- ️Tue Jan 09 2007

The fields of Nagrand in Safe Haven, with Oshu'gun in the distance.
Oshu'gun (pronounced "aw-SHOO-goon"), orcish for "Mountain of Spirits", is located in southwestern Nagrand. It is a great, white monolith that dominates the landscape, but instead of being jagged and irregular like other mountains, it is smooth and triangular - it is said to be the largest diamond in the known universe by Gezhe. It was being harvested by a faction of ethereals opposed to the Consortium. Deep within the massive crystal dwells the naaru K'ure, accompanied by ancient orc ancestors, the spirits of orcs who have passed on.
In reality, however, Oshu'gun is a naaru dimensional fortress known as the Genedar.[1][2] The draenei fled their homeworld of Argus in it before the ship crashed on Draenor millenia later.

The Genedar appears to rescue Velen and his followers on Argus.

The Genedar crash-lands on Draenor.
When Velen and his followers tried to flee Argus from their corrupted brethren, the naaru K'ure came to the highest mountain of Argus to save them aboard the Genedar.[3] At some point after its departure, the ship split into two separate vessels, with the most elite of the draenei's warriors boarding the Xenedar with the naaru Xe'ra and consequently forming the Army of the Light.[4] The rest of the draenei visited dozens of worlds aboard the Genedar,[2] before crash-landing on Draenor approximately two centuries before the First War.
During the Genedar's crash, the naaru K'ara was injured, which caused it to enter the Void state of the naaru lifecycle. K'ara's final act was to convince the draenei to eject it from the vessel, but this was easier said than done. The Void energy instinctively caused K'ara to go to war against the other naaru aboard the vessel, D'ore and K'ure. Their violent clash of Light and Void threatened to kill any draenei who interfered, yet Velen stepped forward nonetheless. He used the Light to shield the other naaru and cast K'ara out of the vessel. But the battle sapped his strength, physically and mentally, and his visions of the future became unreliable.[5] K'ara was ejected from the Genedar in the chaos of the crash, and came to be known as the Dark Star to the orcs of Shadowmoon Valley. D'ore was all but killed in the crash. His remains were laid to rest by Velen and the draenei in the first crypt of what would become Auchindoun. In the intervening centuries, he had slowly been regenerating. As D'ore lay dormant, the pull of his void energy brought the spirits of the deceased to Auchindoun.
The same thing was then happening with K'ure at Oshu'gun. Unfortunately, the naaru had been weakened by the ship's crash and was left trapped there for centuries. As his holy energies bled away over time, a void slowly grew in his place — devouring the souls of those nearby. K'ure watched helplessly as generations of orc spirits were attracted by this vortex.[citation needed] Due to K'ure's effect on their ancestors' souls, the orcs came to revere the Genedar's wreckage, calling it Oshu'gun, "Mountain of Spirits". The enormous gem became a sacred place for them, and every year after the orcs would gather there to celebrate their Kosh'harg spring and autumn festival. The shaman would commune with their honored ancestors who, unknown to the shaman, came to dwell within Oshu'gun because of K'ure.
The Kosh'harg festivals were held in a flat river valley at the foot of Oshu'gun. The ground of the valley itself was also considered sacred, a place so holy that any fights that broke out would be halted immediately, the combatants ordered to make peace or to depart.[6] Shaman would enter Oshu'gun and add blessed water to a small pool within the crystal itself as a ritual to speak with their ancestors. Unknown to those shaman was the fact that the blessed water also helped to sustain K'ure by allowing him to heal himself enough to slow down his dying process.[7] With the help of its energies, the ancient orc ancestors could communicate with living shaman via dreams and visions.
Rise of the Horde[]
During all this time, the draenei had recognized the orcish reverence for Oshu'gun and had retreated from the mountain despite also considering it holy. But after the start of the genocide of the draenei, Velen tried to explain the true purpose of Oshu'gun to the Frostwolves. Durotan and his chief shaman, Drek'Thar, grew angered by what they perceived as blasphemy, as they considered it the home of their beloved dead and their spirits.[8]
After the start of the war, the elemental spirits fell silent and rejected the nascent Horde. When Ner'zhul visited Oshu'gun to seek guidance from his own ancestral spirits, Rulkan appeared and revealed that she had been impersonated, and that he had been deceived and manipulated into rallying the orcs against the draenei. Ner'zhul realized with a heavy heart as she and the others turned her back to him, that there was nothing he could ever do to redeem himself in their eyes.[9]
The Kosh'harg festival grounds were later used by Gul'dan to demonstrate the efficiency of his new warlocks. The spellcasters summoned demons and executed draenei prisoners on soil once considered sacred and peaceful by the orcs. Durotan grew disgusted that no one seemed to mind seeing the festival grounds violated in such a way.[6]
Later, in order to make sure there would be no coming back for the orcs, Kil'jaeden and Gul'dan had a barrier put around the mountain which prevented the ancestral spirits and K'ure from making contact with the outside world.[7] Orcs were also forbidden on Blackhand's orders to ever return to the mountain, to make sure none could realize the deception.[10] To make sure the order was properly enforced, Kil'jaeden even had demons guarding Oshu'gun against would-be visitors.[11]
The Burning Crusade[]
This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Oshu'gun in World of Warcraft.
During the invasion of Outland, Oshu'gun was populated by agents of the Shadow Council from the nearby Kil'sorrow Fortress. These included terrorfiends, warlocks torturing the spirits of orc ancestors, and a shivarra along with her warlocks draining the naaru K'ure at the center.
Recently, the Burning Legion harnessed this vortex in order to draw countless voidspawn to increase their own ranks, until they were stopped by an adventurer with the aid of A'dal.[12]
The Consortium, a group of ethereal traders and smugglers, were planning on harvesting Oshu'gun when word from their leader, Nexus-Prince Haramad, brought the operation to a halt. The nexus-prince mentioned "political situations" in Netherstorm. It seems the Consortium did not wish to upset the naaru.[13]
Notes and trivia[]
- Tishad and Reluun were roommates on the Genedar.
- The former placeholder name for the ship was The Genessar.[14]
- Much like the name Exodar is derived from the word Exodus, Genedar comes from the word Genesis.
Oshu'gun concept art.
The Spirit Fields from the air showing the mystic symbols around Oshu'gun.
- Fan art
Thrall's family near Oshu'gun.
Patch changes[]
Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Added.