
  • ️Tue Mar 05 2013
For the Ashran mob, see Direhorn (Ashran). For the Grimtotem village in Dustwallow Marsh, see Direhorn Post.
Classification Dinosaur
Racial leader(s) Torcali (Loa)
Homeworld Azeroth
Environment Jungles, islands
Area(s) Zandalar (South Seas)
Isle of Giants, Isle of Thunder (Pandaria)
Hearthstone Un'Goro Crater (Kalimdor)
Organization(s) Herds

Direhorns, also known as triceratops,[2] are three-horned dinosaurs found mainly on Zandalar, the Isle of Giants and the Isle of Thunder. These saurian titans populate many islands in the South Seas.[3] Though they can seem like gentle giants, they are among the toughest and strongest of all things that walk on Azeroth.[4] Even at a tiny size, direhorns are known to wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims.[5]

The Zandalari trolls are regarded for their beast taming, and one of their greatest allies is that of the direhorn. With plated skin[4] that can be harder than plate armor[6] and spikes protruding from various directions, direhorns offer protection both for themselves and their masters. It was custom for a direhorn's future master to be the first to see it when it broke free from its shell.[4] The Zandalari breed specific direhorn species for their small size for use as mounts.[7] A common coming-of-age rite among the Zandalari is to travel to one of the violent, beast-ruled islands near the capital to steal or subdue a wild creature, such as a direhorn or devilsaur.[8] Before a Zandalari sets out to tame a direhorn, they are known to traditionally carve sigils into their arm with ceremonial horns, speak to a bestial loa, drink a wild draught, wear a twin-tusk mask, and "roar with the inner voice".[9] There is an old Zandalari saying about wild direhorns: "Run!"[10]

The Zandalari recently deployed direhorns for use as living war engines to aid them in defending the Throne of Thunder and their mogu allies on the Isle of Thunder.



As a mount[]

Main article: Direhorn mounts

As a companion pet[]

As a hunter pet[]

Basic Special Exotic Bonus

Direhorns were added in patch 5.2.0 as a tamable pet family for Hunters that have learned the required skill. Aspiring direhorn owners should seek out clues regarding these auspicious beasts. The direhorn's special ability is [Gore].

In order to tame a direhorn, hunters will need find an  [Ancient Tome of Dinomancy], which drops from the Zandalari Dinomancers on the Isle of Giants. The exception is Zandalari troll hunters, who can tame direhorns by default.

Notes and trivia[]

  •  [Highly-Spiced Haunch] is made from direhorns.
  • The color variants that are available in game are blue with yellow stripes, green with dark green stripes, light brown with orange stripes, red with brown and dark red spots, and white with yellow stripes.
  • While mostly comparable to the iconic Triceratops dinosaur, direhorns actually combine visual elements of several ceratopsid and ankylosaur genera, such as Triceratops, Styracosaurus and Ankylosaurus. They are also similar to Stegadons from Warhammer Fantasy Battles, which also are a combination of the aforementioned genera.
  • In the game database, their model is referred to as "triceratops".


Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]

Creature group
Beast creatures







