Lesser Clarity Potion

  • Lesser Clarity Potion
  • Gold 35
  • Non-Combat Consumable
    Regenerates the Hero's mana by 100 over 30 seconds when used.

Regenerates the Hero's mana by 100 over 30 seconds when used.


These can be bought from Ancients of Wonders in Frozen Throne.

Malfurion, Tyrande, and Maiev can find one in Balancing the Scales, chapter 5 of the Frozen Throne sentinels campaign, Terror of the Tides.

In the RPG[]

This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

This concoction resembles a clarity potion, but is translucent rather than opaque. It functions like that potion, but for conferring a reduced benefit.[1]


  1. ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 130

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