
  • ️Tue Nov 17 2020
For general info, see fear effect. For the rogue dagger, see  [Fear]. For the manga, see Fear (Legends).

  • Fear
  • Level 5 warlock ability
  • 30 yd range
  • 5% of base mana
  • 1.7 sec cast
  • Strikes fear in the enemy, disorienting for 20 sec. Damage may cancel the effect. Limit 1.
  • Rank 2: You no longer suffer spell pushback when casting Fear.
Class Warlock
School Shadow
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 5
Rank levels 52 (rank 2)
Improvements [Horrify], [Nightmare]
Related debuff

  • Fear
  • Disoriented.
  • Duration: 20 sec
It fled without a word... unless "AAAAAGH!" counts as a word.[1]
Fear TCG

In the TCG.

Fear is a warlock spell. Fear causes a single enemy to flee in fear, effectively disabling it temporarily.


  • The duration of Fear is dependent on several factors.
    • Fear has a potential PvE duration (versus mobs) of 20 seconds.
    • Fear has a potential PvP duration (versus players) of 8 seconds.
  • Fear has a damage limit. If the target takes damage equal to the limit, the Fear spell will break, regardless of the potential duration of the spell.
  • Casting Fear on your minion's current target will automatically cause your minion to stop attacking that target.
  • Numerous abilities and items such as PvP trinkets may allow players to break the fear effect prematurely, while others may render them immune.
  • When used against mobs, Fear will cause a patrol to aggro, even when glyphed.
  • Fear is subject to diminishing returns when used against players. Consequently, repeated use of fear effects upon a player within a 15 second period will reduce the duration of the effect considerably.
  • Fear is the only fear effect available to players that does not have a cooldown.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]

Rank 1 Rank 2