- ️Tue Jul 19 2016
- For the Warcraft III unit, see Kodo Beast (Warcraft III).

“The kodo is the backbone of our people. Wherever the Horde goes - in trade, settlement, or war - there you will find the mighty kodo.”
The kodo or kodo beast (sometimes pluralized as kodos)[2][3][4] is a large omnivorous herd animal native to the Barrens. The tauren hold these reptilian[5] creatures in high esteem, and breed them as mounts. They are also used extensively as pack animals by both the goblins and the Horde as a whole. The Blackrock clan are also known to use war kodos.

Kodo are massive reptiles with hardly visible scales[6] and thick leathery skin that ranges in color from sandy brown to black. Most kodo have a large horn that sprouts from their nose, and some are even covered in woolly hair.[7] Kodo range across central Kalimdor, but are particularly prevalent in Mulgore, after they were brought there by tauren during the Third War,[8] where the rolling grassy plains are particularly suited to their omnivorous nature. Wild kodo are normally herbivorous, however, and will not attack unless threatened. In the waning years of their lives, kodo instinctively trek to the Kodo Graveyard in the center of Kalimdor, where they spend their last hours. At the Kodo Graveyard there are even Kodo Spirits that have passed over to the spirit realm.
Tauren legends abound regarding the great horned kodos of Kalimdor’s Barrens. Some myths tell of rare kodos that are bound to the spirits of the sky and storm, thus allowing the colossal beasts to harness the powers of lightning itself. While kodos are generally considered gentle by nature, they are fierce opponents when threatened and have occasionally been known to devour their enemies whole.[9]
The green, great brown, great gray, Thunder Bluff and great golden kodos were considered alpha members of the herds in Desolace.[10]
A kodo can eat its own weight in grass each day, but a lot comes out the other end.[11]
Kodos of the Horde[]

Kodo Beast animations in Warcraft III.
During the Third War, the orcs received a pack of tamed kodo beasts as a gift from Cairne Bloodhoof in return for Thrall's generosity.[12] The colossal kodo beasts of the Kalimdor plains then became valued allies of the orcish Horde. The mighty beasts were charged with carrying the orcs' pounding war drums into battle. The huge kodos, serving as symbols of orcish might and valor, also use their enormous size and strength to scatter enemy forces. When enraged, kodos are fond of devouring their enemies whole.[13][14] The orcs now tell fables about the kodos.
Months after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, kodos in Mulgore were killed by Stonetalon harpies and their meat was left to rot. They were avenged by Rexxar sent by Tagar.[15]
Bred for their aggressive, unpredictable demeanor by the Kor'kron stablemasters, the Black War Kodos' trumpeting call signifies that blood will soon be shed.[16]
Besides the Horde, Zandalari trolls and mogu used kodos in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms on Pandaria.[17] It's not stated whether they were native or brought from elsewhere by the trolls.

As a mount[]
- Main article: Kodo mounts

Kodos are the racial mount of the tauren. Swifter and slightly smaller than their wild cousins, kodo mounts nevertheless demonstrate the same resilience and fearlessness found in their untamed brethren, traits that serve them well when bearing their equally resolute riders.[18] The epic kodo mount can be bought at Bloodhoof Village. The PvP kodo is the [Black War Kodo]. Epic kodo, unlike their slower cousins, have two rhino-like horns on their snout instead of just one. They also carry war drums that hang from the sides of their saddles, as they did when they served the orcs in battle. The
[Great Brewfest Kodo] was the first kodo mount available to Alliance players.
As a hunter pet[]
- Main article: Scalehide
Kodos are tamable by hunters as part of the Scalehide family, along with ankylodon, mushan, stegodons and thunder lizards.
- The rare albino kodo was first spotted in Desolace. The centaur claim that a white kodo is a harbinger of doom.[19]
- Most kodo travel in docile herds of three to five in WoW. When one kodo of the herd is attacked, the others will join it in combat. However, it is notable to mention that if one of the outlying members of the herd is attacked and lured away by a ranged weapon, others will not always join it.
- The kodos seen used as pack animals and mounts are juveniles, as full-grown kodo are larger than three centaur abreast.[20]
- Piles and baskets of kodo skulls and horns can be found in various locations in-game.
- Kodos have tusks.[21]
- Aegwynn called her pet thunder lizard Scavell a kodo, saying that's what thunder lizards were called back in the day.[22]
- The name "kodo" is probably derived from Japanese taiko drumming band, Kodō, especially since orcs used kodos to carry war drums into battle.
In the RPG[]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

A kodo beast and riding kodo.

