Hazza'rah (Classic)

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
For the modern version, see Hazza'rah.
Image of Hazza'rah
Gender Male
Race Ghost (Undead)
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Edge of Madness, Zul'Gurub
Status Killable

Hazza'rah is troll turned ghost and is one of several bosses which can spawn during the Edge of Madness event within Zul'Gurub.


Hazza'rah is an undead type boss. His abilities of note include a chain mana drain, illusion summoning, and an area of effect sleep. He has an extremely small (approx. 5000) mana pool for a boss.

  • Mana Burn: Hazza'rah casts an AoE mana burn. This appears to chain through raid members. He cannot use this attack if he has no mana himself.
  • Illusions: Hazza'rah periodically summons three illusions. These can look like a felguard, an abomination, a giant lasher, or a devilsaur. Each spawns targeting a member of the raid and will attack that person unless intercepted or killed. These illusions deal physical attacks that hit for approximately 5000 damage before armor mitigation. Illusions are immune to area of effect attacks, but they only have 500 health.
  • Mass Sleep: Another periodic attack on the raid, Hazza'rah puts all opponents within range to sleep. This combined with the damage from the illusions can get messy.



[Fiery Retributer] [Thoughtblighter]
[Hazza'rah's Dream Thread]

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