Argus storyline
- ️Tue Aug 29 2017

Argus world map
The Argus storyline is the patch 7.3.0 questing experience. It deals with the heroes of Azeroth traveling to Argus, the original homeworld of the eredar, to end the threat of the Burning Legion once and for all. The accessible part of the planet Argus consists of three zones: Krokuun, Eredath, and the Antoran Wastes.
The progression of the storyline is tracked in the achievement [You Are Now Prepared!]
To unlock the Argus storyline, [45] Assault on Broken Shore must be completed first.
During the raid on the Tomb of Sargeras, heroes of Azeroth followed Kil'jaeden through a portal to his command ship in the Twisting Nether. As the heroes confronted Kil'jaeden, the ship made its way to Argus. Kil'jaeden was defeated and, as the fel energy within him threatened to explode, it seemed everyone would die with him. However, Illidan Stormrage used the Sargerite Keystone to open a dimensional rift between Argus and Azeroth, allowing Khadgar to teleport the group home safely.
The rift remained open afterward, connecting the two planets. Though this posed a major threat to Azeroth, it also presented an opportunity to strike at the Burning Legion's heart...
The Assault Begins[]

The Argus campaign begins with the completion of a new dimensional ship the draenei have been working on: The Vindicaar. Adventurers of the Alliance and Horde travel to Azuremyst Isle, where the Vindicaar has been prepared to cross the dimensional rift to Argus and find the Army of the Light.
The Vindicaar makes the jump and navigates to the skies above Krokuun. Here, the forces of Azeroth are united with the Army of the Light, whose dimensional ship the Xenedar has crashed on the surface of the planet, and with the long-lost High Exarch Turalyon and Lady Alleria Windrunner. The adventurers revive the prime naaru Xe'ra by returning her core to her. They also make contact with the local krokul.
Dark Awakenings[]

In Eredath, the adventurers follow Prophet Velen in reliving Argus's past as the seat of the eredar civilization, its eventual fall to Sargeras and the Legion, and the flight of the draenei refugees under Velen's leadership. The goal in this zone is to restore the Crown of the Triumvirate by recovering its two missing parts: the [Sigil of Awakening] and the Crest of Knowledge. In the process, Velen and the adventurers relive the planet's past before the fall of the eredar civilization.
War of Light and Shadow[]
Antorus, the Burning Throne[]

Antoran Wastes
This short quest chain, which serves as a breadcrumb into the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid, is the conclusion of the patch 7.3 storyline.
[45] The Burning Throne
[45R] The Death of a Titan
Side quests[]
Both of these quest lines take place in Krokuun.
Petrified forest[]
Requires completion of [45] Sizing Up The Opposition or
[45] Sizing Up The Opposition.
[45] The Wranglers
[45] Duskcloak Problem &
[45] An Argus Roper
- Unlocks
[45WQ] Rope Around
- Unlocks
[45] Strike Back
[45] Woah, Nelly!
Magni's vision[]
Requires completion of [45] A Beacon in the Dark.
[45] The Speaker Listens
[45] Visions of Fear
[45] The Speaker Seeks
[45] Visions of Another
Patch changes[]
Patch 7.3.0 (2017-08-29): Added.