Gorak Tul (tactics)

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018
This article is about the boss encounter in Waycrest Manor. For his lore and background, see Gorak Tul.
BossGorak Tul
Image of Gorak Tul
Gender Male
Race Drust (Uncategorized)
Level 27-52 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The Rupture, Waycrest Manor[57.4, 25.4]
Status Defeatable

Gorak Tul is the final boss of Waycrest Manor.

Adventure Guide[]

Gorak Tul and his bloodthirsty Drust were first defeated by an ancient order of Kul Tiran soldiers two-thousand years ago. Trapped within the Blights Lands,[sic] Gorak Tul bided his time, waiting for an opportunity to exact his revenge. Now, Gorak Tul has corrupted Drustvar's seat of power and his new followers feverishly conspire to release him from prison.


Gorak Tul uses his magics to inflict ever increasing pain against his opponents, both through Darkened Lightning and Death Lens. Additionally, he calls in Deathtouched Slavers from within his realm. Deathtouched Slavers can not be killed by any traditional means, and are resurrected by Dread Essence. Alchemical Fire can be used to destroy them for good.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Avoid being hit by Darkened Lightning by staying spread apart.
  • Use Alchemical Fire to destroy Deathtouched Slaver's corpses.
  • Death Lens inflicts a large portion of the player's maximum health in damage.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Avoid being hit by Darkened Lightning by staying spread apart.
  • Use Alchemical Fire to destroy Deathtouched Slaver's corpses.
  • Death Lens inflicts a large portion of the player's maximum health in damage.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Make sure to pick up any Deathtouched Slavers summoned by Gorak Tul.
  • Use Alchemical Fire to destroy Deathtouched Slaver's corpses.
  • Death Lens inflicts a large portion of the player's maximum health in damage.


Item Type
 [Blightreaper] (H · M) Agility two-hand staff
 [Soulscarred Headgear] (H · M) Azerite mail helmet
 [Soulfuel Headdress] (H · M) Azerite cloth helmet
 [Pauldrons of the Horned Horror] (H · M) Azerite plate shoulders
 [Gorak Tul's Mantle] (H · M) Azerite leather shoulders
 [Amice of the Returned] (H · M) Azerite cloth shoulders
 [Breastplate of the Vengeful] (H · M) Azerite plate chest
 [Deathslaver's Hauberk] (H · M) Azerite mail chest
 [Raiment of the Blighted Tribe] (H · M) Azerite leather chest


Gorak Tul yells: Your ancestors wiped out my people, but they could not destroy me.
Gorak Tul yells: For countless years I waited to enact my vengeance, until at long last your mother provided me the means.
Lucille Waycrest says: We cannot allow Gorak Tul to cross into our world!
Inquisitor Mace says: Every horror in the manor is making its way to us!
Inquisitor Mace says: See, there is nothing a strong arm and sharp steel can't fix.
Inquisitor Mace says: Sterntide and I will hold them here. You have to finish this!
Gorak Tul yells: Death consumes all!
Summon Deathtouched Slaver
Gorak Tul yells: Rise!
Alchemical Fire
Inquisitor Yorrick yells: Quickly! Burn it!
Inquisitor Yorrick yells: Hurry! Set them aflame before the Drust King resurrects them!
Gorak Tul yells: Death... cannot hold me...
Gorak Tul yells: Fools... you have merely... defeated... a vessel...
Gorak Tul yells: I await you... in the Blighted Lands...
Inquisitor Yorrick says: We've done it! Gorak Tul has been banished.
Lucille Waycrest says: Thank you, heroes. You've broken the coven and released us from Gorak Tul's power. We are in your debt.
To entrance, Lucille Waycrest
There is a hidden path nearby we can use to return to the manor's foyer.

Gossip Lead the way.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Mob Dungeon final bosses

Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth

Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game.