Legion reputation rewards

Reputation rewards

The Burning Crusade
Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragonflight Dragonflight


Armies of Legionfall[]

Warmage Kath'leen
<Legionfall Artificer>
Rep Item Cost Type
Neutral  [Nether Portal Disruptor] 250 Nethershard Consummable
 [Dauntless Hood] 400 Nethershard Head token
 [Dauntless Spaulders] 400 Nethershard Shoulder token
 [Dauntless Tunic] 400 Nethershard Chest token
 [Dauntless Leggings] 400 Nethershard Legs token
 [Dauntless Girdle] 400 Nethershard Waist token
 [Dauntless Gauntlets] 400 Nethershard Hands token
 [Dauntless Treads] 400 Nethershard Feet token
 [Dauntless Bracers] 400 Nethershard Wrist token
 [Dauntless Cloak] 400 Nethershard Back token
 [Dauntless Choker] 400 Nethershard Neck token
 [Dauntless Ring] 400 Nethershard Ring token
 [Dauntless Trinket] 400 Nethershard Trinket token
 [Arsenal: Armaments of the Silver Hand] 1000 Nethershard Transmog arsenal
 [Arsenal: Armaments of the Ebon Blade] 1000 Nethershard Transmog arsenal
 [Technique: Glyph of Wrathguard] 2500 Nethershard Recipe
 [Nethershard Essence] 8000 Nethershard Reagent
Honored  [Legionfall Banner] 4000 Nethershard Buff
 [Cauterizing Void Shard] 5000 Nethershard Buff
Revered  [Repurposed Fel Focuser] 7500 Nethershard Buff
 [Legion Pocket Portal] 7500 Nethershard Toy
Exalted  [Legionfall Tabard] 10000 Nethershard Tabard
 [Legion Invasion Simulator] 25000 Nethershard Toy
Paragon  [Orphaned Felbat] Special Companion

Army of the Light[]

Vindicator Jaelaana
<Army of the Light Emissary>
Rep Item Cost Type
Neutral  [Sunglow] 5g Alcohol
Friendly  [Design: Mass Prospect Empyrium] 9g Recipe
Honored  [Embroidered Lightforged Drape] 500g Back
Revered  [Boon of the Lightbearer] 200g Shoulder enchant
Recipe: Empyrial Breastplate (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Design: Empyrial Cosmic Crown (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Design: Empyrial Deep Crown (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Design: Empyrial Elemental Crown (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Design: Empyrial Titan Crown (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Recipe: Fiendish Shoulderguards (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Recipe: Fiendish Spaulders (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Recipe: Lightweave Breeches (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Exalted  [Army of the Light Tabard] 300g Tabard
 [Lightforged Warframe] 500,000g Mount
 [Lightforged Augment Rune] 50,000g Buff
Paragon  [Holy Lightsphere] Special Toy
 [Avenging Felcrusher] Special Mount
 [Blessed Felcrusher] Special Mount
 [Glorious Felcrusher] Special Mount

Argussian Reach[]

Toraan the Revered
<Argussian Reach Emissary>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Formula: Chaos Shatter] 17g Recipe
 [Technique: Mass Mill Astral Glory] 17g Recipe
Honored  [Crystalline Campfire] 75g Toy
 [Orphaned Marsuul] 500g Battle pet
 [Krokul Mining Pick] 200g One-handed Axe
Revered  [Krokul Flute] 500g Utility
 [Boon of the Steadfast] 200g Shoulder enchant
Recipe: Astral Alchemist Stone (rank 2) 2,000g Recipe
Exalted  [Argussian Reach Tabard] 300g Tabard
 [Reins of the Sable Ruinstrider] 10,000g Mount
 [Reins of the Russet Ruinstrider] 10,000g Mount
 [Reins of the Amethyst Ruinstrider] 10,000g Mount
 [Reins of the Beryl Ruinstrider] 10,000g Mount
 [Reins of the Umber Ruinstrider] 10,000g Mount
 [Reins of the Cerulean Ruinstrider] 10,000g Mount
Recipe: Astral Healing Potion 2,000g Recipe
 [Recipe: Astral Alchemist Stone] 3,000g Recipe
Paragon  [Cube of Discovery] Special Utility

Court of Farondis[]

Veridis Fallon
<Court of Farondis Emissary>
Rep Item Cost Type Other
Honored  [Enchanted Stone Whistle] 300g Toy
Pattern: Silkweave Pantaloons (Rank 3) 550g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
 [Vainglorious Draught] 150g Quest
 [Treasure Map: Azsuna] 20g Treasure map
Revered  [Cadet's Gaudy Scarf] 1,000g Cloak
 [Beginner's Guide to Dimensional Rifting] 500g Vanity
 [Vantus Rune Technique: Skorpyron] 900g Inscription technique
 [Vantus Rune Technique: Trilliax] 900g Inscription technique
 [Vantus Rune Technique: High Botanist Tel'arn] 900g Inscription technique
 [Syriel Crescentfall's Notes: Ravenguard] 2,000g Artifact
 [Boon of the Gemfinder] 150g Shoulder enchant
 [Court Scribe] 500g Companion
Exalted  [Once-Fashionable Nar'thalas Leggings] 5,000g Cloth legs
 [Court of Farondis Tabard] 300g Tabard
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Hood (Rank 3) 9g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Gloves (Rank 3) 9g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Robe (Rank 3) 9g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Paragon  [Cloudwing Hippogryph] Special Mount


