Guard Fengus

  • ️Mon Mar 07 2005
BossGuard Fengus
Image of Guard Fengus
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 38 - 62 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gordunni clan
Location Dire Maul North
Status Killable

Guard Fengus is an ogre mini-boss found in Dire Maul North.

He patrols around Fengus's Chest which contains the  [Gordok Courtyard Key]. If you gain the [King of the Gordok] buff from completing the Tribute Run, he will become friendly and offer the buff Fengus' Ferocity: "Attack power increased by 200." for 2 hours. This now depends on the level of the player, since in Patch 2.1 the following change was made: "Fengus' Ferocity, Mol'dar's Moxie, [Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer], Slip'kik's Savvy and [Spirit of Zandalar] these buffs will no longer work on targets over level 63."

Dungeon Journal[]

Ever since Cho'Rush the Observer told him he was destined to meet a mate while on duty, Fengus has spent almost every waking moment patrolling Gordok territory.

Attacks and abilities[]


Talking to him after becoming the king: You da man now, dog!


[Gallant's Wristguards] [Gordok Nose Ring]
[Gordok Shackle Key] [Hyena Hide Belt]
[Jagged Bone Fist] [Modest Armguards]
[Ogre Pocket Knife] [Robe of Combustion]
[Unsophisticated Hand Cannon]

Patch changes[]

External links[]