Llane Wrynn I

  • ️Tue Oct 25 2016
For the chess piece, see King Llane.
NeutralLlane Wrynn I
Image of Llane Wrynn I
Title King of Stormwind,
Liege Lord of Stormwind,
Defender of Azeroth,
Prince of Stormwind (formerly)
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Warrior
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Stormwind, House of Wrynn
Occupation King of Stormwind
Location Various
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Landan (grandfather)
Barathen and Varia (parents)
Taria (wife)
Varian (son)
Tiffin (daughter-in-law)
Anduin (grandson)
Companion(s) Anduin Lothar, Medivh (best friends), Hugarin, Huglar (advisors)

“We will throw this one back, just like the others. And we will hold until the reinforcements come. As long as men with stout hearts are manning the walls and the throne, Stormwind will hold.”

— Llane's last words to Garona during the siege of Stormwind.[1]

Llane Wrynn I[2] was the ruler of the Kingdom of Stormwind during the First War. He was the child of King Barathen Wrynn and Lady Varia, and the father of King Varian Wrynn. His grandson King Anduin Wrynn was given his middle name Llane to honor him.


The Gurubashi War[]

Warcraft I - Llane Wrynn

King Llane.

Llane was born in the year 564 by the accounting of years formerly used in that kingdom (40 years before the First War)[3]. Llane spent his childhood with Medivh and Anduin Lothar. One day, while out on the road in Stranglethorn Vale, Medivh and his two friends were ambushed by three jungle trolls. None were hurt badly, however, Medivh fainted after casting several spells.[4] In 577 (according to The Last Guardian, Medivh's coma lasted 20 years, hinting at larger timeframe), Llane reached to the Age of Ascension and was given the full title of Prince of Stormwind. During the evening feast arranged to honor the young Prince, the great wizard Medivh, who had been absent from events of the world for many years, interrupted, announcing his return to the world and giving an obsidian hourglass to Llane, symbolizing Stormwind's unending prosperity. The sands in the glass ran, but the top half never emptied into the lower half.[5]

Years after the Gnoll War, Stormwind's farmers and settlers would continue to push southward, claiming territory close to the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale, home of the Gurubashi Tribe. Skirmishes would erupt between the Gurubashi and Stormwind forces, but the elderly Barathen would refuse to order an invasion of Stranglethorn in favor of a defensive war, to Prince Llane's outrage. While King Barathen's strategy against the Gurubashi was effective, it would be unable to stop every attack, one which saw slow, barbaric, and gruesome deaths delivered to the villagers of three towns in Westfall. This would ultimately prove to be the final straw for Prince Llane, Anduin Lothar and Medivh, who, in defiance of King Barathen's wishes, journeyed south to bring war to the Gurubashi. Though initially shielded by Medivh's magic, the three friends would end up in the fight for their lives when they battled Jok'non, a Gurubashi Warlord empowered by Hakkar the Soulflayer. Ultimately, the three friends would prove victorious and return to Stormwind, though remain shaken by Medivh's powers.

While none of the Gurubashi who witnessed Jok'non's death survived, it was clear to the trolls who was responsible. Rallying under Jok'non's son, Zan'non, the Gurubashi launched an invasion intent on destroying Stormwind. In the face of the troll onslaught, Barathen recalled all his forces to the stronghold's gate, believing that the survival of Stormwind would depend on one colossal battle. As the death toll mounted on both sides, Barathen mounted a desperate counterattack against the Gurubashi which would cost him his life. Llane, driven by guilt, would plead with Medivh to unleash his power on the Gurubashi as he had against Jok'non. Though frightened of his power, Medivh would accept Llane's request and destroy Zan'non and the Gurubashi forces, avenging Barathen. With his father's death and the victory over the Gurubashi, Llane would be welcomed as Stormwind's new ruler.[6]

Llane Wrynn's son, Varian Wrynn, was born to him in Stormwind City ten years before the First War.[7] He taught him how to ride a horse and oversaw his combat training.[8]

The First War[]

