Forsaken Trooper

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
HordeForsaken Trooper
Image of Forsaken Trooper
Gender Both
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Occupation Trooper
Location Silverpine Forest

Forsaken Troopers are Forsaken troops found throughout Silverpine Forest.

A number of new troopers are raised via the Val'kyr's necromantic powers, as seen on Fenris Isle and the Battle for Andorhal. A group of them go through Pyrewood Village and the Battlefront, entering the Ruins of Gilneas through the Greymane Wall.


  • They won't take our land without a fight!
  • Worgen filth! I spit on your corpse!
  • That beast came from nowhere!
  • Thanks. That beast was a handful!
  • Thank you, hero!
Fenris Isle
  • I am eternal... I am death.
  • For the glory of the Dark Lady!
  • At your command.
  • What have you done to me!?

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