As seen in Manual of Monsters.
The giant, slow-moving kodo of the Barrens are one of the most intriguing species of Kalimdor. Though gentle and ponderous by nature, these mighty beasts become fierce enemies when threatened or attacked. Many kodo hold a special bond with the benevolent tauren race. It is said that some rare kodo are bound to the spirits of the sky and storm. Thus, the tauren have legends about those they call lightning lizards, salamanders (not the flamewaker creatures), thunder lizards, and storm walkers. Whether or not these behemoths actually have supernatural powers remains to be seen. If one is discovered, it should be approached with extreme caution. It is said that these thunder lizards are much more hostile than their more common cousins and will attack without provocation.
Giant grey reptilian quadrupeds, the kodo beasts wander the plains in thunderous herds. They graze primarily on quick-growing grasses, but will eat the leaves of shrubs and trees they encounter. Like many herd animals, kodo beast groups are composed of mothers and young, led by a single powerful male or female. A few younger males may be present, but they are eventually driven out to establish their own herds. Though terrifyingly large and powerful, kodo beasts are by nature quiet, lumbering animals. They are content simply to wander away from potential threats. One notable exception is when they are protecting eggs or yearlings, which are small enough to be threatened by most predators. Kodo beasts form rings around the young, barring attack with simple mass. Sufficiently annoying opponents are charged and swallowed whole. More significant threats, particularly those too large to swallow, are run down. Kodo beasts are key to tauren culture. Tauren hunt and use every part of kodos for their equipment, clothing, and food. Kodo beasts can be trained and are used as beasts of burden by the tauren and as mounts for orcs.[24][25]
RPG notes[]
- The tauren elders say that the kodo were created and given to the tauren by the Earth Mother.[26]
- Kodo apparently have poor eyesight.[27]
- Most kodo beasts travel in herds of five to fifty. Half of the herd have one young each that additionally adds to the total herd. For every ten adults in a group you will find a gargantuan kodo with the herd.[28] Most riding kodo travel in herds of four to sixteen.[28]
- Art
Kodo Roundup TCG card showing a unarmored kodo with a single pointed horn.
A War Kodo in Hearthstone.
A Baby Kodo in Hearthstone.
Patch changes[]
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Model updated.
- ^ Brown, Gray, White and Teal Kodos
- ^ Gathering Thunder!
- ^
[5-30] Grol'dom's Missing Kodo
- ^ World of Warcraft races - Tauren
- ^ Wolfheart, prologue: "Desolate as the port was, it did have work animals such as the horned, reptilian kodo beasts [...]"
- ^
[Dirty Kodo Scale]
- ^ Wooly Kodo
- ^ Old Hatreds: Mulgore map description
- ^ Game Guide: Tauren
- ^ Green, Great Brown, Great Gray, Thunder Bluff and Great Golden Kodos
- ^
[5-30] Mor'shan Caravan Pick-Up
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - The Invasion of Kalimdor - The Long March
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, pg. 25
- ^ http://classic.battle.net/war3/orc/units/kodobeast.shtml
- ^ Old Hatreds: Mulgore map
- ^
[Black War Kodo]
- ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, chapter 24
- ^ http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/basics/mounts/kodos.html (Dead link)
- ^
[Great White Kodo]
- ^ World of Warcraft: Traveler, pg. 53
- ^
[Trophy Necklace]
- ^ a b Cycle of Hatred, chapter 18
- ^ Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual, 87.
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 210 - 212
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 59
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 211
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 147
- ^ a b Horde Player's Guide, pg. 210
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