Marion Call

HordeMarion Call
Image of Marion Call
Title <Rogue Trainer>
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity, Deathstalkers
Location Gallows' End Tavern, Tirisfal Glades[62, 52]
Status Active

Marion Call is a Forsaken rogue trainer located in Gallows' End Tavern in Brill in Tirisfal Glades.



Rogue gossip

With the sanction of Lady Sylvanas, the Deathstalkers' numbers grow. More blades to strike at our enemies when they least expect it.

Gossip Enter the Proving Grounds

Non-rogue gossip

I can not train you. You need to talk to your class trainer.


Rogue gossip

With the sanction of Lord Varimathras, the Deathstalkers' numbers grow. More blades to strike at our enemies when they least expect it.

Trainer I would like to train.

See also[]

External links[]