When reports of mysterious creatures lurking around the Black Morass reached Stormwind, rumors spread through the streets that they were either vengeful spirits, trolls armed with some new breed of power, or a strange race from across the Great Sea. King Llane dispatched Anduin Lothar to discover what these new creatures were. Lothar led a small force of the Knights of Stormwind to scout the Black Morass, resulting in humans clashing with orcs for the first time in what would become a series of bloody skirmishes and battles. Though Lothar and his men scored a number of small victories, they found themselves outnumbered more and more with each battle and were eventually forced to pull back, never discovering the portal through which the orcs were arriving. Lothar informed King Llane the invaders were bringing in reinforcements from somewhere, and the kingdom readied itself for a full-scale war that became known as the First War.[9] Llane named Lothar the "King's Champion", the highest military rank in the kingdom, and entrusted him to end the orcish threat.[10]

Though messengers were dispatched by King Llane to the other human kingdoms, warning of mysterious, fearsome green-skinned invaders, few believed the reports indicated a real threat. Lordaeron was considered the most likely nation to help, but the black dragon Deathwing, disguised as a visiting Stormwind noble, openly mocked King Llane, claiming the threat was actually a rebellion of disgruntled citizens, and as a result Lordaeron declined to send aid. This general lack of aid was likely influenced by Stormwind's pride in standing alone and recently developed policies of isolationism, which other kingdoms saw as signs of arrogance.[10]

After Brightwood, Westfall, and the Redridge Mountains fell to the orcs, the newly-formed Horde marched onto Stormwind City. Thousands of Horde soldiers marched through Elwynn Forest and encircled Stormwind, cutting off all access except for the sea. Warchief Blackhand had ordered Kilrogg Deadeye and Cho'gall to lead their Bleeding Hollow and Twilight's Hammer clans in the assault on Stormwind. To weaken the city's defenses, siege engines bombarded the city walls through the night, and at dawn Kilrogg and Cho'gall launched their attack. While orcs charged the battlements, warlocks engulfed Stormwind's soldiers in fel fire, resulting in staggering losses. Just as it seemed Stormwind would fall that day, cries of an attack came from the Horde's rear lines- Lothar and the majority of Stormwind's knights had moved around the Horde by sea. The King's Commander was now leading a charge through Elwynn Forest, catching the orcs in the rearguard by surprise. While the Bleeding Hollow and Twilight's Hammer were distracted by the knights, Stormwind soldiers emerged from the front gates to flank the orcs in a counterattack. Flanked on both sides and suffering many casualties, the orcs were forced into a retreat. This was the greatest disaster to ever happen to the Horde, which withdrew to Redridge to devise a new plan.[11] Lothar and King Llane had received information about the Horde's battle plans from Medivh's apprentice Khadgar, who had learned of them from Garona Halforcen, which helped prepare for the attack on Stormwind.[12]

Though the war effort continued, fronted by King Llane and Anduin Lothar, the pair of friends were never able to gather accurate data of the orcs' numbers and could only guess at how great a force they would have to contend with.[13]

During this time, King Llane also sent many surveyors into the hills and mountains throughout the kingdom in search of new deposits of gold.[14]

At some point, Llane was visited by a mysterious stranger who revealed herself to be Aegwynn, the mother of Medivh. She revealed that Medivh was behind the arrival of the orcs into the kingdom, warning that Stormwind would eventually have to deal with him.[15]

Warcraft I - Assassination of King Llane

Garona about to assassinate Llane in the Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual.

As the war continued to rage, both armies found themselves strained by internal conflict. King Llane, who believed the bestial orcs to be incapable of conquering the city, contemptuously held position at Stormwind and refused to press the front into orc territory. After a few years, the majority of the orcish Horde had crossed into the Kingdom of Stormwind, and Gul'dan deemed that the time for the primary strike against humanity had come. The Horde launched its full might against the human kingdom.[13]

The war began to turn badly for Stormwind. After losing ground to the Horde's newfound organization and brazen assaults, Llane prepared his armies for a counterattack, sensing that the final confrontation was at hand. It was around this time that Garona Halforcen and Khadgar revealed that his old friend Medivh was responsible for the orcs' arrival. Despite this information, Llane refused to believe that his friend would willingly betray them, and that all his actions could be justified as part of a brilliant scheme. Llane felt confident in Medivh's allegiance, and that his army and Medivh's powers would be enough to beat back the Horde.[16] Garona would later return after Medivh's defeat and become a close friend and adviser to Llane.

Llane assassinated by Garona (Comic)

Garona assassinating Llane in the World of Warcraft comic.