Sylvia Hartshorn
<Dreamweaver Emissary>
Rep Item Cost Type Other
Friendly  [Path of Elothir] 100g Toy
Honored  [Treasure Map: Val'sharah] 20g Treasure Map
 [Tear of the Green Aspect] 200g Toy
 [Boon of the Harvester] 25s Shoulder Enchant
Revered  [Ash'ana] 500g Companion Pet
 [Moonfeather Statue] 500g Toy
 [Pendant of the Moon Temple] 1,000g Necklace
Exalted  [Pauldrons of Entwined Roots] 205g 40s 91c Leather shoulders
 [Dreamweaver Initiate's Tabard] 300g Tabard
 [Tabard of the Dreamweavers] 600g Tabard
Recipe: Warhide Jerkin 1,500g Leatherworking Rank 3
Formula: Enchant Ring - Word of Versatility 550g Enchanting Rank 3
Recipe: Dreadleather Pants 1,500g Leatherworking Rank 3
Recipe: Dreadleather Mask 1,500g Leatherworking Rank 3
Recipe: Dreadleather Footpads 1,500g Leatherworking Rank 3
Formula: Enchant Ring - Binding of Haste 1,500g Enchanting Rank 3
Formula: Enchant Neck - Mark of the Claw 1,500g Enchanting Rank 2
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Binding of Agility 1,500g Enchanting Rank 3
Paragon  [Wild Dreamrunner] Special Mount

Highmountain Tribe[]

Ransa Greyfeather
<Highmountain Emissary>
Rep Item Cost Type Other
Friendly  [Whitewater Carp] 100g Toy
Honored  [Plans: Gleaming Iron Spike] 550g Blacksmithing plans
Design: Skystone Loop (Rank 3) 550g Jewelcrafting design Rank 3
 [Boon of the Butcher] 100g Shoulder enchant
 [Treasure Map: Highmountain] 20g Treasure map
Revered  [Harpy-Hunter's Gloves] 1,000g Leather hands
 [Darkshard Fragment] 500g Toy
 [Baby Elderhorn] 500g Companion
Recipe: Drums of the Mountain (Rank 2) 550g Leatherworking pattern Rank 2
Exalted  [Mountainforged Chain Hauberk] 5,000g Mail chest
 [Tabard of the Highmountain Tribe] 300g Tabard
Recipe: Demonsteel Armguards (Rank 3) 3,000g Blacksmithing plans Rank 3
Recipe: Demonsteel Gauntlets (Rank 3) 3,000g Blacksmithing plans Rank 3
Recipe: Demonsteel Breastplate (Rank 3) 3,000g Blacksmithing plans Rank 3
Design: Prophetic Band (Rank 3) 3,000g Jewelcrafting design Rank 3
Design: Dawnlight Band (Rank 3) 3,000g Jewelcrafting design Rank 3
Design: Ancient Maelstrom Amulet (Rank 3) 3,000g Jewelcrafting design Rank 3
Recipe: Drums of the Mountain (Rank 3) 3,000g Leatherworking pattern Rank 3
Paragon  [Highmountain Elderhorn] Special Mount

Talon's Vengeance[]

Reputation Item Cost Type
Neutral  [Ivory Talon] 1s PvP item
 [Regurgitated Leaf] 1g Consumable
Friendly  [Bag of Twigs] 10g Consumable
Honored  [Ivory Feather] 100g PvP item
Revered  [Cracked Falcosaur Beak] 1000g Trinket
Exalted  [Ivory Hawkstrider] 10000g Mount

The Nightfallen[]

