Changing of the Gar'dul

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
HordeChanging of the Gar'dul
Start Warlord Gar'dul
End Warlord Bloodhilt
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 1,400
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Rewards  [Gar'dul's Armor]
or  [Gloves of Desolation Hold]
or  [Breeches of Authority]
or  [Loose Cannon]
or  [Gauntlets of Desolation Hold]


Previous H [10-30] Desolation Hold Inspection


Go to the top of the northern tower in Desolation Hold and help Warlord Bloodhilt "Relieve" Gar'dul of command.

  • Go to the Top of the Tower
  • Gar'dul "Relieved" of Command


When Bloodhilt arrives, I'd like to - ah - talk in private. Can you accompany me to make sure things stay on the level? This Bloodhilt is a, ah, he's a, he's a loose cannon.

<Gar'dul tries to compose himself.>

Meet me atop the northern tower and we'll talk with Bloodhilt together.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
[Gar'dul's Armor] [Gloves of Desolation Hold]
[Breeches of Authority] [Loose Cannon]
[Gauntlets of Desolation Hold]

You will also receive:


You've just learned a little something about the inner workings of the Horde high command.

Warlord Bloodhilt is in charge of Desolation Hold now. He may have more for you to do in the courtyard below.


Gar'dul's gossip text during the quest
Don't delay, he's - ah - he's almost here!
Meet me at the top of the northernmost tower.

Once you reach the top of the tower, the following event will take place:

Warlord Gar'dul says: Thank you, <name>. I trust you will, ah, defer to my authority on this matter.
Warlord Bloodhilt says: So this is where you're hiding Gar'dul.
Warlord Gar'dul says: Hiding? Listen Bloodhilt - I've, ah, reinforced our grip on the Barrens.
Warlord Bloodhilt says: You cower behind your walls! If it wasn't for <name> here the Alliance would be marching through Mulgore.
Warlord Gar'dul says: But they've, ah, they've gotten reinforcements! From the Eastern Kingdoms. Whereas I've been, ah, cut off -
Warlord Bloodhilt says: Your excuses sicken me! Consider yourself relieved from command.
Warlord Gar'dul says: Relieved? Over my dead body!
Warlord Bloodhilt says: So! You DO have a spine.
Warlord Gar'dul turns hostile! Defeat him together with Warlord Bloodhilt!
Warlord Gar'dul says: Wait, ah - wait! I yield. I yield!
Warlord Bloodhilt says: Yield? You ... YIELD?
Warlord Bloodhilt says: What part of "Victory or Death" don't you understand?
Bloodhilt grabs Gar'dul and throws him out of the window!
Warlord Bloodhilt says: Garrosh's Horde does not tolerate failure.
Warlord Bloodhilt says: Meet me down below and we'll discuss our upcoming counter-attack.

A Desolation Hold guard patrols the tower and if present will aid the player and Bloodhilt in beating Gar'dul.


  1. H [10-30] Desolation Hold Inspection (from Vendetta Point)
  2. H [10-30] Changing of the Gar'dul
    1. H [10-30] Parts-is-Parts
    2. H [10-30] Hearts-is-Hearts
    3. H [10-30] Smarts-is-Smarts
    1. H [10-30] Silithissues
    2. H [10-30] Firestone Point (to Firestone Point)
  3. H [10-30] Intelligence Warfare
  4. H [10-30] The Butcher of Taurajo
    1. H [10-30] Flightmare
    2. H [10-30] Tauren Vengeance (to Bael Modan)

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