
  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
Level: 10 - 45
Battle Pet Level: 25
Capital(s) Horde Thunder Totem
Neutral Neltharion's Lair
Mob Torok's Bluff
Races Highmountain taurenHighmountain tauren Highmountain tauren
Feltotem tauren
Alpine harpy
MurlocMurloc Murloc
Kobold Kobold
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GoblinGoblin Goblin
GnomeGnome Gnome
Night elfNight elf Night elf
Ruler(s) Horde  Mayla Highmountain
Neutral  Navarrogg
Former ruler(s) Mob  Torok Bloodtotem †
Mob  Dargrul †
Affiliation Highmountain Tribe, Horde, Bloodtotem/Feltotem tribe, Drogbar tribes, Unseen Path, Burning Legion
Location Northern Broken Isles
PvP status Contested territory

“Few places in Azeroth are as beautiful — or as perilous — as Highmountain. Its rugged slopes teem with wild beasts, roaring waterfalls, and breathtaking views. A vast network of caverns winds through the mountain's heart, holding legendary treasures and secrets from Azeroth's distant past.”

The Art of World of Warcraft: Legion, pg. 75

Highmountain is a region that dominates the northern horizon of the Broken Isles with its jagged peaks. It is one of the last great frontiers of the isles,[1] named in honor of Huln Highmountain for his bravery in the War of the Ancients.[2]


Long ago, the Old Gods sought to claim Highmountain. Their campaign was led by Uul'gyneth. Huln Highmountain gathered heroes from among the tribes, and fought against Uul'gyneth's servants, the Necrodark. Yet the forces of shadow were too great to overcome. So Huln devised another plan. Wards were placed to lock away the Old Gods' influence. Though the general survived, Uul'gyneth's essence was trapped.[3]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Following the war in Draenor, the Burning Legion began to invade Azeroth through the Tomb of Sargeras. The tauren of Highmountain, descended from Huln Highmountain and other tauren who had fought in the War of the Ancients,[4] had been living in peace with the local drogbar for generations, but when the Legion invaded, the drogbar stole the tauren's sacred artifact, the  [Hammer of Khaz'goroth]. The Highmountain are now at risk of being taken over by the drogbar and their king Dargrul the Underking, ruling his kin from the former lair of the black aspect Neltharion.

As is his habit when new parts of the world are ready to be discovered, the one and only Hemet Nesingwary makes his way to the mountains of the Broken Isles in search of new and exotic dangerous animals to hunt.

The wards bounding Uul'gyneth began to weaken just enough for the Darkness to seep through, and the Necrodark began to summon Uul'gyneth into the physical realm.[3] Though Uul'gyneth did manage to incarnate itself, it was defeated by a Horde adventurer.[5]

At one point, an eredar named Despoiler Egrothar desecrated the sacred burial sites of the Highmountain tribe, raising the bodies of the dead. The Order of the Silver Hand sent their troops to kill the demon and put them back to rest.[6] They also made contact with a tribe of Highmountain tauren, who had an excess supply of furs and leather, after they took down a demon incursion led by a doomguard named Raidmaster Sorthol who stood in their way.[7]


The namesake mountain of this region, Highmountain Peak, is among the tallest mountains in all of Azeroth, and the Highmountain range which surrounds it is filled with untamed wilds, deep canyons, fertile valleys, and icy peaks.[4] Because the waters of Highmountain flow into Suramar, Stormheim, and Val'sharah, the area serves as the lifeblood of virtually every region on the Broken Isles. Below the surface of the region lies an infinite network of tunnels and caverns, with steam and warmth implying potential volcanic activity.[8]

Maps and subregions[]


Map of Highmountain.

Thunder Totem


Undisplayed locations


Instance name Level range Group size Approximate run time
Instance portal Neltharion's Lair 100-110 5 player Unknown

Travel hubs[]

Highmountain Sunset

A sunset over Highmountain, seen from Thunder Totem.

NeutralFlight Paths from Thunder Totem NeutralFlight Paths from Nesingwary's Retreat NeutralFlight Paths from The Witchwood NeutralFlight Paths from Felbane Camp NeutralFlight Paths from Skyhorn NeutralFlight Paths from Sylvan Falls NeutralFlight Paths from Stonehoof Watch NeutralFlight Paths from Prepfoot NeutralFlight Paths from Shipwreck Cove NeutralFlight Paths from Ironhorn Enclave NeutralFlight Paths from Obsidian Overlook HunterFlight Paths from Trueshot Lodge

Adjacent regions[]

Night sky over Highmountain

The night sky over Highmountain.

Zone Name Faction Level Range Direction Access
Stormheim AllianceHorde 100 - 110 (scaled) Southeast By foot or by flight path
Val'sharah AllianceHorde 100 - 110 (scaled) Southwest By foot or by flight path

Notable characters[]

Main article: Highmountain NPCs


Main article: Highmountain storyline


Wild creatures[]

Notes and trivia[]


  • Highmountain tauren

Concept art
  • Ideas for the Highmountain, the tallest peak on Broken Isles.

    Ideas for the Highmountain, the tallest peak on Broken Isles.

  • An early concept for a Highmountain Tauren Town.

    An early concept for a Highmountain Tauren Town.

  • Forest


  • Thunder Totem


Patch changes[]


External links[]

Highmountain Legion Assault Vision of N'Zoth

Subzones of Highmountain

Highmountain is a contested territory

Map of Highmountain