Meanwhile, Warchief Blackhand's second in command, Orgrim Doomhammer, set out to free the Horde from demonic corruption, culminating in his killing of the corrupt Blackhand and assuming the role of warchief. Under his decisive leadership, the Horde laid siege to Stormwind Keep once again.[2] Though the city walls were breached and fighting took to Stormwind's streets, Llane and his commanders organized the city's defense from within the fortified Stormwind Keep and held them at bay.[17]

Though considered a trusted friend of the King, Garona remained an agent of the Horde. During the orcish siege of Stormwind, Garona, controlled by the Shadow Council, assassinated Llane,[13][18] cutting his heart out[19] with the Kingslayers. Garona knew from a vision she had seen in Karazhan that she was fated to kill one of the few men who accepted her for what she was, and thus it was she who mourned her victim most of all. Llane's assassination was witnessed by his son, Varian.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the Burning Legion's infiltration of Karazhan, a vision is seen of Lothar and Llane visiting a comatose Medivh.


Prince Llane Wrynn

Prince Llane Wrynn.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Young Prince Llane Wrynn was time-displaced and transported onto the Dragon Isles, along with time-lost Riverpaw gnolls led by Matriarch Bluepelt who captured him in a cave in the Azure Span. He was rescued by an adventurer, sent by his guard, and returned to Everywhen Inn from where he took a portal to his time.[20]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Karazhan 30 Elite Alliance Horde As a chess piece.
The Mind's Eye, Ulduar ?? Boss Alliance Horde As a memory.
Return to Karazhan 45 Alliance Horde As a vision.
Azure Span 72 Alliance Horde As a time-displaced child.


Llane Wrynn I statue

Llane's statue

Until its removal in Cataclysm, a statue of King Llane could be found in Stormwind Keep; the plaque reads:

King Llane I of the House of Wrynn

Liege Lord of Stormwind

Defender of Azeroth

Objective of[]


World of Warcraft[]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Anduin Lothar says: Our friend lies just in here.
Prince Llane Wrynn says: It breaks my heart to see him like this.
Anduin Lothar says: Another year of slumber. I wonder if Medivh will ever awaken.
Prince Llane Wrynn says: Does our friend dream? Is he trapped in nightmares?

Notes and trivia[]

  • Llane was adviced by the King's Council.
  • According to The Last Guardian, Llane had blond hair.[21] His hair has most often since been depicted as light brown. Llane Wrynn's appearance varies a lot between sources. Sources either depict with a full beard, a mustache, or a clean-shaven look.
  • King Llane is also seen in Karazhan as the Alliance king piece in the chess event, his Horde counterpart being Warchief Blackhand.
  • In Ulduar, King Llane's assassination is seen in a vision within the mind of Yogg-Saron. Yogg-Saron also drops the  [Royal Seal of King Llane]: his symbol of office, stained with blood from his demise, as well as  [Kingsbane], which was at the time presumed to have been used for the assassination. How these items came to be in Yogg-Saron's possession is unknown.
    • After they were added in-game, the Kingslayers were retroactively added to the vision.
  • The Llane's Oath gunship was named after him.
  • On Remembrance Day, Varian Wrynn has a nightmare in which he recalled the events of him witnessing his father's assassination. He could only watch on in horror, as Garona, with a tear streaked smirk, plunged a dagger in his father's chest. Varian went to his father's side, holding him in his arms. The dying King Llane's parting words to the young Varian was, "This is how it always ends... with Wrynn kings." After which, maggots erupted from the dead king's maw—thousands upon thousands of writhing worms obliterating Llane's ashen face. This horrifying scene caused the king to scream out in terror, awakening him from his nightmare and finding himself in Stormwind Keep.
  • Llane died in Year 3.[22] This coincides with the novel Wolfheart that says that Varian was "some thirteen years old"[8] since Varian was born 10 years before the First War.[23]
    • It was previously stated that he died in Year 4.[24]
  • Varian's compass, first seen in Legion cinematic trailer, was originally intended by the cinematic artists to be a family heirloom that Llane had passed down to Varian. The compass' model in the cinematic therefore features the initials "L.W.".[25] This was later retconned into Anduin Wrynn having ordered the compass made for Varian's birthday.[26] However, the Enchanted Compass' model in patch 9.1 still features the inscription "L.W.".
  • According to the Ultimate Visual Guide and Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Garona cut out Llane's heart and gave it to Gul'dan. This is not valid as according to the current lore, Gul'dan was already in a coma by the time of Llane's death. The second UVG removed the heart part.
  • King Llane appointed Defender of the Crown to participate in the First War and lead his army, beginning with securing supplies, scouting and eventually marching into battle against the orcs. After Abbot of Northshire Abbey received a vision about Anduin Lothar being trapped in the Deadmines, Llane also ordered the Defender to rescue the missing knight. As Llane died, he wished the Defender take the mantle of War Leader[27] but from the moment of King's death, the lore has been retconned and the subsequent fate of the Defender is unknown.
  • According to the History of Warcraft chapters, Llane grew wary of the darkness which seemed to taint the spirit of his former friend. King Llane shared his concerns with Lothar whom he named his lieutenant-at-arms. Even so, neither man could have imagined that Medivh's slow descent into madness would bring about the horrors that were to come. This is in conflict with the Last Guardian as Llane was confident in Medivh and only Lothar was worried.
  • An unused NPC representing Llane is situated in the same ID range as other legendary warriors presumably meant to appear in Skyhold. He and most of these NPCs didn't make it out of the Legion alpha stage.
  • During his appearances in Return to Karazhan, Llane is seen wielding the sword Lion's Fang. This is a reference to the sword of the same appearance used by Llane's movie counterpart. Prior to this, he used a large hammer, as seen in the Chess Event of the original Karazhan.
  • In early lore, Barathen Wrynn was said to have died during the First War, with the following description: Llane would discover, to his horror, that Medivh's hourglass was almost completely spent and rushed to inform his father. As Barathen looked at the hourglass and last sands fell, the orcs first assaulted Stormwind Keep, and Adamant sent Llane and Queen Varia away to Northshire Abbey. The attack on Stormwind would ultimately end in defeat for the Horde and chieftains to blaming one another for the debacle, threatening the unity of the Horde. With this victory, Adamant decided to leave his family in the safety of Northshire Abbey and promised to call for them when the foul beasts had been destroyed, but died before that pledge could ever be fulfilled. King Llane succeeded his father a year later and set about ridding the lands of the orcs.[28]
  • Llane Beshere shares the first name with the king.

