Kurog Grimtotem

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
For the Vault of the Incarnates tactics, see Kurog Grimtotem (tactics).
MobKurog Grimtotem
Image of Kurog Grimtotem
Title <The Grand Summoner>
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Grimtotem tribe, Primalists
Location Stormsunder Crate, Forbidden Reach
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable Dragonflight

Kurog Grimtotem is a shaman of the Grimtotem tribe and Primalists that serves as a boss in the Vault of the Incarnates.


The Vow Eternal[]

Kurog, a Grimtotem who remained loyal to Magatha Grimtotem, made the decision to crash the wedding of Lor'themar Theron and Thalyssra. After being noticed by Wrathion, Baine Bloodhoof, and Mayla Highmountain he approached the trio, where he declared that the couple had sullied themselves by inviting dragons (Kalecgos having also been invited) and declared that the black dragons were the most unnatural of them all. When it was pointed out that he wasn't invited, Kurog responded that as a shaman the entire earth was his to walk and then insulted Wrathion over his origins by declaring him to be the "symbol of all that has gone wrong in this world."

As a result, Wrathion lashed out and had to be held back by Kalec. After being released by the Black Prince, Thalyssra arrived to see what caused the scene and subsequently gave Kurog more courtesy than he showed her by allowing him to leave on his own two feet. After declaring that all would know the true power of the tauren, he was escorted out of the Lunastre Estate by Silgryn.[1]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Kurog releases Raszageth

Kurog destroying the seal to release Raszageth from the Froststone Vault.

Kurog led a group of Primalists to the Forbidden Reach, where he successfully was able to liberate Raszageth from her prison. He was later fought and defeated in the Vault of the Incarnates while trying to free the rest of the Primal Incarnates.





  • Kurog Grimtotem attuned to fire, ice, earth, and storm.

    Kurog Grimtotem attuned to fire, ice, earth, and storm.

Patch changes[]


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