Azereki Ashenblade

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
HordeAzereki Ashenblade
Image of Azereki Ashenblade
Gender Male
Race(s) Darkfallen, formerly blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 30-40
Class Death knight
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Axefall, Spires of Arak; Frostwall; Uldum
Status Active

Azereki Ashenblade is a Darkfallen death knight located at the Axefall in Spires of Arak. He can be recruited as a follower for Frostwall.

During the events of the Assault in Uldum, he appeared in Uldum.


  •  Empower Rune Weapon — Empower your rune weapon, increasing damage done by 100%.
  •  Howling Blast — Blast the target with a frigid wind dealing Frost damage to all enemies within 10 yards.


  • He uses orcish voice.

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