Bloodlord Mandokir (Classic)

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
For lore and character history, see Bloodlord Mandokir. For information on his modern encounter, see Bloodlord Mandokir (tactics).
BossBloodlord Mandokir
Image of Bloodlord Mandokir
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Zul'Gurub
Status Killable

Bloodlord Mandokir is a boss of Zul'Gurub, and the first optional encounter of the instance, as he does not empower Hakkar like the High Priests.

Despite being optional, he is rarely skipped and highly sought after due to his exclusive loot, specifically  [Primal Hakkari Idol] and  [Swift Razzashi Raptor].

Mandokir has several unique features to his encounter, including his mount fight alongside him and "leveling up" by slaying players.


Bloodlord Mandokir is a single-phase encounter that is automatically initiated when Vilebranch Speaker is slain. Upon acquiring a target, Mandokir dismounts and fights with his mount Ohgan.

Bloodlord Mandokir

  •  Charge — Mandokir occasionally charges an enemy within 40 yards, dealing 150 damage and stunning them for 2 sec. Mandokir wipes his threat table upon charging.
  •  Enrage — Killing Ohgan enrages Mandokir, increasing his attack speed by 65% and physical damage dealt by 50% for 1.5 min.
  •  Execute — Used when Mandokir's current target falls below 20% health. Deals approximately 5000 physical damage.
  •  Intimidating Shout — Fears all nearby targets for 6 sec.
  •  Level Up — Bloodlord Mandokir levels up every time he kills 3 players. Permanently increases size and damage done by 10%.
  •  Mortal Strike — Inflicts 200% weapon damage and reduces healing received by 50% for 5 sec. Cast every 20-40 seconds.
  •  Overpower — Cast each time Mandokir's current target dodges an attack. Deals 2200 damage on tanks. Overpower cannot be blocked, dodged, or parried.
  •  Threatening Gaze — Bloodlord Mandokir chooses a player to watch for 6 seconds. If the player takes any action while watched, Mandokir will charge and attack them.
  •  Whirlwind — After 2 sec, strikes all players in melee range for ~2,500 damage.


Ohgan has 91,560 health and remains active until killed. He will not despawn upon Mandokir's death.

  •  Sunder Armor — Hacks at an enemy's armor, reducing it by 1000 per stack. Stacks up to 20 times. Lasts 20 sec.
  •  Thrash — Ohgan occasionally Thrashes, giving him 2 extra attacks on his next swing.

Chained Spirit

Chained Spirits automatically move toward dead players and cast Revive on them, which "consumes" the spirit. There are a limited amount of spirits per attempt.

  •  Revive — Instantly revives the target with 100% health and mana.


"Grats!" yells Jin'do the Hexxer. The Bloodlord has one more very tricky thing. When you die, he gains experience. Three deaths will level him, making him hit harder, take less physical damage, and grow in size. If this happens more than a couple times, it will almost certainly be a wipe. Try not to let this happen. It is fairly easy to tell when he levels, as he has the same animation as a normal character will when he or she levels.

There are also spirits around that will resurrect you when you die, with full stats. They randomly choose a corpse to resurrect, so use it when you get it. But attempt to stay alive as best you can, as your death fuels his strength.

Priests should be aware that the ghosts are currently bugged and will not resurrect you if you have the spirit of redemption talent. Clicking it off immediately may allow it to work (this remains untested).


The Bloodlord is a much more difficult fight than the snake and bat aspects. He levels with your deaths and has an extremely fast-moving, quite deadly raptor.

There are two primary methods of dealing with him, each with their separate strategies. To begin with either, begin the fight by pulling the speaker. Kill him; he only has a few thousand HP. Then, you must first separate the raptor and the Bloodlord. Many groups pull the raptor up to behind the stakes, though that is up to the raid leader. Meanwhile, the Bloodlord remains beneath the stakes in almost all cases. Both strategies consist of having the main tank on the Bloodlord and the offtank on the raptor. In either case, have the Mages in the raid group place Amplify Magic on every character, as this fight is purely physical.