First Arcanist Thalyssra
Rep Item Cost Type Other
Friendly  [Nightfall Slippers] 500g Cloth feet
 [Irongrove Refugee Boots] 500g Leather hands
 [Footpads of the Nightrunners] 500g Mail hands
 [Scavenged Felsoul Sabatons] 500g Plate hands
Honored  [Braided Manastring Cinch] 1000g Cloth waist
 [Deathlord's Gauntlets] 500g Plate hands
 [Battlelord's Gauntlets] 500g Plate hands
 [Gauntlets of the Silver Hand] 500g Plate hands
 [Farseer's Gauntlets] 500g Mail hands
 [Grips of the Unseen Path] 500g Mail hands
 [Gloves of the Shattered Abyss] 500g Leather hands
 [Gloves of the Dreamgrove] 500g Leather hands
 [Grandmaster's Palms] 500g Leather hands
 [Gloves of the Uncrowned] 500g Leather hands
 [Gloves of Tirisgarde] 500g Cloth hands
 [Gloves of the High Priest] 500g Cloth hands
 [Gloves of the Black Harvest] 500g Cloth hands
 [Mobile Telemancy Beacon] 300g Toy
 [Boon of the Manaseeker] 100g Shoulder enchant
 [Treasure Map: Suramar] 20g Treasure map
Revered  [Mana-Soaked Amethyst Pendant] 5,000g Neck
 [Home Made Party Mask] 500g Toy
 [Extinguished Eye] 500g Companion
Exalted  [Deathlord's Mantle] 500g Plate shoulders
 [Battlelord's Pauldrons] 500g Plate shoulders
 [Spaulders of the Silver Hand] 500g Plate shoulders
 [Farseer's Shoulderguards] 500g Mail shoulders
 [Spaulders of the Unseen Path] 500g Mail shoulders
 [Spaulders of the Shattered Abyss] 500g Leather shoulders
 [Amice of the Dreamgrove] 500g Leather shoulders
 [Grandmaster's Shoulderguards] 500g Leather shoulders
 [Shoulderblades of the Uncrowned] 500g Leather shoulders
 [Mantle of Tirisgarde] 500g Cloth shoulders
 [Spaulders of the High Priest] 500g Cloth shoulders
 [Amice of the Black Harvest] 500g Cloth shoulders
 [Nightfallen Tabard] 300g Tabard
Formula: Enchant Ring - Binding of Critical Strike (Rank 3) 1,500g Enchanting formula Rank 3
Formula: Enchant Ring - Binding of Mastery (Rank 3) 1,500g Enchanting formula Rank 3
Formula: Enchant Ring - Binding of Versatility (Rank 3) 1,500g Enchanting formula Rank 3
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Binding of Intellect (Rank 3) 1,500g Enchanting formula Rank 3
Design: Subtle Shadowruby Pendant (Rank 3) 1,500g Jewelcrafting design Rank 3
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Bracers (Rank 3) 1,500g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Pantaloons (Rank 3) 1,500g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Pattern: Imbued Silkweave Slippers(Rank 3) 1,500g Tailoring pattern Rank 3
Paragon  [Leywoven Flying Carpet] Special Mount

The Wardens[]

Marin Bladewing
<Wardens Emissary>
Rep Item Cost Type Other
Honored  [Trapped Treasure Chest Kit] 300g Toy
 [Schematic: Reinforced Headgun] 550g Engineering schematic Rank 3
 [Schematic: Bolt-Action Headgun] 550g Engineering schematic Rank 3
 [Recipe: Feathered Luffa] 600g First Aid recipe
Revered  [Fledgling Warden Owl] 500g Companion
 [Syxsehnz Rod] 500g Toy
 [Vault Patroller's Warboots] 1,000g Plate boots
 [Vantus Rune Technique: Star Augur Etraeus] 900g Inscription technique Rank 3
 [Vantus Rune Technique: Spellblade Aluriel] 900g Inscription technique Rank 3
 [Vantus Rune Technique: Cenarius] 900g Inscription technique Rank 3
 [Recipe: Spiced Falcosaur Omelet] 1000g Cooking recipe
Exalted  [Boon of the Bloodhunter] 200g Shoulder enchant
 [Drape of the Patient Hunter] 5,000g Cloak
 [Warden's Tabard] 300g Tabard
 [Design: Twisted Pandemonite Choker] 1,500g Jewelcrafting design Rank 3
 [Schematic: Sawed-Off Cranial Cannon] 1,500g Engineering schematic Rank 3
 [Schematic: Semi-Automatic Cranial Cannon] 1,500g Engineering schematic Rank 3
Paragon  [Sira's Extra Cloak] Special Toy


Valdemar Stormseeker
<Valarjar Emissary>
Rep Item Cost Type Other
 [Recipe: Demonsteel Helm] 3,000g Blacksmithing plans Rank 3
Honored  [Vrykul Toy Boat Kit] 10g Vanity
 [Plans: Consecrated Spike] 550g Blacksmithing plans
Recipe: Battlebound Warhelm#Rank 3 550g Leatherworking pattern Rank 3
Recipe: Battlebound Hauberk#Rank 3 550g Leatherworking pattern Rank 3
 [Treasure Map: Stormheim] 20g Treasure map
Revered  [Valarjar Runepriest's Vesture] 1,000g Mail head
 [Death's Door Charm] 500g Toy
 [Boon of the Salvager] 150g Shoulder enchant
 [Sunborne Val'kyr] 500g Companion
Exalted  [Legplates of Forgotten Myth] 5,000g Plate legs
 [Valarjar Tabard] 300g Tabard
 [Recipe: Demonsteel Greaves] 3,000g Blacksmithing plans Rank 3
 [Recipe: Demonsteel Boots] 3,000g Blacksmithing plans Rank 3
Recipe: Gravenscale Leggings#Rank 3 3,000g Leatherworking pattern Rank 3
Recipe: Gravenscale Warhelm#Rank 3 3,000g Leatherworking pattern Rank 3
 [Rod of the Ascended] 2,000g Artifact
Paragon  [Valarjar Stormwing] Special Mount