Highmountain storyline

Zone map
The Highmountain storyline is one of the World of Warcraft: Legion level-up zones.
The progression of the storyline is tracked in the achievement [Ain't No Mountain High Enough].
Main storyline[]
Thunder Totem[]
At Krasus' Landing, Archmage Khadgar is meeting with Warbrave Oro. Oro is looking for help, as the drogbar have emerged from the depths.
[10-45] The Lone Mountain
[10-45] Keepers of the Hammer
[10-45] The Rivermane Tribe
[10-45] Ormgul the Pestilent &
[10-45] Poisoned Crops &
[10-45] Infestation
- Unlocks
[45WQ] Critical Crops
- Unlocks
[10-45] The Flow of the River
[10-45] Trapped Tauren &
[10-45] Fish Out of Water &
[10-45] Spray and Prey
[10-45] Lifespring Cavern
[10-45] Balance of Elements &
[10-45] Invading Spelunkers
- Unlocks
[45WQ] Water of Life
- Unlocks
[10-45] Crystal Fury
[10-45] High Water
[10-45] The Underking Comes
[10-45] Grasp of the Underking &
[10-45] The Drogbar
[10-45] Bitestone Enclave
[10-45] Dargrul and the Hammer
[10-45] Get to High Ground
Gathering the tribes[]
After completing [10-45] Get to High Ground, the storyline splits into two forks. Both chains must be completed to continue:
The Skyhorn Tribe[]
[10-45] The Skyhorn Tribe
[10-45] Nursing the Wounds
[10-45] Rocs vs Eagles
[10-45] The Three &
[10-45] Assaulting the Haglands
[10-45] The Witchqueen
[10-45] The Skies of Highmountain
The Bloodtotem Tribe[]
[10-45] The Bloodtotem Tribe
[10-45] Witch of the Wood &
[10-45] Hags of a Feather &
[10-45] I Have a Bad Feeling About This
[10-45] An Audience with Torok
[10-45] Cave of the Blood Trial
[10-45] Rite of Blood
[10-45] Rock Troll in a Hard Place
[10-45] Pet Rocks &
[10-45] Stonedark Crystal &
[10-45] They Will Pay With Blood
[10-45] Blood Debt
[10-45] Step into the Dark
[10-45] Unexpected Allies
Huln's War[]
[10-45] A Walk With the Spirits
[10-45] The Story of Huln
[10-45] To See the Past
[10-45] Huln's War - The Arrival
[10-45] Huln's War - Malorne's Favored
[10-45] Huln's War - Stormrage
[10-45] Huln's War - Reinforcements
[10-45] Huln's War - Shadowsong
[10-45] Huln's War - The Nathrezim
Secrets of Highmountain[]
[10-45] Secrets of Highmountain
[10-45] The Path of Huln
[10-45] In Defiance of Deathwing
[10-45] Titanic Showdown
[10-45] An Ancient Secret
[10-45] The Backdoor
[10-45] The High Chieftain
Battle of Snowblind Mesa[]
[10-45] Battle of Snowblind Mesa
[10-45] Battle Worms &
[10-45] Buy Us Time &
[10-45] The Siegebrul
[10-45] Justice Rains from Above
[10-45] The Underking
[10-45D] Neltharion's Lair: Death to the Underking
[10-45] The Hammer of Khaz'goroth
Side quests[]
Hemet Nesingwary[]
- Optional breadcrumbs to Nesingwary's Retreat:
[10-45] An Offering of Ammo or
[10-45] Rating Razik (if Razik's quests are done first)
[10-45] Amateur Hour &
[10-45] Note-Eating Goats
[10-45] Lion Stalkin',
[10-45] Moose Shootin',
[10-45] Bear Huntin' &
[10-45] A Hunter at Heart
[10-45G3] I'm Not Lion!,
[10-45G3] Moose on the Loose,
[10-45] Scout It Out
[10-45] That Guy in the Costume & optional breadcrumb
[10-45] Procuring a Prototype (only if Razik's quests have not been done)
[10-45] Critter Scatter Shot &
[10-45] A True Hunter
[10-45] Wolf Pack Attack
The Candleking[]
[10-45] Candle to the Grave &
[10-45] Wax On, Wax Off
[10-45] The Gates of Wax
[10-45] Candle of Command
[10-45] Burn the Candle at Both Ends
[10-45] Can't Hold a Candle To You
Stonedark Cavern[]
[10-45] You Lift, Brul?
[10-45] Stonedark Relics &
[10-45] Deep in the Cavern &
[10-45] Guhruhlruhlruh
Shipwreck Cove[]
King Mrgl-Mrgl starts:
[10-45] Slime Time &
[10-45] I'll Huff, I'll Puff... &
[10-45] Nature vs. Nurture
[10-45] Murlocs: The Next Generation &
[10-45] Oh, the Clawdacity!
Rockcrawler Chasm[]
Oren Windstrider starts:
[10-45] Fledgling Worm Guts &
[10-45] Eagle Egg Recovery &
[10-45] Tamer Takedown
[10-45] Going Down, Going Up
[10-45] Empty Nest