List of rogues

This article is a list of rogues that are known from around Azeroth, Outland, alternate Draenor and Argus.

Named rogues[]

Alliance Crest Alliance[]

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Agent Springslip Rogue found in Broken Precipice, Nagrand. SI:7, The Uncrowned Alive
 Amber Kearnen Quest giver in Westfall and Pandaria. Stormwind, SI:7 Deceased
 Anishar Rogue trainer in Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus. Darnassus Alive
 Antone Sula Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Arantir Went to the Redridge Mountains to recover the  [Horns of Nez'ra]. Ravenholdt, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Arthur Huwe Rogue trainer in SI:7, Stormwind City. Stormwind, SI:7, The Uncrowned Alive
 Brink Spannercrank Assassin sent to kill Moira Thaurissan. Later came into the possession of the Scythe of Elune briefly. SI:7 Alive
 Brubaker SI:7 agent sent to spy on the Blackrock presence in Redridge Mountains. Stromwind, SI:7 Deceased
 Burghy Blackheart Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Caelvana Duskwalker Follower. SI:7, Lunarfall Alive
 Calia Hastings Rogue trainer and quest giver in Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh. Stormwind, SI:7 Unknown
 Claire "the Fox" Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Corene Caldwell Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Elling Trias Disguised as a cheese vendor in the Trade District, Stormwind City. Stormwind, SI:7, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Erion Shadewhisper Rogue trainer in Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus. Darnassus, The Uncrowned Alive
 Fenthwick Rogue trainer in Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge. Gnomeregan, Hidden Circle, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Flint Shadowmore Assigned to the Plaguelands partly to gather intelligence on 'the Blightcaller'. Stormwind, SI:7 Alive
 Frahun Shadewhisper Rogue trainer in Aldrassil, Teldrassil. Darnassus, The Uncrowned Alive
 Fredo Assigned to spy on Nathanos Blightcaller. SI:7 Deceased
 Hulda Shadowblade Follower. Dark Iron clan, Lunarfall Alive
 Hulfdan Blackbeard Rogue trainer in Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge. Ironforge, Hidden Circle, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Jannok Breezesong Rogue trainer in Dolanaar, Teldrassil. Darnassus Alive
 Jasper Fel Poison vendor in SI:7, Stormwind City. Stormwind, SI:7, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Jephet Nighthowler Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Jorik Kerridan Rogue trainer in Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest. Stormwind Alive
 Justine DeGroot Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Kelsey Steelspark Rogue trainer in New Tinkertown, Dun Morogh. A key member of the Gnomeregan Covert Ops. Gnomeregan, Gnomeregan Covert Ops, The Uncrowned Alive
 Keryn Sylvius Rogue trainer in Lion's Pride Inn, Elwynn Forest. Stormwind, SI:7 Alive
 Kialon Nightblade Rogue found in Sylvanaar, Blade's Edge Mountains. Darnassus (presumed) Alive
 Kilandric Hawkstrike Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Kyrai Poison vendor in the Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus. Darnassus, The Uncrowned Alive
 Lowping Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Master Mathias Shaw Leader of SI:7. He calls himself master of all assassins. Stormwind, SI:7, Stormwind Assassin's Guild, The Uncrowned Alive
 Nihil Tel'alara Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Lord Tony Romano Rogue trainer in SI:7, Stormwind City. Stormwind, SI:7, The Uncrowned Alive
 Loren the Fence Rogue trainer in Gilneas, and later in The Howling Oak, Darnassus. Gilneas, The Uncrowned Alive
 Ormyr Flinteye Rogue trainer in Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge. Ironforge, Hidden Circle Alive
 Osborne the Night Man Rogue trainer in SI:7, Stormwind City. Stormwind, SI:7 Alive
 Owynn Graddock Strike-Team leader sent to kill Moira Thaurissan. Later a quest giver in Frostfire Ridge. SI:7 Alive
 Peng Stealthpaw Follower. Tushui Pandaren, Lunarfall Alive
 Renzik "The Shiv" SI:7's second in command. Stormwind, SI:7, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Rutger Assigned to spy on Nathanos Blightcaller. SI:7 Deceased
 Solm Hargrin Rogue trainer in Kharanos, Dun Morogh. Ironforge Alive
 Syndee Sparkblade Follower. Lunarfall Alive
 Syurna Rogue trainer in Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus. Darnassus Alive
 Tess Greymane Princess of Gilneas, Shadow and Champion of The Uncrowned. Gilneas, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Timothy Daniels Reagent and poison vendor located at Orebor Harborage, Zangarmarsh. Stromwind Alive
 Turyen Assigned to spy on Nathanos Blightcaller. SI:7 Deceased
 Tyrion Former quest giver in Stormwind Keep. Gnomeregan, SI:7 Unknown
 Weldon Barov True heir to the House of Barov. Stormwind, Barov Industries, Lunarfall Alive
 Wiley the Black Quest giver in Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains. Stormwind, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Zelena Moonbreak Follower. Lunarfall Alive

