Kodo Hide Bag (quest)

HordeKodo Hide Bag
Start Veren Tallstrider
End Veren Tallstrider
Level 1-30
Category Thunder Bluff
Experience 420 EXP (or 2s 40c at level 70)
Rewards  [Pattern: Kodo Hide Bag]

Kodo Hide Bag is a quest for Leatherworkers only, requiring skill level 10.


Bring 4  [Light Leather] and 4  [Coarse Thread] to Veren Tallstrider in Thunder Bluff.


The kodo beasts of Mulgore are strong and sturdy—traits much respected among us. If you are skilled in leatherworking and wish the knowledge to make a Kodo Hide Bag, then bring me supplies for my trade.

Do this, and I will share my knowledge with you.


You receive
[Pattern: Kodo Hide Bag]

You will also receive:


Do you have my supplies, <name>?


Ah, good. Thank you, <name>. My heart swells with pride to see youths interested in the craft of leatherworking.

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