedreck, a human who wanders Azeroth.
- Various Alliance Adventurers
- Various Injured Adventurers
- Various Traveling Adventurers
- Various Adventurers in Lunarfall
- Captain Washburn was an adventurer until he took an arrow to the knee.
- The Injured Adventurer, who was trying to complete a low-level quest in the Valley of Trials before her death.
- Several Deceased Adventurers can be found in Razorfen Kraul.
- Kul Tiras Adventurers and other similar NPCs in the portal rooms.
- The members of the Thrall's Thrashers, Wrynn's Raiders and Uber Town guilds.
- Many members of the Alliance and Horde Vanguards during the Assault on the Dark Portal seem to be adventurers, using player titles such as "the Kingslayer" or "the Crazy Cat Lady".
Notes and trivia[]
- The human and dwarven paladin players are Knights of the Silver Hand.[19][20]
- Orc adventurers were not born into any of the orcish clans, but can choose to join one of the major clans (Blackrock, Bleeding Hollow, Dragonmaw, Frostwolf, Shattered Hand, or Warsong) during the quest
[50-70] The Blessing of the Clan in their heritage questline.
- The death knight adventurer can have a variety of backgrounds, including some normally inaccessible for player characters. For example, a goblin death knight is said to have been a Steamwheedle Cartel member, whereas normal goblin adventurers come from the Bilgewater Cartel. A worgen death knight is a former worgen of Silverpine instead of an infected Gilnean citizen.
- The gnome adventurer was one of the rare strong enough to survive the high amount of radiations who bathed Gnomeregan without turning into a leper gnome.
- The goblin adventurer was the CEO of the Kajaro Trading Company back on Kezan. They wear a Goblin All-In-1-Der Belt, and studied Orcish in school.[21]
- The pandaren adventurer was a student of Master Shang Xi, alongside Aysa Cloudsinger and Ji Firepaw.
- The demon hunter adventurer was either a night elf follower of Illidan Stormrage or a blood elf member of the Sunfury, ending up as the champion chosen by Illidan to attack Mardum.
- Horde adventurers can get a glimpse at their lineage in
[10-35] Family Tree.
- During the Classic era, many Horde adventurers used to be psychics.[22]
- The trailer of World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria may be voiced from the point of view of an adventurer.[23]
- Despite long being able to obtain a variety of in-game titles, it was not until Warlords of Draenor that the adventurers were given titles directly in the lore, those of "commander" and later "general". All other titles were mechanic-oriented and never referenced in quests or dialogue.
- Ironically, the player is never actually given an actual associated in-game title of Commander or General, likely due to the two titles already being obtainable through PvP:
[Commander] and
- In Legion, players are referred to in text by their order title, which is awarded for actual use at the end of their Order Campaign, but are often vocally referred to as just "champions".
- In Battle for Azeroth, Alliance adventurers are referred to as "emissaries" or "mainlanders". Horde adventurers are referred to as different things, including "richmon" by Jani, "Speakers of the Horde" by the Zandalari, or "mook" by Azala.
- In Shadowlands, adventurers become known as Maw Walkers and are canonically several separated individuals.[24]
- Ironically, the player is never actually given an actual associated in-game title of Commander or General, likely due to the two titles already being obtainable through PvP:
- Hearthstone
- ^ Dark Riders
- ^
[45] The Reliquary Calls
- ^ Adventure Board
- ^ Hero's Call Board
- ^ Warchief's Command Board
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 115 - 116
- ^ a b Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig
- ^ Nakha#Quotes
- ^ Lich King (tactics): The Lich King yells: You trained them well, Fordring. You delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known... right into my hands - exactly as I intended! You shall be rewarded for your unwitting sacrifice. Watch now as I raise them from the dead to become masters of the Scourge. They will shroud this world in chaos and destruction. Azeroth's fall will come at their hands -- and you will be the first to die.
- ^
[30-35] The Firelord
- ^ The Tomb of Sargeras, pg. 30
- ^
[10-45LIE WQ] Thaz'gul - Illidan Stormrage says: The growth of your power is most impressive. The Legion knows your name... and fears it.
- ^ File:Blizzard Museum - Heart of Azeroth.jpg
- ^ The War Campaign#Alliance
- ^
[35-60] Mission from the King
- ^
[35-60G3] WANTED: Razorclaw Alpha
- ^
[62-65] Call of the Plains
- ^
[Hyperthermically Insulated Lava Dredger]
- ^
[3] Consecrated Letter
- ^
[1] Consecrated Rune
- ^
[1-20] Orcs Can Write?
- ^
[58D] The Rise of the Machines
- ^ "We were there when a world of limitless adventure opened up before us. We rose defiantly, against all those that threatened the peace of our kingdoms. We ventured to a new alien world, and cast the lords of shadow and flame back into the abyss. It was we who held the line as death itself rose like a tide to swallow everything we held dear. We have endured the breaking of the world, and must now face the Destroyer and end his cycle of destruction. But soon we will face a new chapter. An adventure unlike any we have known thus far. A mystery shrouded by superstition, a land of forgotten power and ancient magics, and a people that may well change the fate of us all. For all the challenges we have faced and all the places we have been, Azeroth's limits have yet to be revealed." - Mists of Pandaria announcement trailer
- ^ Jez Corden 2020-03-12. World of Warcraft interview: Looking back at Battle for Azeroth, and looking ahead to Shadowlands. Windows Central. Retrieved on 2020-03-13. “In Shadowlands, the player's character becomes known as a Maw Walker, though this is not a singular title; fictionally, a number heroes of Azeroth like yourself have demonstrated the ability to enter and leave the Maw. We want a sense that it will take many heroes working together and strengthening all four covenants if there is to be any hope of achieving victory over the Jailer.”