The focus of this strategy is to avoid the Bloodlord's enrage when Ohgan dies; it significantly increases his attack power, and it is also suspected to increase the variability of his charges. In affect, the raptor is to be offtanked until the Bloodlord is dead, at which point, the raid may finish the encounter by killing the raptor. The raptor has a stackable debuff effect which decreases the target's armor by a high amount; 7 to 8 sunders will make the tank wearing them squishy as a cloth wearer. Make sure to switch tanks between 3 and 5 sunders. This fight does require 3 tanks. This makes this strategy difficult for the healers; without gear, this makes the fight near impossible for the healers and their mana to survive.


The alternative is to kill the raptor first and the Bloodlord second. This is more dangerous for the raid overall, but it probably amounts to the same difficulty as the first strategy, as your healers are all focused on either the MT or the random person who gets hit by the charge. Again, leave the MT on the Bloodlord, with two offtanks on the raptor, switching off as prescribed in the first strategy. When the raptor falls, the Bloodlord will enrage, increasing attack power, as well as (it seems) increase the randomness with his attacks. The enrage lasts for approximately a minute, but it does make him hit very hard. Every healer should be on the main tank, and the tank should be prepared to make last-minute saves, such as Shield Wall.

Controlling Mandokir[]

The main issue in fighting this boss is getting the aggro back on the MT as quickly as possible after he charges. He seems to charge randomly, but in actuality, he charges anyone who is singled out away from the group and DPSing. Thusly, the easiest way to control him is to deliberately give him someone to single out, while the rest of the group huddles. Hunters work well, as they can Feign Death to aid in the MT's recovery of Mandokir. After Mandokir charges, he will move on the next highest aggro, which is not the MT since he partially dumps the threat associated with the highest aggro producer prior to the charge. This makes it necessary for the one who has the highest threat to run for the MT. DPS should pause after he charges, to enable the tank to easily reestablish his threat.


Mandokir drops several important items. High-end guilds will kill him for his  [Primal Hakkari Idol], which leads to a very powerful class-specific enchant.

In addition to that, he also drops a very rare epic mount. It is called the  [Swift Razzashi Raptor] and it is the only possibility for Alliance members to ride a raptor. Horde members can ride it, too, including tauren.

Mandokir, along with Jin'do the Hexxer, has a high drop rate on the  [Primal Hakkari Kossack],  [Primal Hakkari Aegis], and  [Primal Hakkari Tabard], which are otherwise rare.

Primal Hakkari armor tokens
Item Class
 [Primal Hakkari Armsplint] Rogue, Shaman, Warrior
 [Primal Hakkari Bindings] Hunter, Mage, Paladin
 [Primal Hakkari Stanchion] Druid, Priest, Warlock
 [Primal Hakkari Girdle] Rogue, Shaman, Warrior
 [Primal Hakkari Shawl] Hunter, Mage, Paladin
 [Primal Hakkari Sash] Druid, Priest, Warlock
 [Primal Hakkari Aegis] Rogue, Hunter, Priest
 [Primal Hakkari Kossack] Mage, Warlock, Warrior
 [Primal Hakkari Tabard] Druid, Paladin, Shaman
Other Loot
 [Primal Hakkari Idol]
 [Bloodlord's Defender]
 [Halberd of Smiting]
 [Mandokir's Sting]
 [Swift Razzashi Raptor]
 [Warblade of the Hakkari]
 [Animist's Leggings]
 [Blooddrenched Grips]
 [Bloodsoaked Pauldrons]
 [Bloodtinged Kilt]
 [Hakkari Loa Cloak]
 [Overlord's Crimson Band]
 [Primalist's Seal]
 [Zanzil's Seal]


Bloodlord Mandokir yells: I'll feed your souls to Hakkar himself!
Level up
Bloodlord Mandokir yells: DING!
Bloodlord Mandokir yells: Your deaths feed my strength!
Threatening Gaze
Bloodlord Mandokir yells: <player>! I'm Watching you!
Ohgan dies
Bloodlord Mandorkir goes in a rage after seeing his raptor fall in battle!

Patch changes[]

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