
  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
No image available
Gender Male
Race Tuskarr (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Iskaara Tuskarr
Location Iskaara, Azure Span
Status Alive
Relative(s) Hanu (wife), Neelo and Nau (children)

Norukk is a tuskarr located in Iskaara in the Azure Span.

After the tuskarr caravan was ambushed by the Shadepaw gnolls, Norukk and some others were taken prisoner. His wife Hanu resolved to find him and asked the adventurer to locate him inside Kargpaw's Den. He feigned death from the corrupted gnolls and was ultimately found. After reuniting with Hanu, they traveled to Iskaara.


[Highland Drake: Spiked Cheek]
50 Dragon Isles Supplies
[Highland Drake: Multi-Horned Head]
50 Dragon Isles Supplies
[Highland Drake: Bushy Brow]
50 Dragon Isles Supplies
[Highland Drake: Bladed Tail]
100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Highland Drake: Larged Spotted Pattern
100 Dragon Isles Supplies
[Highland Drake: Thorn Horns]
100 Dragon Isles Supplies
[Windborne Velocidrake: Blue Scales]
1 Awakened Frost400 Dragon Isles Supplies
[Renewed Proto-Drake: Blue Scales]
1 Awakened Frost400 Dragon Isles Supplies
[Cliffside Wylderdrake: Blue Scales]
1 Awakened Frost400 Dragon Isles Supplies


Objective of[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.



Outside Kargpaw's Den

<Norukk peers curiously through his thick glasses.>

In Iskaara

Hello again, traveler. Bring any news from afar?

I'll have you know my ecological research is not limited to gnolls. I also take a keen interest in dragons, and their many forms.

Feel free to come and chat with me about them any time.

Buy Let me browse your goods.

Gossip <Ask how Scaps is doing.>

Ah, as hesitant as I was, it is fascinating to watch the little creature grow!
So long as he is satiated with fish, he seems to be under control, surprisingly. He's only tried to bite Neelo twice now, and no harm was done either time. Us tuskarr have thick hides.
It is not the first time an abandoned gnoll child has rolled up to our shore. The tribe is wary but tolerant of them. They all leave, after a while, either to find their own kind or to hunt alone. I have no doubt Scaps will be the same.
I just hope the kids won't be too disappointed.
In ??

Gnolls are interesting creatures. Vicious and deadly and eternal enemies of us tuskarr... but interesting!

Buy Let me browse your goods.


Main article: Gnoll Way Out#Notes
Main article: Urgent Action Required#Notes
Main article: Spreading Decay#Notes
Main article: Breaching the Brackenhide#Notes
Main article: Orientation: Iskaara#Notes
Main article: Can We Keep It?#Notes


  • Greetings
    • Ah, hello there.
    • And who might you be?
    • Goodness, you're new!
    • Well hello!
  • Farewell
    • Do come see me again.
    • Thanks for your input.
    • We'll meet again, I'm sure.
    • You're just fascinating.
  • Irritated
    • My observations indicate that you're pushing it!

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