Alternate timeline[]

Llane Wrynn from a separate timeline[29] appears in the Warcraft film universe.


  • King Llane in the Karazhan chess event.

    King Llane in the Karazhan chess event.

  • Garona assassinating Llane with the Kingslayers in a vision in World of Warcraft.

    Garona assassinating Llane with the Kingslayers in a vision in World of Warcraft.

  • Garona assassinating Llane (pre-Legion version).

    Garona assassinating Llane (pre-Legion version).

  • Projections of Lothar and Llane in the Return to Karazhan.

    Projections of Lothar and Llane in the Return to Karazhan.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 15
  2. ^ a b Ultimate Visual Guide
  3. ^ 559 = 45, 564 = 40
  4. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 102
  5. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Chronicles of the War in Azeroth, 577
  6. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 106 - 111
  7. ^ Loreology on Twitter (dead link)
  8. ^ a b Wolfheart, chapter 22
  9. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 119
  10. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 124
  11. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 132
  12. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 133
  13. ^ a b c The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind
  14. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Azeroth Army of the First War, Gold Mine
  15. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Chronicles of the War in Azeroth, 593
  16. ^ Last Guardian, pg. 273
  17. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 136
  18. ^ The Comic: Flashback
  19. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, The History of Orcish Ascension, The First War of Orcish Ascension
  20. ^ N [60-70 Daily] Prince in Peril
  21. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 97
  22. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2
  23. ^ Loreology on Twitter (dead link)
  24. ^ Anne Stickney on Twitter (2014-06-02): "But yeah, Llane got the axe and Lothar called the war lost, started gathering people in Year 4."
  25. ^ Blizzcon 2015 - WoW Cinematics - Road to Legion (14:40 - 15:50). YouTube. Retrieved on 2022-02-12. (MMO-Champion transcript)
  26. ^ A [45] A Found Memento
  27. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans missions#The Temple of the Damned
  28. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Chronicles of the War in Azeroth, 584
  29. ^ Micky Neilson on Twitter (2015-07-12). Retrieved on 2016-06-29.​ “@MickyNeilson Will the Warcraft movie become "canon" lore, or is it like a parallel universe like WoD? except no interaction between the two" "@Zerde3 Separate.”

External links[]