Captain Angelica

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
AllianceCaptain Angelica
Image of Captain Angelica
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 98 - 100
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Third fleet
Occupation Captain
Location Stormwind Harbor
Status Alive

Captain Angelica is a captain of the Alliance navy's Third Fleet; she and her crew, including First Mate Tidesong, have been through many a campaign.[1] Her ship was cast ashore during the Battle for the Broken Shore, after which she could be seen trying to put out the felfire flames burning it.

During the Fourth War, she transported the adventurer and members of the Stormwind army to the Battle for Lordaeron, to reclaim Lordaeron from the Horde.[2] She was later encountered by Horde champions in Nazjatar.[3]

Objective of[]


Main article: The Battle for Lordaeron#Notes



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