Horde Crest Horde[]

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Aleric Hawkins Potential leader of the Deathstalkers following Varimathras' betrayal. Undercity, Deathstalkers, The Uncrowned Active
 Alessandro Luca Vendor found in The Apothecarium, Undercity. Undercity, The Uncrowned Active
 Alexi Barov True heir to the House of Barov. Barov Industries Active
 Apothecary Keever Assistant to Master Apothecary Faranell. Undercity, Royal Apothecary Society, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Active
 Ariiya Sunblood Follower. Frostwall Alive
 Belmont Commander of the Deathstalkers. Undercity, Deathstalkers, The Uncrowned Active
 Boss Mida The one in charge of The Goblin Slums of Orgrimmar. Bilgewater Cartel, The Uncrowned Alive
 Carolyn Ward Rogue trainer in Rogues' Quarter, Undercity. Undercity Active
 Charles Seaton Blade vendor located in Rogues' Quarter, Undercity. Undercity, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Active
 Darlia Poison vendor in Murder Row, Silvermoon City. Silvermoon, The Uncrowned Alive
 David Trias Rogue trainer in Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades. Undercity, Deathstalkers Active
 Deathstalker Maudria Quest giver found in Galen's Fall, Arathi Highlands. Undercity, Deathstalkers Active
 Elara Rogue trainer in Murder Row, Silvermoon City. Silvermoon Alive
 Gest Rogue trainer in Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar. Orgrimmar, Shattered Hand Alive
 Gordul Leader of The Shattered Hand. Orgrimmar, Shattered Hand, The Uncrowned Alive
 Gregory Charles Rogue trainer in Rogues' Quarter, Undercity. Undercity, The Uncrowned Active
 Grelwaz Redknife Follower. Frostwall Alive
 Jes'rimon Rogue found in The Drag, Orgrimmar. Darkspear tribe, Shattered Hand, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Kablouie One-Eye Follower. Bilgewater Cartel, Frostwall Alive
 Kaplak Rogue trainer in Razor Hill, Durotar. Orgrimmar, Shattered Hand, The Uncrowned Alive
 Kareth Blade vendor in Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar. Orgrimmar, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Kilrath Quest giver in Terokkar Forest and Wintergrasp. Warsong Offensive, Bleeding Hollow clan, The Uncrowned Alive
 Lai Follower. Huojin Pandaren, Frostwall Alive
 Lawrence Sharp Follower. Frostwall Active
 Marion Call Rogue trainer in Brill, Tirisfal Glades. Undercity, Deathstalkers Active
 Master Apothecary Faranell Leader of the Royal Apothecary Society. Undercity, Royal Apothecary Society, The Uncrowned Alive
 Miles Dexter Rogue trainer in Rogues' Quarter, Undercity. Undercity Active
 Miragohn Mixmaster Bartender found in The Goblin Slums, Orgrimmar. Bilgewater Cartel, The Uncrowned Alive
 Nerisen Rogue trainer in Murder Row, Silvermoon City. Silvermoon Alive
 Night-Stalker Ku'nanji Rogue trainer in Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar. Darkspear tribe, The Uncrowned Alive
 Omril Keenedge Follower. Frostwall Alive
 Ormok Rogue trainer in Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar. Orgrimmar, Shattered Hand Alive
 Pathstalker Avokor Rogue trainer in The Sunspire, Eversong Woods. Silvermoon Alive
 Pinkee Rizzo Follower. Bilgewater Cartel, Frostwall Alive
 Qwilla Bloodedge Follower. Frostwall Alive
 Rendrol Goreslash Follower. Frostwall Alive
 Rwag Rogue trainer in The Den, Durotar. Orgrimmar, Shattered Hand Alive
 Rokaro Champion of the Horde found in Desolace. Orgrimmar (presumed) Alive
 Sanzi Barmaid found in The Goblin Slums, Orgrimmar. Bilgewater Cartel, The Uncrowned Alive
 Shenthul Former rogue trainer in Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar. Darkspear tribe, Shattered Hand Unknown
 Skalliz Skullslice Follower. Bilgewater Cartel, Frostwall Alive
 Tannaria Rogue trainer in Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods. Silvermoon Alive
 Vaal'kelthos Dawngrief Follower. Frostwall Alive
 Vaz'rek Follower. Darkspear tribe, Frostwall Alive
 Vinemaster Suntouched Wine vendor in Silvermoon City Inn, Silvermoon City. Silvermoon, The Uncrowned Alive
 Vivalia Sundagger Follower. Frostwall Alive
 Zelanis Rogue trainer in Murder Row, Silvermoon City. Silvermoon, The Uncrowned Alive

