Heroes of the Storm trailers
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This article contains information and lore exclusive to Heroes of the Storm, and is considered non-canon. |
There are numerous animated videos for Heroes of the Storm featuring Warcraft characters.
As these videos are set in the Heroes of the Storm Nexus they also feature characters that are not from the Warcraft universe.
Animated trailers for Warcraft Heroes:
- Dragons of the Nexus – BlizzCon 2017 Hero trailer
- Obey the Call
- Forged by Fire: Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2016 Hero trailer
- Samuro trailer
- Gul'dan trailer
- Medivh trailer
- Chromie trailer
- Cho'Gall trailer
- Rexxar trailer
- Kael'thas trailer
- Sylvanas trailer
- Thrall trailer
- Jaina trailer
- Anub'arak trailer
- Chen trailer
- Stitches trailer
- Rehgar trailer
- Muradin trailer
- Murky trailer
- Li Li trailer
- Brightwing trailer
- Deathwing Reveal trailer
Animated trailer for the Alterac Pass battleground:
Unique animations as part of hero spotlights for Warcraft Heroes:
- Kel'Thuzad Spotlight (3min30sec to 3min36sec presumably showing Naxxramas)
- Zul'jin Spotlight (in a unique forest location 0min37sec to 0min43sec and 2min43sec to 2min50sec)
Cinematic (featuring the Lich King as one of the characters):
Other animated trailers centering on Warcraft characters:
- Echoes of Alterac: New Skins, Mounts, and More!
- Train Up for Nexomania!
- The Dark Nexus
- New Enforcer Skins and More!
- Lunar New Year 2018
- MechaStorm
- Winter Veil 2017
- Twelve Days of Winter Veil
- Hallow's End 2016 Skins
- Heroes Brawl trailer
- Lunar Festival
- Gift of Winter Veil
- Love is in the Air
- The Game Formerly Known as "Blizzard All-Stars"
Note that many other videos not listed here that are not centering on Warcraft characters also feature Warcraft characters.