Agent Springslip

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
AllianceAgent Springslip
Image of Agent Springslip
Title <SI:7>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 35-40
Class Rogue
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) SI:7, Uncrowned
Location Broken Precipice, Nagrand;[39, 12.2] Hall of Shadows
Status Alive

Agent Springslip is a gnome located at the Broken Precipice in Nagrand.

He is also found in the Hall of Shadows.


  • He was initially planned to have been killed on Draenor.[1]

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ A [100] Azuka Bladefury

External links[]

Nagrand Hall of Shadows