Neutral Neutral[]

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Carlo Aurelius Rogue found in Ravenholdt Manor, Hillsbrad Foothills. Ravenholdt Alive
 Dirk Thunderwood Quest giver in Cenarion Hold, Silithus. Cenarion Circle, Ravenholdt, The Uncrowned Alive
 Fahrad Saved Wrathion when he was still in his egg. Ravenholdt Deceased
 Fleet Admiral Tethys Leader of the Bloodsail Buccaneers and a Shadow of The Uncrowned. Bloodsail Buccaneers, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Garona Halforcen Murderer of King Llane Wrynn, personal spy of Gul'dan. Now a member of The Uncrowned. The Uncrowned Alive
 Garona Halforcen Personal spy of Gul'dan. Independent Alive
 Goldmane the Skinner Follower. Garrison Alive
 Ian Strom Rogue trainer in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale. Blackwater Raiders, Booty Bay Alive
 Invar One-Arm First Chief Assassin of the Scarlet Crusade. Scarlet Crusade, Dalaran Unknown
 Kimzee Pinchwhistle Leader of Pinchwhistle Gearworks Pinchwhistle Gearworks Alive
 Lonika Stillblade Founder and owner of the Rogue Academy in World's End Tavern, Shattrath City. Lower City, School of Roguery, The Uncrowned Alive
 Lord Jorach Ravenholdt Leader of the Ravenholdt and The Uncrowned. Ravenholdt, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Marin Noggenfogger Baron of of Gadgetzan and champion of The Uncrowned. Gadgetzan, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
  Matthew Younglove Follower. Garrison Alive
 Milton Beats Ambushes no-rogue people trying to enter in The Hall of Shadows. Ravenholdt, The Uncrowned Alive
 Moroes Karazhan's steward and can be found tending to guests in the Banquet Hall. Medivh Active
 Myrokos Silentform Rogue found in Ravenholdt Manor, Hillsbrad Foothills. Ravenholdt, The Uncrowned Alive
 Nargle Boomslang Marin Noggenfogger's personal assistant. The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Pallas Follower. The Saberstalkers (presumed) Alive
 Smudge Thunderwood Poison vendor in Ravenholdt Manor, Hillsbrad Foothills. Ravenholdt, The Uncrowned Alive
 Valeera Sanguinar Shadow and champion of the The Uncrowned Anduin Wrynn, New Council of Tirisfal, The Uncrowned Alive
 Vanessa VanCleef Champion of The Uncrowned and former leader of the Defias Brotherhood. The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Taoshi Taran Zhu's right hand and Shadow of The Uncrowned Shadow-Pan, The Uncrowned, Armies of Legionfall Alive
 Yana Bloodspear The Second Chief Assassin of the Scarlet Crusade. Scarlet Crusade Unknown

Mob Hostile[]

Name Role Affiliation Status
 Bazil Thredd Leaded the bandits of the Defias Brotherhood in Stormwind Stockade. Defias Brotherhood Deceased
 Bazzalan One of the former three leaders of the Searing Blade cult in Ragefire Chasm. Searing Blade Unknown
 Benny Blaanco Leaded the Defias Brotherhood in Furlbrow's Pumpkin Patch, Westfall. Defias Brotherhood Unknown
 Edwin VanCleef Former leader of the Defias Brotherhood. Defias Brotherhood Deceased
 Fenissa the Assassin Infiltrated The Exodar before it crashed on Azuremyst Isles. Sunfury Deceased - Killable
 Kagani Nightstrike Minion of Priestess Delrissa at the Observation Grounds, Magisters' Terrace. Burning Legion Deceased - Killable
 Lord Falconcrest Leader of the Syndicate. Syndicate Deceased
 Mad Magglish Rogue who stole some  [99-Year-Old Port] from Ratchet. Steamwheedle Cartel Killable
 Marzon the Silent Blade Freelance asassin currently in the employ of Lord Gregor Lescovar. Defias Brotherhood Deceased
 Rohan the Assassin One of the deadliest assassins of the Scarlet Crusade, and then of the Risen. Risen Deceased - Killable
 Veras Darkshadow Member of the Illidari Council. Illidari Deceased - Killable

Unnamed rogues[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.