Fire Power (mage talent)

  • ️Tue Aug 28 2012
Fire Power

  • Fire Power (3 ranks)
  • Fire, Tier 2
  • Increases the damage of your Fire spells by 1/2/3% and gives your Flame Orb a 33/66/100% chance to explode for X damage at the end of its duration.
Class Mage
Tree Fire
Points required 5
Affects Fire damage, [Flame Orb]

Fire Power is a mage talent talent that increases damage done by fire spells by 1% per rank, up to 3% at max rank 3. This is a multiplicative talent that is applied after the addition of spell damage item bonuses, and is multiplied together with similar talents, buffs and vulnerabilities.


This damage multipler stacks with other effects that increase damage by a percentage, such as debuffs and other mage talents like [Molten Fury]. These percentages are multiplied together when stacking.

The damage multiplier applies to total damage, including the base damage, bonus from spell damage gear, and any other damage multipliers. The following formula gives the total damage of a Fire spell, E, where B is the spell's base damage, c is the spell damage coefficient, d is the amount of fire spell damage the mage has, and X is the number of points in Fire Power. Critical strikes are not considered.

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