- ️Tue Jul 19 2016
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Title |
Eagle Spirit, Wild God of the Wind,[1][2][3] Windmother,[4][5][6] Sky Mother,[7][8] Eagle Mother,[9] Mother Eagle[10] |
Gender | Female |
Race(s) | Eagle Wild God (Beast) |
Level | 62-65 Elite |
Reaction | Alliance Horde |
Location |
Spiritwatch Point and Trueshot Lodge, Highmountain; Ohn'ahra's Roost, Ohn'ahran Plains[57.5, 31.92] |
Status | Alive |
Relative(s) | Ohuna (descendants) |
Ohn'ahra is the Wild God of the Wind.[1][2][3] She takes the form of a giant eagle spirit[11] and has power over wind magic.[12] She is the namesake of the Ohn'ahran Plains on the Dragon Isles, and the ancestor of all ohuna.[5][13] The Maruuk centaur worship her, and the mystics of Clan Ohn'ir interpret her winds to advise their people.[5] She also has close ties to the tauren of Highmountain and the famous spear Talonclaw.
Ancient times[]

Talonclaw, the Eagle Spear.
Long before the War of the Ancients, Ohn'ahra was saved from an attack of fire elementals by Moren Highmountain, a chieftain of the tauren Highmountain Tribe. In thanks, Ohn'ahra infused a portion of her essence into Moren's spear, gifting it with magical abilities. Moren, in turn, carved Ohn'ahra's name onto the haft of the weapon, which his people took to calling "the Eagle Spear" in the Wild God's honor, and which would, generations later, become known as "Talonclaw". Ever since, Ohn'ahra has had a unique connection to the spear's wielders.[11]

A massive statue of Ohn'ahra atop Ohn'ahra's Roost.
During the War of the Ancients, Ohn'ahra blessed the Maruuk centaur, led by the namesake Maruuk and Teera, and guided them as they journeyed across Kalimdor in search of a new home. Her winds traveled alongside the centaur and guided their hooves until, after months of wandering, they arrived in what is now the Ohn'ahran Plains on the Dragon Isles. Ohn'ahra then showed herself to the centaur, revealing that it was she who had been their guide, and sang a "song of a new beginning" to let them know that the plains would be their new home.[1][6] She has watched over the centaur of the plains ever since,[14] and she helped to arbitrate the pact between Teera and the green dragonflight.[5] Before the green dragons left the plains, they held a ceremony with the Maruuk at the Horn of Drusahl. Ohn'ahra blessed the Horn, summoning great winds to blow through it.[15] In time, the centaur who felt a connection to Ohn'ahra came together and formed Clan Ohn'ir so they could learn more about her call together.[7]
Legend has it that when the legendary tauren chieftain Huln Highmountain neared the end of his life, Ohn'ahra herself appeared to carry his spirit into the sky so he could join his ancestors. Years later, the twins Arien and Gardrel Highmountain (the wielder of Talonclaw and the chieftain of the Highmountain Tribe, respectively) befriended the night elves of the Unseen Path. While leading the elves up the slopes of a peak in Highmountain, Talonclaw began to glow, and Arien instinctively lifted it into the sky just as a cascade of golden energy erupted and took the shape of a great eagle. Arien and Gardrel remembered the lore of their tribe and realized that the mountain was blessed by Ohn'ahra. It was thus renamed Talon Peak in the Eagle Spirit's honor, with the Unseen Path founding the Trueshot Lodge upon its slopes.[11]
This section concerns content related to Legion.

Ohn'ahra in Highmountain.

