Free T-Shirt Day
- ️Tue Mar 12 2019
Free T-Shirt Day | |
File:Calendar FreeTShirtDay.png | |
Duration | August 16 |
Highlights | Unique shirts |
The subject of this article or section is part of the Free T-Shirt Day, a micro-world event, lasting a very short time.
The Free T-Shirt Day is an event in which adventurers receive free shirts.
- Vendors have been spotted in several locations throughout Azeroth selling t-shirts for... FREE!!! There are even rumors of entertainers launching free secondhand shirts in capital cities!
The Orgrimmar Entertainer can be found patrolling between the Drag and the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar while the Stormwind Entertainer can be found patrolling the Dwarven District in Stormwind City. They will shoot out Free T-Shirts in the streets with their special shirt guns.
This micro-holiday differs from the rest, in the way that it actually provides unique loot in the form of seven shirt appearances. Apart from the performers found in the capital cities, select enthusiasts can be found, granting unique shirts, in certain areas throughout the worlds:
- Melvin Shirtson at Light's Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands -
[Threads of Tirion]
- Tia Shortsleeve at Khadgar's Tower in Talador -
[Tia Shortsleeve's Short Sleeve Shirt]
- Shuurt the Clothripper just south of Grizzlemaw in Grizzly Hills -
[Shuurt's Precious]
- Shirtsi Clothpatch in Everlook in Winterspring -
[Shirtsi's Cloth Shirt]
- Selis Silksong in the Lower City in Shattrath City -
[Selis' Silk Shirt]
- Jade Lovelyshirts in the Valley of the Four Winds -
[Jade's Lovely Shirt]
- Gild Crewneck in Valdisdall in Stormheim -
[Gild's Crewneck]
- Skin-Me-Own-Coat Dibblefur appears in Booty Bay in the Cape of Stranglethorn after the end of the event, selling the shirts listed above for 500
The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Added.
External links[]
Frequent | |
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One-time |
Removed |