Draenei Village

Draenei Village WC3

The Draenei Village.

Gates of the Abyss - Draenei village

The village's defenses.

The Draenei Village was a small village of draenei in Outland, discovered by Illidan Stormrage and his lieutenants Kael'thas Sunstrider and Lady Vashj when they ventured to Outland after the Third War. The village, led by Akama, was suffering under attacks by the fel orcs serving Magtheridon in the area. Illidan and his forces decided to help the draenei in order to gain their support against Magtheridon. After crushing the fel orc base nearest to the village, the draenei accepted to join his side. This was the first time Illidan met Akama, and likely the first time Akama and his soldiers received any form of reinforcements.

The mission which these events unfold in is titled Gates of the Abyss and is chapter five of Curse of the Blood Elves - the human (blood elf) campaign in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.



Three draenei villages can be seen on the Outland map used in WC3 - it is unknown which of them Illidan saved.

This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

As seen from the Warcraft III Outland map, this was actually just one of three draenei villages in the vicinity. It is, however, very difficult to estimate where they were located, how far it was between them, and which of them was discovered by Illidan, due to the multiple errors related to the map. However, much of the events that occurred in Outland during the events of The Frozen Throne have been retconned to have been set in Shadowmoon Valley, which seem to be the same also regards to this village, given that the Dimensional Gateways present in the chapter Gates of the Abyss were located near the Black Temple to reinforce Magtheridon's positions.

The Warcraft III-draenei's usage of giant mushrooms to build their houses is also similar to Telredor in World of Warcraft.


Saving the draenei village is actually an optional mission. It will be available as soon as the player discovers the village. Akama will still join Illidan in his next chapter to defeat Magtheridon whether you complete this quest or not.

Draenei Village

  • Destroy the Orange Fel Orc base

For centuries the Draenei have been battling the Fel Orcs, but in the last hundred years the Draenei have been slowly losing. With the help of Illidan and Kael the Draenei would be able to to turn the balance in their favor and rid themselves of the Fel Orcs once and for all.


Discovering the village:

  • Prince Kael'thas: "Magtheridon's forces have besieged that Draenei village! If we drive them back, the Draenei will join us in our fight!"

After the orange fel orc base have been defeated:

Freed draenei prisoners (found in camps around on the map):


  • There has been some retconning between WarCraft III and World of Warcraft, regarding how Akama and his people looked like when Illidan found them. In this mission, they look like lost ones. In World of Warcraft, they are broken instead. Akama looks like a mix between them. In this mission, the draenei were also seen utilizing "draenei salamanders", a blue Outland-type of salamander. This creature did not appear in World of Warcraft's Outland.
  • The time at which Akama met Illidan and his followers has also been retconned (or possibly just eluded the developers). In Gates of the Abyss, it is obvious that he met them after they had begun to close down Ner'zhul's dimensional gateways. In the 2.1 trailer, he is instead seen together with them as they decide on closing them.
