
  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
The Battlefront

The Battlefront.

The Battlefront is large region of Silverpine Forest between Shadowfang Keep and the Greymane Wall. It is currently inhabited by both Forsaken Horde forces, and the 7th Legion and Gilneas Liberation Front of the Alliance. Additionally, Marsh Crocolisks have eaten one of Lord Godfrey's friends here and will drop an item that begins a quest.

The main Horde camp is the Forsaken Front, where Sylvanas Windrunner leads the war preparations that culminate in a final showdown in H [5-30] Cities in Dust. Alliance encampments include the 7th Legion Base Camp, where the dwarves under General Marstone are located, and the Gilneas Liberation Front Base Camp, where Lorna Crowley can be found. The once isolated Pyrewood Village has become ground zero for the conflict between these two sides.



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Tyrande was swept down a river that would have been located somewhere in this area, as it is the area that surrounds Pyrewood Village. However, in game, there is no river present.

As of Cataclysm; there is a swampy area that runs from Pyrewood to the Greymane Wall with a bridge that runs above it. This area may have once been the River Arevass; as there are a number of rowboats near the patches of water that remain; which would be pointless given how shallow the water is. The Arevass' absence from the game may be related to reasons that aren't related to the lore, such as scale issues.

The region that surrounds the river may have shared its name, Arevass, possibly providing a name for the regions that would later become the Battlefront and Northgate.

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