A statue of Ohn'ahra at Trueshot Lodge.
Talonclaw was eventually lost when Dorro Highmountain attempted to track down the elusive beast Dakarr. In the years that followed, brave hunters occasionally sought Ohn'ahra's blessing to attempt to claim the spear for themselves, but none ever returned. Keeping in line with the tradition, Apata Highmountain and a hunter adventurer traveled to Spiritwatch Point in Highmountain in preparation for tracking down the weapon, but when they arrived they found that Ohn'ahra had been imprisoned in the Bartering Cave by a Bloodtotem druid named Degar, who sought to claim Talonclaw for his own tribe. After the adventurer killed Degar and freed Ohn'ahra, the eagle gave them her blessing[16] before transforming them and Apata into spirit eagles in order to quickly transport them to Dakarr's lair in the Helmouth Shallows.[17]
Shortly after, Ohn'ahra appeared before the gathered hunters of the Unseen Path at Trueshot Lodge to give them her blessing. This was the first time she'd appeared to the order since its founding, and Emmarel Shadewarden interpreted it as a sign that the order would triumph against the Burning Legion.[18]
During the Night of the Wilds, when Odyn invited hunter heroes to hunt animal spirits in the Fields of the Eternal Hunt, Ohn'ahra was present to observe the event.[19]
This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Ohn'ahra captured by Koroleth atop Windsong Rise.
After the awakening of the Dragon Isles, as the Maruuk centaur gathered for the Khural, Ohn'ahra sent an omen of a coming storm to Ohn Seshteng.[10] In Maruukai, Tigari Khan helped Seshteng clarify the omen, revealing that Ohn'ahra herself was in danger from a coming betrayal.[20] After Balakar Khan and Clan Nokhud allied with the Primalists and betrayed the other clans, Khanam Matra Sarest decided to blow the Horn of Drusahl and renew her ancestors' alliance with the green dragonflight in order to even the odds against the Nokhud. She ordered the mystics of Clan Ohn'ir to find Ohn'ahra and ask for her blessing, which was needed to blow the Horn.[21][22]
However, none of the Ohn'ir were able to contact the Windmother: the storm had "cast a cloud over her", and her voice was silent.[23][12] At Windsong Rise, the Primalists captured Ohn'ahra's ohuna children,[24] corrupted their magic with storm sorcery, and infused it into bolts for their new dragonkiller ballista weapons.[25] Ohn'ahra sensed that her children was in danger and arrived in person,[26] allowing the Primalist leader Koroleth to capture her with storm magic, though she was only able to just barely restrain the Wild God. Adventurers and the Ohn'ir initiate Boku discovered what was happening and tried to dispel Koroleth's binding runes to let Ohn'ahra break free, but Koroleth stopped their efforts by knocking them off a cliff.[27]

Balakar holding Ohn'ahra captive in Nokhudon Hold.
Koroleth brought the captive Ohn'ahra to the Horn of Drusahl[28] and forced her to bless Balakar, allowing him to blow the Horn and summon the green dragons Merithra, Gerithus, and Solethus into a trap that resulted in Solethus' death. Koroleth then forced Ohn'ahra to teleport her and Balakar away in a flurry of wind.[29][30] While Koroleth and the Primalists attacked the Emerald Gardens, the Nokhud began an offensive across the plains. Balakar retreated with Ohn'ahra into Nokhudon Hold,[31] intending to use the wounded spirit's power to create a storm that would "bring forth a mightier Maruuk".[9] Ohn'ahra's fury created raging storm winds across the plains,[32] which the Nokhud casters used to conjure a Raging Tempest at the Ohn'iri Springs.[33] Adventurers helped Khanam Matra Sarest rally the Teerai, Ohn'ir, and Shikaar for an attack on Nokhudon Hold and engaged Balakar. During the battle, the khan completed a ritual to infuse himself with Ohn'ahra's power, but the adventurers killed him and freed the Windmother,[9] ending the storm and allowing her to return to her roost above Maruukai.

An Ohn'ahran shrine in Teerakai.
To the Maruuk, Ohn'ahra is more than a mere spirit: she is their goddess.[34] Centaur who feel a direct connection to Ohn'ahra are organized into Clan Ohn'ir, whose members spend their lives honing their connection to the Windmother.[4][35] Ohn'ahra does not speak in language. Instead, her voice carries through the very winds. The Ohn'ir are trained to feel her presence and interpret her songs[10] to advise the rest of their people.[4][5] The mystics carry totems infused with her wind magic.[12] When they hear Ohn'ahra calling to them, they use reagents to bind totems to that particular call, allowing them to perform a ritual to center the Windmother's voice and interpret her message.[10] Such work must be done quickly, as Ohn'ahra's voice is fleeting.[36] However, the Ohn'ir also believe that her voice is omnipresent and speaks to everyone, and that one only needs to listen.[10][37] The Ohn'ir carve wind chimes to allow others to hear Ohn'ahra's presence.[38] The sacred Windsong Rise is the place where the Maruuk's connection to Ohn'ahra is strongest.[39]
The Maruuk believe that the spirits of dead centaur live with Ohn'ahra in the sky and run alongside her on the winds.[40][41][42] A single touch from one of Ohn'ahra's feathers is "enough to guide a thousand spirits to safer realms".[8] Although all ohuna are Ohn'ahra's offspring,[13] some are especially blessed by her and are known as "Children of Ohn'ahra". When an Ohn'ir mystic dies, if they are considered worthy, a Child of Ohn'ahra brings their spirit to Windsong Rise to become one with the wind and sky.[24][43]
Although Ohn'ahra is mainly associated with wind, her power can also be turned towards thunder and lightning.[9][33] However, the Maruuk consider storms to be her most dire warning and an affront to her gift.[10] They therefore view storm magic as a sacrilege to her gift of winds.[44] Clan Nokhud willingly severed their connection to Ohn'ahra when they embraced storm magic,[45] and Balakar Khan believed that the storm was the true expression of the Windmother's power.[9]
Ohn'ahra is also revered by the Highmountain tauren, Windtotem tribe, and the hunters of the Unseen Path, though not nearly to the extent that the Maruuk worship her.
Criteria of[]
Patch changes[]
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.